Hellbound Heart

Chapter 119 Territory

Elle's mouth was slightly parted as she stood there, looking at everything around her. Brightly lit and lively stalls were everywhere, many people in colorful dresses inspired by ancient fashions crowded the streets, and the sound of pleasant classical music echoed all about them, lending a relaxed and antiquated mood to the whole festival.

Everything gave off the vibe of a festival from a bygone era, but there still was a touch of something modern. And it was nothing short of amazing in Elle's eyes. Abi had told her that the people in this town were still very much into old things and now that she was seeing it all with her own two eyes, it was true.

She felt like she had been sent back into the past and she could not help the excitement that surged through her even more. She could barely contain herself from riding off to roam around and take a look at what all those stalls were offering!

A few minutes after the four of them began to join the crowd, Elle did not know how it happened, but she somehow ended up walking next to Abi. She was happy with how it turned out though.

Locking her arm around Abi's arm, the two of them excitedly entered every stall that grabbed their attention. They looked for interesting items, souvenirs and of course food. All the vibrant colors and tantalising smells were causing them to salivate.

"Mmm… this is so so good!" Elle's eyes circled wide as she looked at Abi.

"I knew you'd love this one." Abi smiled as they enjoyed the street food they just bought. "This is the town's specialty, in fact. I loved this the first time I tasted it."

When Abi turned to look at the two men who were walking a few steps away from them, Elle finally looked at Sebastian as well. She had… momentarily forgotten about him!

The two of them approached their respective husbands with the sticks of food they were eating. Alex met Abi half-way and immediately placed his hand over Abi's and ate from Abi's stick enthusiastically, all the while grinning at his wife.

Sebastian on the other hand did not move from his spot and waited for Elle to approach him. "You have to taste this, Sebastian. It's so… so good!" Elle excitedly told him as she lifted the food up and nearer to his mouth.

Lifting his mask slightly, Sebastian took a bite.

Elle looked at him with doe eyes, excitedly waiting for his reaction and comments.

When Sebastian nodded, Elle's smile widened. "Delicious, right?!"

"Not bad." Sebastian replied with a nod of his head once he was done chewing.

His seemingly bland response did not even seem to bother Elle and after feeding him once more, she ran off to join Abi once again, leaving her husband behind, just trailing after them.

A few minutes later, Elle came back to him again with another stick of food in her hand.

"Taste this one too. It's sooo good!" she said with twinkling eyes and all Sebastian could do was eat what she was offering him. The same thing happened many more times until Sebastian felt like he could no longer eat even a single extra bite anymore.

Alex was chuckling next to him. "Now are you regretting the consequence of you delaying your secret reveal to her, Sebby? If she'd known your secret, you wouldn't be getting fed so much right now, would you?" Alex laughed and before Sebastian could even respond, they both heard her call out Sebastian's name again.

"Here she comes again. My condolence Sebby," Alex laughed pitifully at Sebastian before subtly walking away from them.

"This one's so good too, have a…" Elle paused when Sebastian suddenly caught her hand.

"I'm full, Izabelle." He told her, causing Elle to blink, her smile fading a little.

"Oh… okay. How about drinks then?" she perked up, thinking that he might need something to drink.

The moment he nodded, she immediately left and joined Alex and Abi, who were about to sneak off by themselves.

Later, Alex was back to Sebastian's side as Elle had managed to snatch his wife away from him once again.

Glancing at Sebastian, he sighed helplessly.

Sebastian's eyes were literally glued on Elle. As though it would kill him if he took his eyes off her even for a moment.

"I'm not happy at all with this arrangement. Your wife keeps stealing Abi away. Do something, man." Alex pretended to grumble. "Don't just stand here like some frigid bodyguard. You're supposed to be with her and enjoy the festival together! As a couple!" Alex could not help but stress on that word 'couple'.

"She won't be able to enjoy this much and let herself loose like this if I'm the only one with her." Sebastian replied in serious tone. "So, lend your wife to her a bit more, Alexander."

His words had Alex falling speechless for a moment. He had not expected such a reply from Sebastian.

Sighing again, Alex shoved his hands into his pants pockets and tilted his head towards him. "How would you even know that? What if she'd enjoyed it more if you joined her?"

Sebastian was quiet and did not reply but Alex got the message. This little devil did not think so.

"I'll only lend my wife until sunset, Sebastian. So, you better start loosening up now so you can join her later. Come on man, you're not here as her bodyguard. You're here as your goddess' lover. Please get that through your thick skull."

"I still need to be on guard especially with everyone in disguises. Someone needs –"

"Sebastian." Alex cut him off. All traces of mischief were gone from his voice. "Where do you think you are right now? It seems you've forgotten that this town is under my and Abi's territory now. It has been that way since four years ago. I assure you that nothing of the sort will happen if that's what you're worrying about."

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