Hellbound Heart

Chapter 127 Nightmare [3/5]

Moments ago, the moment Elle fiercely tugged her hand out from his hold, Sebastian was so caught off guard he was unable to react immediately. Thus, allowing her to easily get out of his grasp and run off. If not for him being almost exaggeratingly affected by everything she said and done, there would not be any chances of her getting out of his grip.

And while he was still processing this, something unthinkable happened to him.

A hand slipped under his shirt and… touched him. The touch was light but he still felt it like a burning brand landing right on his naked skin.

Sebastian's vision immediately darkened and he caught the woman's hand that was still moving suggestively under his shirt in an extremely tight grip and with so much violence that the woman shrieked out in pain. However, her voice was drowned out by the loud sounds of the music and bass rhythm of the beat.

With tears running down her cheeks, she began to beg him to let her hand go. But Sebastian started to shake instead. Despite having his face covered, he exuded a dark and violent aura that made everyone close to him feel like all hell was about to break loose. The girls who had initially flocked to him the moment Elle was gone were now stiffening up as they froze where they stood in utter fear. Everyone who was not intoxicated enough to notice their surroundings had already stopped dancing and looked over at Sebastian with fear in their eyes.

The woman whose wrist was still being gripped tightly by Sebastian was crying out and when an intoxicated man tried to help her out, Sebastian grabbed the man directly over his face and in one swift move, the man was being pushed down to the ground and instantly lost consciousness.

The commotion in the middle of the dancefloor was left unnoticed by everyone outside of that circle. It was all because everyone who saw what Sebastian had done to the drunk man did not make any moves nor did they dare to make a sound. They could only stare. Fear and shock were reflected in their eyes as they stared at the masked man.

The woman he grabbed was now crumpled on the floor, wailing as she held onto her broken wrist.

Sebastian on the other hand, was panting hard as he squatted on the floor, head drooping and leaned on his forearms while his eyes were tightly shut. He was sweating so hard. Dark, filthy, hellish memories were flashing across his mind, trying to consume him. He felt like he was having a nightmare while still being awake. F**k! F**k!

He was wanting some violence. Blood and pain. He wanted it now or he would … he would not be able to wake up from this nightmare.

But then suddenly, another foreign image that never belonged to his nightmare appeared in his mind. It was Izabelle! He saw her turning away from him and disappeared through the crowd.

The thought of her in trouble was enough to be able to extract himself a little out of his nightmare. F**k! Izabelle… right, she was here… she was… he needed to find her… and quickly!

The flashing images took turns and they fought for absolute control over him. Nightmare to Izabelle. To nightmare again and back.

The nightmare seemed to be winning, making his bloodlust surge. Everyone started to move away until there was an empty small circle in the middle of the dancefloor with just him and the man he had brought down.

When he rose from his crouched position on the floor, the frozen people around him scurried back. All of them looked as though they were prepared to scream and run for their lives.

Just as when they thought he was going to attack, he did not. He only walked off in an unsteady gait, swaying from right to left as though he was weakened and drunk. However, though his movements seemed weak, his aura was the complete opposite. Everyone was forced to make way for him. The completely intoxicated ones were pulled to the side by the sober people, away from his path.

Sebastian was still seeing nothing but red and darkness. He still wanted blood, still thirsted for violence. He was still semi-stuck in a nightmare. But his body was somehow able to instinctively move to look for her when another image appeared in his vision – it was Izabelle standing in the cave with Elijah's hickey glaringly obvious on her neck.

It was that particular image which had gotten him to move. That single image was more effective in driving him to look for her instead of prowling for blood.

And then he found her. She was with a man.

His blood boiled and the nightmare was completely pushed aside for a moment and before he knew it, he had grabbed her and was already pinning her against the wall.

Wide-eyed with shocked at his sudden appearance and rough way of handling her, Elle looked up at the man pinning her against the wall. He towered over her and his eyes, she noticed that they were bloodshot. He was breathless and… terrifying.

But the emotion that reigned in her heart at the sight of him was surprisingly not fear. In fact, it was worry. What happened… what happened to him?

She noticed the tremors of his body, the suffocating air around him and the somehow desperate way that he was holding onto her. And she suddenly felt afraid, not for herself but for him. She felt as though he was the one getting suffocated.

"S-Sebastian?" She called out his name naturally. Her emotion was being fully affected at the mere thought of whatever it was that he was going through. She thought at first, that this was mere jealousy and part of her almost rejoiced in it. But she clearly knew in her heart that this was not as simple as that. Something… something was happening to him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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