Hellbound Heart

Chapter 32 Unexpected

"Crawl towards me, princess."

His deep voice penetrated and reverberated straight through her. Reaching so deep within Elle that she felt like her brain fritzed out at that confident and absolute command.

The pure focus he had thrown at her as he towered over there, looking down at her, had Elle unconsciously clenching her fists into the bedsheet. But the moment she saw a spark of something mischievous and seemingly taunting in his eyes, she unclenched her fists and tipped her chin up. He was challenging her. It seemed like he did not believe that she could do this. That was how she interpreted that look in his eyes.

And she did not like what she had thought his reaction would be if she did not make a move now. Surprisingly, she disliked the thought of him smirking as he told her 'He's right and that she's all just bravado' much more than doing what he was asking her to do right now.

Holding his gaze, Elle felt the surge of strong refusal to back off. She reminded herself once again that this was just for tonight. Only one night. Just to consummate their marriage. She will never need do this again. Ever. She reminded herself that she had bravely told him before that she could handle him as long as he would not hurt her. But that was back when they had nothing complicated going on between them. Before her father had taken advantage of the situation and somewhat forced a marriage arrangement between them. When her goal was only going to sleep with her as a one-night stand.

However, right now, she felt that this was not enough to overcome the surge of her intense desire to erase that look in his eyes. All she wanted was to go against what he was obviously expecting from her. She wanted to prove him wrong. And besides, even before their wedding, Elle had already thought of all the things that could happen between them the moment they will get down to this business. Though him, commanding her to crawl to him still surprised her, she was not totally ignorant about this possibility as she had actually done her research on everything about these matters while she was at the hotel in the past few days. She had not wasted her time lounging and doing nothing in her room during the nights after coming back from her touring the city the whole day.

She had already mentally prepared herself and that was maybe why she was braver than ever now.

Without breaking eye contact, Elle slowly dropped on all fours. Her knees and hands dipping slightly into the plush top of the super king-sized mattress. Her heartbeat was rushing a mile a minute and she could feel her cheeks burning hot. But… it seemed that this might not be as hard as she thought it would be. She was never the submissive type. She was certain of that. She was stubborn especially to people who had wanted to control her, like her father. Her stubbornness was the kind when one expects her to do one thing, she would be willing to do the exact opposite thing – even if she had to suffer a little along the process. So, this was surprising even to her. Was it because this was the bedroom? She had heard there were things that would only work differently for some people in the bedroom. Was she like that…? No way… right? This must be because she had long prepared herself mentally.

Elle then began to crawl, still refusing to be the first one to break their eye contact. Her heartbeat sounded so loud in her ears that she did not even realize just how slowly she was moving at the moment. When she saw how his eyes stretched a little as she got closer to him, a tinge of triumph rose within her. Another unexpected thing. The sight of him looking surprised was somehow enough to trigger and rise her courage to the next level.

But her focus quickly shifted the moment she became aware of her breast swinging with every move she made. The shade of red on her face grew to become an even deeper tone. She paused just before she could reach him and heard how loud and fast her heartbeats were getting. Feeling the dryness on her lips caused by her hot pants, Elle licked her lips to moisten them.

Looking up to him, she saw his eyes dilate. She did not know how that had her continuing her incredibly slow movement. She was really surprising even herself right now. She wondered what had gotten onto her tonight. Was it the wine? She really wanted to blame it on her surprising emotions and actions, but she knew full well that she was clearheaded and was not the slightest bit drunk at all.

Elle stopped, finally reaching him. She tipped her chin even higher to maintain eye contact only to catch an unexpected devious glint in his eyes. That had got her already fast pulse racing even quicker.

He reached out and cupped her chin, guiding her gently to kneel before him. The touch of his leather gloved hand on her chin was… distracting to say the least.

"You just keep impressing me with how bold you are, princess." He said in a husky voice, a slow grin spreading across that sinfully beautiful face of his. "It seems no amount of discouragement could make you change your mind, hmm??"

"I thought I have already made that clear to you many times before?" she replied in what she hoped was a composed manner, "So I hope you can stop trying to test me now, Sebastian."

"Test…" he echoed. A mysterious smile then curved on his lips. "I wasn't testing you, Izabelle. I was merely showing you what you're putting yourself into right off the bat." He bent closer, putting their faces only merely inches apart. "And tonight, is actually the best choice for you."

Tonight, was the best choice for her? What did he even mean by that?

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