Hellbound With You

Chapter 882 Precious friend

Chapter 882 Precious friend

  Everyone relaxed and leaned back into their seats again when they heard Alexander's rather pissed off yet playful comment. Kai even chuckled a little.

  And when they saw Zeke appearing from that dark rippling mass of smoke, they were all about to continue on with what they were initially doing when they suddenly realised that the man was not alone. He had brought a companion along. Zeke?! With a companion?!! That in itself was a total aberration in his usual conduct. Therefore, everyone abandoned their initial thoughts and trained their eyes to see more of the drama unfolding.

  The moment his companion stepped out from behind him and stood by his side, time seemed to suddenly halt and come to a standstill. A woman…?! Zeke brought a lady friend with him?!! And their hands were… even entwined together? What in the blue blazes?!!

  It was Zeres who got to his feet first, breaking the standstill almost noisily. His eyes were wide with shock as he looked intently at the woman. Apart from Alex, Zeres was the only one in the group that knew Alicia had been with Zeke all these while and that the two could not separate physically.

  But he could not say a word. He just stood there, seemingly paralyzed at the sight of the woman that was obviously Alicia. But she…!! Why had she now turned into a... into a… vampire?!

  Alex strode over to the newcomers, almost as if he wanted to quickly beat Zeres from being the one on making the first move.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk… That's one dramatic entrance, Zeke." Alex's brows lifted as he poked fun at the man.

  Both of them were dressed up properly for the occasion but Zeke's hair was not as perfect as it usually was. And that was saying a lot if it was Ezekiel. The man was never anything less than perfect. Thus, having a slightly messed up hairdo was quite a big deal and Alex looked meaningfully at Zeke.

  "We ran into a little bit of trouble on our way here." Zeke responded casually, his way of explaining the matter.

  "Really? Whoever that troublemaker was, they must have been one hell of a brazen creature." Alex simply commented, not even bothering to ask about the trouble Zeke was talking about. He knew that it was a dead end for the fools who had thought it wise to look for trouble with this death god. What he was interested in was this death god's companion and he turned his attention towards her instead. "Hello there, Alicia."

  When Alicia responded with a small smile and a respectful nod, Alex moved a bit closer to her and bent over to whisper. "I have told Abi about you already. But she still thinks that you're still in spirit form and cannot be touched."

  Before Alicia could react to what he had said, Alex had already pulled away and turned back towards his other guests. "Now come on, you two. I guess you both should be punished for being late for one of this century's greatest and most important event." He muttered, of course, knowing that most of the people in attendance here could hear him loud and clear.

  It was then that Abi came over to greet them.

  "Zeke." She was all smiles as she stood gracefully before the man.

  Though she had only recently given birth to twins, her figure had returned to its previous slender and elegant form. In fact, due to her breastfeeding the twins, her bosom was fuller, and the effect only made her look more enchanting. "I'm so glad you could make it." Her tone was warm, welcoming and sincere.

  "You know it'd be a very bad idea if I were to decline your husband's invitation." Zeke replied. His tone and facial expression did not show much emotion as always, but Abi stilled laughed. She knew how Zeke was. She could hear him practically rolling his eyes from that dry tone he used.

  "I hope he didn't threaten you." Abi laughed but she turned and looked at her husband as a small curl decorated one corner of her lips.

  "I know you know he did." Zeke replied flatly.

  She only grinned at him unrepentantly, then her attention moved over to the elegant lady who was standing silently next to him. She had noticed their entwined hands and Abi immediately thought of one thing. 'How rare!'

  Never once had she seen Zeke voluntarily and willingly holding hands with anyone. Never. Oh my… oh my… has Zeke finally found his destined one? There were times when she and Alex talked late into the night, and Alex had told her about his concerns about this friend of his – Zeke. Alex had wanted Zeke to finally find the one that could make his stone cold heart beat once again. She knew how Alex had really wanted that to happen, and she too had hoped for this miracle to happen from the bottom of her heart. Because no matter how stone faced and stone hearted Zeke might seem to appear, he had been such a dear family and precious friend to the both of them that they only wished him to have the best. And no matter how cruel his methods had been at times when dealing with things, this man had no doubt helped them more times than they could count.

  "Hello, I…" Abi's smiled slowly faded. Her eyes suddenly stretching into wide circles as she stared closely and a little rudely at the woman's face. She somehow felt an extremely familiar feeling welling up from deep within, not noticing that her husband who was beside her, grinning in anticipation. She stared until a small gasp escaped her lips and her hands flew to her mouth in disbelief.

  Then her eyes suddenly welled up as though she could not help herself.

  "A-Alicia?!!" she stammered out. Emotions started to flood her.

  "Abi…" Alicia responded slowly, smiling emotionally as her own eyes teared up as well before the two friends crashed together in a tight hug.

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