Hellbound With You

Chapter 831 Not now [1/4]

Alicia was unable to do anything but just uselessly stare at what was happening around her. Her fear that she might have hurt Ezekiel even more if she used a spell had gotten the better of her. He was already beyond weak, if she siphons off any more power off him…

She did not want this man to get hurt or suffer anymore – especially on her account. She had rather hurt herself first than do anything that would harm him. So she just bit down on her lips again and restrain her natural impulse of uttering any spells as the vampires pulled on her. Even if their grip was rough and their claws had already caused long welts that were bleeding to appear on her fair skin, she still remained tight-lipped.

Everything was crashing down within her as she held on to his hand with everything that she could, never wanting to let go. Wishing that some miracle would happen to stop their separation.

She did not want to disappear. At least not yet. Not now. Please… she begged and prayed to any gods that were listening. All she was asking for was a few more days to stay with him. Just a few more days. Could the world at least afford her that after all that she had sacrificed?

The vampire violently yanked on her arm once again and this time, Alicia knew this was it. No matter how hard they both clung to each other's hand to keep themselves from being separated, their strengths just was not enough to overcome the forceful tugs of the vampire who wanted them apart.

In her mind, she felt like she had screamed out Ezekiel's name as she watched her hand was finally pulled away from his grip. But she could no longer hear anything.

Her whole world seemed to have gone into a suspended animation where everything just stopped and was even muted. She could not see nor hear anything as tears fell from her eyes.

She felt her body begin to feel so light. And she knew she did not need to look at herself to know that she was starting to dissipate from her physical form as well as from this world. So she kept her gaze trained solely on Ezekiel and opened her mouth. Wanting to at least say the words she so desperately wanted him to hear.

"I love you…" she finally uttered.

And just as her vision turned into a hazy white, she felt her body crashed into something familiar. W-what was that?!

Alicia could suddenly feel her body again after a couple of seconds and her vision had returned to normal too. Ezekiel?! He had somehow managed to grab onto her before she was completely gone, right?! Did his strength finally return?

"Warned you… I'll kill anyone who touches her!" came his broken yet terrifyingly cruel voice, followed by a sickening thud and the blooming scent of fresh blood.

She looked behind her and saw that the vampire who had been grabbing and pulling her away from Ezekiel had his neck snapped and bent at an impossible angle.

Then she realized the presence of a suffocating and viscous darkness that was swirling around them. His demonic powers… it was back again! Never had Alicia thought there would be the day where she would rejoice seeing this petrifying aura swirling and curling around her person.

"I'll kill every one of you…" he hissed under his breath. That tone and the bloodlust that spilled out from him sent strong shivers within Alicia. She could feel it, the danger… the darkness… However, though terrifying, she somehow did not have the fear of losing her life. Not to this man – no matter what he became.

Alicia was there when Ezekiel had used his demonic powers and those times were nothing compared to what he was displaying right now. Ezekiel had always been in full control of that powers all those other times. But this… this bloodlust was not something…

Suddenly, the image of the young Ezekiel in the past flashed across Alicia's mind. She saw that face he wore when he had vowed to slaughter every single witch. The shivers that overtook her frame when she saw that face was the same one as she was feeling right now.

"I'll slaughter every one of you…" he breathed out and Alicia saw wisps of dark smoke escaping his lips as he voiced his warning to the now trembling vampires who were frozen in fright. His darkness began to swirl faster around them. Stronger. Darker. Deadlier.

The vampires subconsciously took a few steps back. Their eyes wide in utter shock and fear.

"Ez… Ezekiel!" Alicia called out as she lifted her hands and cupped his face. It was then that she realized her hands were trembling. She could not help the instinctual reaction to his heavy and malevolent aura. She could not help that her weak human body would tremble as she stood within his embrace where the effects of his powers were the greatest. Ezekiel right now was just so terrifying that his mere presence was enough to make anyone just tremble in fear before they even realize it.

When he ignored Alicia's call as if he did not hear her at all nor see her and just moved his hand – the hand he used to kill the vampire – the fear in her intensified. However, this fear was not for herself. She could feel it, he was really going to… No! She must not let this happen!

"Ezekiel!!!" she yelled at him all the while pinching his cheeks hard. "No! Ezekiel… Look at me!!!"

She pinched him even harder this time and thank goodness he finally tore his gaze from the vampires he had been targeting and looked down at her.

His one eye that had turned completely black was mind numbingly close to her face. But Alicia continued pinching him. Harder. Then she whispered desperately at him, hoping against all odds that he could somehow recognise and listen to her. "Let's get out of here, Ezekiel. Please. Take me away. I want to leave this place. Teleport us away from here! Now, Ezekiel!" her tone was frantic as she grabbed at his cheeks, staring deeply into his eyes as she pleaded with him.


3 more chapters coming. ^^

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