Hellbound Heart

Chapter 114 Good Enough

This chapter is dedicated to @Ivette_M11. Thank you very much for the supergift!!!


"I think I'll need to paint on it to make it look more unique." Elle said as she studied the mask that was made of plastic. The size was somehow a perfect fit for Sebastian and she really thought that it was cute. The design was similar to the face of a panther who might have been grumpy at the time. It honestly made her think of Sebastian when she saw it. She really wanted to burst out laughing when she thought of the comparison. However, she managed to hold it in.

Pressing her lips together to hide her smile, Elle moved the mask away and continued staring at it. Thinking of the colors and decorations that were on their outfits, Elle drew more inspiration from them. "I just need to paint some parts blue to match our outfits." She muttered to herself and then she rose from her seat and rummaged through the boxes again.

Sebastian continued watching Elle as she kept herself busy. She had found a paint brush and some royal blue paint and now she was so utterly focused on her task of painting his mask. She had not realized that she was enjoying it so much, she was even humming a cheerful tune softly. But Sebastian who had his attention fully on her, noticed every single thing she did.

He was silent and unmoving and… relaxed. He could feel his usual frown relaxing, his tender muscles letting go and his entire frame just loosen up as he sat there and watched her. He never thought that just sitting there and watching Izabelle just moving about, doing something she seemed to really enjoy, could even be this relaxing. It was unbelievable how he felt like he could just sit here all night just watching her putter around and carry out her tasks until the sun rises again.

Time passed so quickly and unnoticed before she stretched her neck to the sides. Lifting her hand to her shoulders, she massaged it a little. At first the right side, then the left side, just to loosen her tight muscles as she had been overly focused and bent over the mask that she had been decorating for the entire time. That made Sebastian think that she must be tired now.

Lifting his gaze to the clock, his brows creased at the sight of the hour hand hitting eleven. It was already so late. How did time run that fast?!

Looking at her again, Sebastian straightened and finally, he sprung from his seat and approached her.

He towered behind her and stared at the mask that she was still in the process of painting. She had even added some unique patterns on it.

Noticing him, Elle looked up at him and gave him a hesitant smile. "Does it look okay? Is it to your liking?" she asked. She seemed unsure if he would like the changes she had made. "Let me know if there's something you want to change."

"That's good enough." He replied. It did not look bad in his eyes. And to him, 'good enough' was the best compliment he could hand out, outside of the bed.

He saw her mouth pursed a little as she returned her gaze onto the mask. When she picked up her brush again, Sebastian spoke.

"It's late, Izabelle. It's time for you to rest. I'm sure you're tired. That's… already… more than enough."

"Really?" she looked up, looking a little doubtful.


She stared into his eyes for a moment before she looked down at the mask again and to his relief, she finally put the paint brush down.

"Alright. I'll just tidy all these up. You can go back to our room first for now, Sebastian. I'll be there as soon as I'm done cleaning up here." She said casually as she started tidying away the art supplies she used.

He did not speak anymore so Elle thought that he had quietly left. But when she turned, what greeted her sight was, him picking up the masks and putting them back into the box.

Elle stilled and stared at him.

Noticing her gaze, Sebastian lifted his eyes to her. And dear lord… Elle felt her heart skipped a beat again the moment their gazes met.

Forcing a smile, Elle took the initiative to break eye contact first and continued on with her tasks.

Soon, they finished tidying up everything. Sebastian carried their outfits while Elle carefully held the mask to let it dry in their room overnight.

The feeling in Elle's chest at the moment was… hard to explain. This was the very first time the two of them did something like this together.

"I'm really excited for tomorrow." Elle broke the silence as she hung their outfits on the wall of their room. She was honestly starting to feel a little conscious. Somehow, everything seemed different tonight. Was it because they were in someone else's house?

"Then come over now and sleep. Or you won't have any energy to enjoy the festivities to your heart's content tomorrow." He replied. He was already lying on the bed, patting the mattress on the side that she was supposed to be on.

Elle secretly took a deep breath and went to turn the lights off.

She then climbed on the bed and laid next to him. The silence dragged on and she forced herself to sleep as she lay there, unmoving like a tensed corpse. Lord… she could not relax at all. It was like this was the first time she was sleeping with him again.

Turning to her side, Elle shut her eyes tightly closed, praying that sleep would come to her as soon as possible. But unfortunately, it did not and her body only grew more awake.

To her shocked surprise, his hand slipped around her waist and he spooned against her. Her body went very still at what he did.

"I think you need my help for you to relax and fall asleep, Izabelle." He whispered gently right into her ear.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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