Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1371

Episode 1371. Metatron jumped up from his place of

faith and self-confidence, put on a gray robe and left the closet.

After passing through the slums and entering the downtown area, it became a conflict whether I was doing something useless or not.

Count Helio Lagoa is yet to be revealed whether he is an enemy or a friend of the Church.

Where is that?

Today, along with the Paladins of the Order, he condemned and tried to kill him.

The stride that had been walking gradually slowed down.

Whether he was an apostle of Shastra Parakti or not, he was not qualified to ask him for advice.

Metatron stopped when he saw the sign of Fermosa Estella in the distance.

‘Mana Phrass! What should I do?’

But God did not respond as always.

Metatron crouched in the dark, out of reach of the streetlights.

Wandering as an orphan, he was kidnapped by a black magician and suffered all kinds of trouble before being saved by a paladin.

The church tried to kill him, claiming that he was an assistant to the black magician, but he was only able to save his life with the assurance of a paladin.

After that, he tried hard to prove that he was a kidnapped victim.

The history of being an assistant to a black magician followed him even after he became a temple knight.

The teacher’s words, ‘there are many flaws,’ were alluding to them.

In the meantime, he pushed himself more harshly than any priest.

However, his faith did not grow even though he repented in his closet all day.

Even if he became a paladin, the highest peak of a paladin, that was the place.

Wouldn’t it be enough to consider that Mana Phthras is ignoring you?

While Metatron was drowning in self-pity, someone approached.

Metatron, who had inadvertently raised his head, hurriedly looked away.

It was because the person approaching was Baron Fabian Cloud, a vassal of Count Helio Lagoa.

“Are you here to seek revenge?”

At his words, Metatron was so ridiculous that he laughed poodle poodle.

“I am also a person who knows the subject, so how can I?”

“Anyway, I will bring you.”

Surprised by the unexpected words, Metatron raised his head.

“The Count of Lagoa?”



Then Fabian shrugged.

“I don’t know either. I was just told to bring the Holy Knight.”

Metatron, who was staring blankly at Baron Cloud, slowly rose from his seat.

Overwhelmed by the paladin’s gigantic size, Fabian naturally turned around.

Metatron followed Baron Cloud with a face that had put everything down.

Fermosa Estella.

Fabian escorted Metatron to Elio and moved to another seat.

Elio said to Metatron, who was standing with a complicated face.

“Sit down.”

Metatron sat quietly in the seat across from Count Lagoa.

“It doesn’t look like you’re here to assassinate. Do you have any business?”

After thinking about something for a while, Metatron struggled to open his mouth.

“Are you really the disciple of Lord Shastra Parakti?”

“I’m good at talking nonsense, but I don’t lie.”

Metatron, unable to tell the difference between nonsense and lies, lightly frowned.

But at least I got the feeling it wasn’t a lie.

“You called yourself ‘an unbeliever who believes in no god’. How can such a person become a disciple of Lord Shastra Parakti?”

“Aha, I need some explanation. I know that the god Shastra Parakti exists. Even a very, very close relationship. However, that doesn’t mean they serve or worship Shastra Parakti. That’s why it was called an apostle. For now, that’s what best describes my relationship with Shastra Parakti. The Shastra Parakti Church will undoubtedly recognize me as an apostle.”

“You have a close relationship with Shastra Parakti, but you do not serve or worship?”


Metatron looked at Count Lagoa with an even more puzzled face.

A blasphemous close relationship with a goddess?

It was a sound he could not comprehend in his head.

But for now, I’ve decided to move on.

Whether or not he was an apostle would be determined by the Church of Shastra Parakti.

“Since you are an apostle, I dare to ask without shame. Heavenly Punishment is the unique grace bestowed only on me by Mana Phthras. But you returned the punishment I used back to me. Because of that, I felt abandoned by Mana Phrass-sama, and even my faith in God is shaking.”

“I’m sorry about that, but… wouldn’t it be better to tell a priest or priest than an unbeliever like me?”

“Of course we met. They say it happened because of my lack of faith.”


“As an unbeliever, your ability is stronger than my faith, so you were deprived of the punishment.”


“I don’t know what to do anymore. Teach me that you are an apostle. Is it true that I was robbed of the punishment because my faith was weak?”

Metatron stared at Count Elio Lagoa with despairing eyes.

At the unexpected words, Elio shook his head vigorously.

“It can’t be. I don’t know who said that ignorant thing, but it’s not true at all. That is a baseless superstition.”

Metatron hesitated at the words that mercilessly disparaged his teacher, Almatio, but waited for Count Lagoa’s explanation in silence.

“The fact that I returned the punishment was just an application of swordsmanship, and it has nothing to do with the Holy Knight’s faith.”

“An application of swordsmanship?”

“Isn’t fighting with someone often a source of inspiration? When the Holy Knight’s punishment fell, I felt like I could get it back if I did that. In my hometown, it’s called ‘transferring flowers to trees [移花接木 Dihwa grafting]’.”

“iced coffee!”

Paladin Metatron understood Count Lagoa’s words at once.

As an unbeliever, he was merely striking back the divine punishment with swordsmanship.

How strange it must have seemed to talk about faith in front of such a person.

“And as far as I know, faith is… not big or small, but I know it to be or not to be. How can you say big or small about faith that you can’t even see?”


“The monks in my hometown clearly taught that. That’s how I experienced it too. In the first place, it is also ridiculous to discuss the size of faith that only God knows about as large or small as humans.”


Metatron, who has lived his life hearing that ‘It’s because he has little faith’, wanted to refute it, but he couldn’t say anything.

It’s a bit bizarre, but Count Lagoa wasn’t wrong.

It was because his teacher, priest Almatio, could not know the size of his faith unless he was Mana Phrass.

‘Then what are all the words Master said?’

The teacher said everything was ‘because of little or lack of faith’.

“I don’t know the paladin very well, but the paladin’s problem doesn’t seem to be because of his faith. Rather, it seems that he lacks self-confidence.”


“The person the paladin met must have been far from swordsmanship. So he must have said, ‘It’s because I lack faith’. However, the Holy Knight is someone who has reached a high level of swordsmanship. If I had a firm belief in myself, I would not have been swayed by such nonsense.”

At the words of Count Lagoa, Metatron was greatly shocked.

You cannot live as a paladin without being certain about your choices.

No paladin who knew him would say that.

The patron saint of the poor, the agent of a cruel god, lacks self-confidence!

But when you think about it, it wasn’t wrong.

He himself lived back and forth between despair and hope at the words of his teacher.

It was because he was not sure that he had whipped himself a moment ago.

After a while, Metatron’s mouth opened.

“Are you saying that as an apostle?”

If God’s agent says anything, I intend to accept it unconditionally.

Since the authority of an apostle was higher than that of his teacher, Priest Almatio, no one would say anything.

But Elio is not an easy person.

He stared at Metatron and said.

“People who lack self-confidence always try to rely on authority. Trust the judgment of the paladin. Do you have that kind of discernment? If you don’t even have that, it would be better to quit being a paladin and live as a mercenary.”

It was an insult, but strangely, Metatron didn’t feel bad.

Trust your own judgement.

On the contrary, I feel like I have been recognized by him.

Count Lagoa said not to rely on authority, but even that sounded like a message from God.

In an instant, an explosion occurred in my head.

It was as if the top of his head was wide open and the secrets of the universe unfolded before his eyes.

Metatron jumped up and bowed his head as if he had bounced off.

“I believe that you are a true disciple of Lord Shastra Parakti. thanks for the good teaching May the grace of Mana Phras be upon you on your journey.”

And Elio left before he could answer the sudden greeting.

After a while, Fabian, who had been away, returned with a beer mug in his hand.

“What did you say, you were dead before, so you like it that way?”

“I don’t know. I did some intellectual work, but that’s it. Are you the kind of person who needs to be criticized to get energy?”

“What did you say?”

“If you become a paladin, I told you to trust your judgment. If you think you can’t do that much, quit being a paladin and tell me to become a mercenary, and that’s it. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

“It may not be normal yet. Didn’t you go to the stage of berserk?”

“is it?”

As Elio tilted his head, Fabian spoke in a confident tone.

“Absolutely. What is Photo Saturation? Are you losing your mind?”

“Right! The aftereffects of berserk are no joke.”

For a long time after that, the two chatted about Metatron’s strange behavior.


Islands Dong-gu.

The Great War of Shastra Parakti.

Around noon, the two sat across from each other in the guesthouse of the Shastra Parakti Church.

He is the high priest of Vanuat of the Shastra Parakti Church and the high priest of Hal Erian of the Mana Phras Church.

As soon as the two met, they spent a while talking casually.

Like a thirsty person digging a well.

In the end, Hal Erian High Priest of the Manaphthras Church got lucky first.

“I heard that there was a slight commotion in the plaza in Buk-gu yesterday. Did you hear it?”

The High Priest Vanuat of the Shastra Parakti Church suddenly raised his head and saw the High Priest Hal Erian.

“Are you talking about the fight between the apostles of our Church and the paladins of the Church of Mana Phras in the Northern Plaza?”

Then Hal Erian High Priest asked with a puzzled face.

“Is Count Lagoa really an apostle of the Shastra Parakti Church?”

“That’s right. According to common sense, there is no way that a famous nobleman like the Count of Lagoa would go around pretending to be an apostle of this church.”

“Huh! I had no idea. It’s late, but I congratulate you on the appearance of the apostle.”

“thank you. That’s what I was curious about too. Why did the paladins of your church act hostile to our church’s apostles?”

If Manaptras is the creator god, then Shastra Parakti is the guardian god of the universe.

The two main gods are complementary to each other, not a master-servant relationship.

Paladins of the Mana Phras Church had no right to condemn the apostles of the Shastra Parakti Church from the beginning.

In response to the counterattack of the High Priest of Vanuatu, the High Priest Hal Erian showed his quickness.

“I guess there was some misunderstanding. I apologize for Metatron’s misbehavior.”

Hal Erian High Priestess did not mention Count Lagoa’s heresy rumors.

An apostle is an agent of God.

This is because denying his assertion only highlights the problems the denomination is facing.

The High Priestess of Vanuat accepted the apology from the High Priest Hal Erian.

Thus, the accidental collision between the two largest denominations on the Rodina continent was once sealed.

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