Hellbound Heart

Chapter 28 The Reigns (Part II)

There was just something so breathtaking about the lady that Elle could not quite put into words. And it was not only due to her beauty and that indescribable presence she possessed… why did she feel like… this was not the first time she had seen this lady?

"Hello, dear…" her sweet voice echoed and Elle was speechless as she stared back into her bright black eyes that was seemingly filled with so much emotion. "I'm Abigail. I am so happy to meet you… Izabelle…" she said before spreading her arms open to envelop Elle in a tender hug.

Elle could not quite explain what she felt. She was feeling a little confused at how this woman named Abigail was reacting so emotionally to her right now. Could it be that she was just emotional due to something else? Perhaps, something sad had happened today and that was why she was being so emotional? Or maybe her looks just reminded Abigail of someone that was close to her and that was why she was behaving like this? That was the only explanation Elle could think about, because she was certain that she had never met this woman before.

Abigail hugged her far longer than was normal in a greeting hug. It was even a little tighter, and Elle still felt that this beautiful woman was holding back some. What on earth…?

"So pleased to meet you too…" Elle awkwardly greeted while still caught in the woman's embrace. It was after her greeting that the woman released her. But Elle could feel the reluctance even as those arms slowly unwrapped themselves from around her. She almost wanted to burst into a self-conscious laughter. However, her training as a princess and a noble lady was truly ingrained into her and she withstood that urge and managed to retain her graceful smile.

"Just call me Abi." The beautiful woman informed her before smiling at Elle so tenderly. It was the kind of sweet smile that could probably melt the iciest of hearts. It was really amazing how this lady made her suddenly feel so much better. She was like a bright and warm ray of sunshine in the middle of a cold winter night.

"Mom?" a young boy around ten or eleven years old appeared from behind the crowd of people, pulling on the hand of a girl of his age. One look at them and Elle could immediately tell that the two children were twins! The boy an exact carbon copy of Alexander and the girl also greatly resembled Abigail. They were no doubt their parent's children. One would be blind not to notice it.

"Oh, Alexis, Alice… come over here." Abigail waved excitedly at the kids to approach them.

"Is she… our new aunt?" The boy – Alexis – asked in a very curious tone. His large and bright grey eyes looked up inquisitively at Elle like he was amazed at what he was seeing. Smiling, Elle said her greetings to the cute boy.

"Yes." Sebastian replied flatly because Alexis had then turned to look at him with those big questioning eyes.

Alexis cocked his head, his gaze now staring attentively at their intertwined hands. "So, this beautiful lady is your wife now. Right, uncle?" His intelligent eyes twinkling as it travelled from their locked hands, back up to their faces.

"That's right, Alexis." Sebastian again agreed to his nephew's comment.

"Hmm…" The boy hummed, pursing his lips and tapping a finger against those pouty things. One of his brows arched and he looked as though he was not convinced at all. Elle looked at the sharp look on the boy's face and her heart rate picked up its pace a little. Could a young child like him even tell that there was no true love nor affection between her and Sebastian?

Elle squeezed Sebastian's hand, wanting him to do something to clear the obvious doubt in the child. But Sebastian did not bother to say or do anything and simply ignored the boy, causing Elle to fall speechless. Did he not say they needed to act like they were truly in love and be as convincing as possible?

"Alice, is it just me or you feel that something's just off with them?" the boy whispered to the cute and quiet Alice that was standing beside and slightly behind him. Though it was supposed to be a whispered discussion between the twins, it was loud enough for Elle to hear. Oh lord… the boy was highly perceptive!

"I feel the same way too, brother." Alice replied in a low voice.

"Right!" Alexis exclaimed. "They don't look like real couple, right?"

Elle's jaw almost dropped to the floor when she heard the boy's confident words. What on earth did Abigail feed her twins?! Why were they so sensitive and insightful that they could tell what was happening between her and Sebastian at first glance?

"Oh my…" Abigail held Alexis's shoulder and bent down to whisper into his ears.

Whatever Abigail said made the boy looked instantly apologetic. "I'm sorry. That was rude of me to say." he apologized followed by Alice who repeated the same thing her brother said. Both children looked sorry at their direct comments to the new family member.

"I'm sorry. We assumed you two are not a real couple because our parents and aunts and uncles are always very sweet and loving to their husband and wife while you two are only holding each other's hand." The girl's fast explanation had Elle lifting her eyes and looking around at the other adults who were present.

The little girl was actually right. The princesses and their husbands as well as the king and queen were all standing close to their significant other that they were brushing up against each other's arms. The twins' parents as well as Prince Skyler and his wife looked even sweeter as the men were intimately holding and curled their arms rather possessively around their wives' waist. Meanwhile, not only she and Sebastian were merely holding each other's hands, but they even had quite a wide gap between their bodies! No wonder it triggered such comments from the twins. Elle could feel a warm flush on her face due to embarrassment and she knew that there would be a pink tinge highlighting her cheeks.

"Oh, it's okay…" Elle smoothly let go of Sebastian's hand and gracefully squatted down to put her gaze to the level of the twins. She whispered to them, smiling, making sure only the kids would hear what she was going to say. "I and your uncle Sebastian are still newly wedded, so we are still a bit shy to be so sweet to each other while there are people are around. Right now, we are still trying to get used to our new roles as husband and wife." She explained, blushing a little as she grinned at the kids.

"Oh…" Alexis' mouth formed an 'o' while Alice blinked her huge eyes at Elle with an understanding gaze. "So that's why… I understand now, Princess Izabelle."

"You two can call me Aunt Elle."

"You're very beautiful, Aunt Elle." Alexis complimented generously and Elle giggled at how adorable these twins were.

Soon, the family gathered around a spacious and luxurious sofa. Each had given the newlyweds their gifts and then they started pleasantly chatting to each other, making small talk to ease Elle into her new surroundings. Well, Sebastian did not talk much. He only answered when Alexander and Skyler spoke to him.

Elle had also become aware on what Sebastian and the twins said were right. All these married couples were very much in love with each other. She could see sparks in their eyes as they looked at their spouse. The way they touched and held and spoke with their other halves were just… Elle could not help but wonder if they could really fool these love birds with their little acts.

Sebastian had made sure to have her sidled up as close to him as possible, the entire time since the twins had pointed out their distance, but that was it. Now she could not help but wonder if Sebastian was even serious about this acting. She could feel that he was when he said it earlier. But she was expecting him to up his game but surprisingly, he did not. Could it be because this man thought that this was enough?

Silently sighing, Elle slowly brought Sebastian's hand to rest on top of her lap and then started massaging his palm as she spoke with the ladies. Her attention was fixed onto Abi and Kelly while she casually massaged his palm, that she did not notice Sebastian staring at their hands on her lap with an unfathomable expression danced across his eyes.

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