Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1362

Episode 1362. I was asked, but not from the church.

At King Raoul Brosnan’s words, Elio smiled bitterly.


Considering only the current war, serving Ushas Undra as a god, who provides practical help to the southern kingdom, is not a wrong choice.

However, Ushas Undra’s supply of new weapons to the southern kingdom is not to help the southern kingdom.

He can only hope that this war will intensify a little and last longer.

If you follow him, it will look good for now, but you will be plunged into deeper despair.

“I think His Highness the King forgot what I said earlier?”

King Raoul Brosnan tilted his head.

“The purpose of Ushas Undra is not to win the southern kingdom, but to continue this war. If this world is devastated by endless wars… Eventually, Shaitin, an evil god of greater chaos that humans cannot handle, may descend.”

“Did the priests of Manaptras say that?”

“no. It is still just my opinion.”

“What are you worried about when you have the creator god Mana Phthras and his loyal paladins? And…”

The king, who looked around slightly, continued to speak.

“It is better to continue this war than to be dominated by the Imperial Army. Nothing lasts forever, so won’t it come to an end someday?”

Elio had nothing to say.

The king seemed more afraid of ‘losing the war’ than ‘the future of this world’.

“All right. Then just let me know where Magenta, the black market manager, is.”

“Why are you looking for him?”

“If he is Ushas Undra, I will kill him.”

King Raoul Brosnan was taken aback when he said he would kill God.

“I’m sorry if it hurts him, but I can’t tell you. As you know, the southern kingdom absolutely needs his help.”

“And even if this world perishes?”

“The evil god Shaytin will be stopped by the creator god Mana Phras.”

‘Hey man, wake up from your dream. If that was possible, Manaptras wouldn’t have called me.’

However, Elio could not bear to say such a thing to the king.

Because that too is a heretical claim to blasphemy.

Elio, who was looking at the king with complicated eyes, spoke calmly.

“I ask you one last time. where is magenta? Try to answer yourself as much as possible. You know I’m a magic swordsman, right?”

“Couldn’t it be… Are you trying to use mind magic on me, the king of Adria? If that happens, it will be a feat for the southern kingdoms?”

The angry King Raoul Brosnan’s words were shortened a little.

As the king’s expression hardened, the atmosphere in the central hall cooled for an instant.

The eyes of the great aristocrats who were chatting were focused on the table of honor.

“It’s not mind magic. Should I just tell the truth? Of course, there are no side effects like that. It’s just an experience where the mind and mouth are separated. how? Would you like to have that experience?”

The king gritted his teeth and glared at Count Elio Lagoa.

“There is no need for that. I will give you the answer you want.”

King Raoul Brosnan did not fully believe Count Lagoa’s words that there were no side effects.

Rather than confiding in the mind magic, I thought I’d just tell him.

“He is now in the Islands on a request from the Southern Kingdom.”

“When it comes to institutions, the scope is too broad.”

“I am meeting with the owners of the Magic Tower, except for the Three Great Magic Towers.”

“The owners of the Mage Tower?”

King Raoul Brosnan looked at the Count of Lagoa with a sullen face.

Looking at his expression, he seemed to be contemplating whether or not to say more.

Elio waited for the King to speak.

This is because pushing too hard can have the opposite effect.

As if he had finally decided, King Raoul Brosnan’s mouth opened.

“Hmm! It’s related to the Count of Lagoa to some extent, so I’ll tell you. Intelligence has come in that the Imperial Army is being reorganized around musketeers. It looks like the swordsman will be replaced with a musketeer first.”

“Is that possible during a war?”

“Reorganizing a unit in the Imperial Territory, not an Expeditionary Force… what’s the difficulty? It is enough to reorganize the mainland unit and exchange the expeditionary force and the mainland musketeer unit.”


An exclamation escaped Elio’s lips.

Until now, I thought I was too focused on the expeditionary force.

There were far more troops left in the Empire than the Expeditionary Force.

It was said that after training those units as musketeers, they would be replaced with expeditionary forces.

“But what does that have to do with me?”

What does it have to do with you whether or not the imperial army is turned into a musketeer?

In an instant, King Raoul Brosnan’s expression changed slightly.

If a little while ago he was displeased, now his face is intrigued.

“The crown prince plans to arm the imperial soldiers with excitium. It means that the Excitium, which was given only to one or two special ops units, will be given to all gunmen. It could be said that something like a disaster happened to the knights and wizards.”

“Does the Empire have that much money?”

“Who knows? However, it is true that the Three Demon Towers went into mass production of Excitium.”

“Why is Magenta meeting the tower masters?”

“Why? If the Three Magic Towers start selling Excitium in earnest, the other Magic Towers will slowly walk the path of extinction. So I told them to meet and persuade the neglected Mage Tower owners. I want you to sell excitium to the southern kingdom. Magenta is in the midst of such an important mission. The Count told me to hand over that magenta.”

“I apologize for that. But…”

“Okay. As for me, I can only hope that Magenta is not Ushas Undra.”

King Raoul Brosnan hated the Count of Lagoa who was aiming for Magenta, but on the other hand, he sympathized with him to some extent.

Even a little bit of entanglement with the evil god, Shaitin, would become a problem later on.

The dynasty may change after the war is over.

Rather, it was better to follow Count Lagoa’s words.

To be honest, it wasn’t something I could refuse just because I was against it.

“Thank you for Your Highness’ cooperation.”

“If you’re grateful, can’t you work hard for the Southern Kingdom, an ally?”

“I’d like to, but breaking the evil god Shaitin’s conspiracy is the priority right now… I’m sorry.”

“It’s the evil god Shaitin’s conspiracy… What is the Mana Phras Church doing, and the Count is doing it? Have you ever received a request from the church?”

“I was asked, but not from the Order.”

“It’s strange. That’s not something an individual, no matter how grand master, can do. So, I see. Now that this has happened, can I ask you a favor?”

“If I can do anything, I will do it.”

Elio responded positively to maintain good relations with the southern kingdoms.

“If Magenta is not Ushas Undra… I hope you will help the Count while he is in the islands.”

“I have no intention of doing anything related to the war.”

“Oh, I think you misunderstood. I meant to keep him from dying.”

“I have urgent business to do, so I don’t have time to go looking for him. But I will not allow him to be killed in front of me. That’s about all I can promise you.”

“That is enough.”

King Raoul Brosnan nodded with a satisfied face.

Although the beginning was not good, it could be said that it was a satisfactory result.

‘Now I have to pray that Magenta is no longer Ushas Undra.’

King Raoul Brosnan let out a long sigh.

We’ve done everything we can as humans, and what’s left is the realm of God.

‘Dear Mana Phras. If Magenta is the Ushas Wound, the southern kingdom will perish. Please stop such a thing.’

The nobles, who had been watching the king and the count of Lagoa, continued their chatter that had stopped.


Londinium Empire.

The capital, Petropolis, Jung-gu.

The Great War of Manaphthras.

Almatio, the only priest in the Great Temple, looked at the priests with a solemn face.

“His Holiness said that he had recently heard a strange story from a great nobleman. The gods were involved in a war between the Empire and the Southern Kingdom. Does anyone know about it?”

Priest Protaus shook his head.

At that time, the chief priest of Deftero, who was tilting his head, spoke cautiously.

“Almatio. I think I heard something similar a while ago. At that time, I just thought it was nonsense and threw it away. But if His Holiness would mention it… isn’t it a serious problem?”

“I guess the chief priest of Deftero knew about it. Why didn’t you report it to me? I didn’t say anything in front of His Holiness and just listened.”

When Priest Almatio made a scolding remark, Chief Priest Deftero hurriedly made an excuse.

“sorry. It was so absurd… I thought it would fade away soon.”

Then, Protaus Priest asked the Chief Priest Deftero secretly.

“What kind of content is it that you say is absurd?”

“It is as the priest said. It is said that the gods are behind the war between the Empire and the Southern Kingdoms. It is said that the evil god Shaytin used humans to take revenge on the creator god…”

“The evil god Shaytin was forever sealed beyond Scutum (the northern ice wall), how?”

“That… They say that the base of the evil god Shaitin is not Tamion beyond Scutum, but Abyss. That’s why there are monsters in the Abyss…”

“Sounds crazy. The Abyss is the abode of Ushas Undra. But how could the evil god Shaitin be there? It’s the lies of heretics! Who the hell is saying that?”

In the Order of Manafthras, Ushas Undra is one of the many gods following Manafthras.

To say that the evil god Shaytin was in the Abyss, the dwelling place of Ushas Undra, was a far cry.

As the priest raised his voice, Priest Almatio lightly tapped the table with the palm of his hand.

“quiet. It was a rumor that flowed from the southern expeditionary force. It is said that now, whenever the great nobles of the system gather, they talk about it. The imperial family seems to want the church to clear up the rumor.”

Then the priest of Protaus asked.

“If it’s a rumor from the expeditionary force, wouldn’t it be quicker for the imperial family to sort it out?”

“There is a problem with the initial source of the rumor. The first person to say that was Count Elio Lagoa. The fact that they explored the unexplored lands of the Abyss… seems to have had a bigger ripple effect.”

The priests were speechless at the word Elio, Count Lagoa.

When I think of the terrible incidents and accidents that the Grand Master from the North, Count Elio Lagoa, heard heresy, it went in.

When the noisy priests became quiet for a moment, the priest of Almatio shouted ‘Ttk!’ and clicked his tongue.

Of course, it’s not something I can’t understand.

However, seeing that he can’t even keep his mouth open when the person concerned is not there, it’s kind of annoying.

“Send an order to investigate Count Lagoa to Priest Paladin Metatron. It has not been confirmed that he spread heretical rumors, so be polite.”

It was a special request that Metatron added because he was cruel to heresy.


Priest Protaus did not say anything.

Metatron is a strong man who has reached the middle between a sword master and a grand master.

Since it uses divine power, there is a plausible argument that it is a mage swordsman by secular standards, so his actual skill will be higher than that of a grand master.

Although he had never met Archduke Knauf, so it was still only a vague guess.

Therefore, there was no one more suitable for the investigation of Count Lagoa.

If it was a heretic, Metatron, who was exceptionally trembling, would take a little bit of heart, but I had no doubt that he would take care of himself as he was his opponent.

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