Heretical Fishing

Chapter 53: Fielday

Chapter 53: Fielday

Corporal Claws more felt than saw the changes to her body.

Her entire being expanded, shifting her perspective as it did so. Her claws grew, teeth sharpened, and muscles bulged, filling her with new strength.

With a soft pop, her body condensed again, and her vision cleared.

She took in the surrounding scene.

She was back on her perch atop the pond, the branches caressing her body. Moonlight shone down from above, bathing the scene in its blue-white light.

Corporal Claws wiggled her body, leaning back into her throne.

While the log's peak was still comfortable, she didn't fit it as she did before.

She held a paw up before her face, and with a mild flex, extended her claws. They were thicker, sharper, longer, and her instincts told her they were stronger, too.

With a testing movement, she scraped her tongue along her teeth. They, too, were enhanced in the same way.

She chirped, and it sounded deeper, richer; the noise vibrated her chest and cut through the silence of the night.

She wanted to go to her master, to show off her new form. Almost as urgent was the need to show that dastardly crab that she, too, had an improved body. More pressing than both these needs, though, was a weariness that seemed to suffuse her.

Her body felt heavy, her eyes hard to keep open, her breathing slow.

Before she knew it, sleep took her, and soft snores rang out through the evening.


I woke with an explosive burst of excitement.

I threw the covers aside and jumped out of bed, stretching as an afterthought.

Fielday! It's Fielday!

The merchant was arriving today, and with him came things I’d been counting down the days toward.

"Coffee machine!" I yelled as I stretched.

A yawn escaped me, and I let it out in all its glory.

"And a bearing for my rod..."

Neither of my animal pals were in the room, so I made my way outside to look for them—I didn't have to go far.

Sergeant Snips was tending the campfire, adding wood and stoking coals. The predawn light of the sun bathed her in its reflected light, giving her spiked body a pink hue.


She jumped and spun on the spot, facing me as she landed.

Feet scuttled and sand flew as she ran to meet me.

"Morning, Snips!"

I bent to rub her carapace, and she blew content bubbles at my touch.

"Did you sleep well?"

She nodded, hissing her affirmation.

We were staring down at each other, both enjoying the comfort of the other's touch, when we were interrupted.

A far-off sound echoed off the sandy flats, smothering the ever-present noise of waves crashing and birds calling.

I spun toward it, and as I squinted into the distance, a grin spread across my face.

Corporal Claws was inbound, a cloud of sand in her wake as she tore through the distance between us.


She hissed in question.

"Does Claws look... bigger to you?"

I glanced down at my stalwart crab, and she cast a suspicious gaze toward the approaching otter.

I returned my attention to Corporal Claws.

She was almost at us, her entire body somehow wiggling in delight as she ran, aggressively chirping.

"... yeah, she’s definitely bigger."

When she was within rock-throwing distance, she launched.


She collided with my chest, and I flinched back but easily caught her in my arms.

I laughed as she writhed, rubbing her body against me and speaking in chaotic chirps I didn't understand.

"Claws! What happened!"

She was almost twice as big as the last time I saw her. She put both forepaws on my chest, leaned back, and peered down at me with obvious pride.

I caught sight of her teeth; they were longer, sharper, vicious looking.

"Your chompers, Claws! They're bigger!"

She jumped down, puffing out her chest as she peered at Snips.

Sergeant Snips scuttled up to her, cocking her carapace as she inspected Claws’ improved body.

Snips nodded a single time, giving her approval.

“Claws—did you evolve? How?”

She puffed her chest out even more, lavishing in the attention, then nodded a single time, gesturing back to the forest with one paw.

"The pond?"

Again, she nodded.

I bent down, unleashing a laugh as I picked her up.

"You're amazing, Claws!"

She rolled onto her back in my arms, letting me scratch her belly. Her back paw shot out, kicking the air, doglike.

"Oh, is that the spot?"

I scratched harder, and her leg kicked harder. As it did, the claws extended from her rear paw, and my eyes went wide.


Just as with her teeth, they had transformed, and I ceased my scratching, feeling the needle-like extensions.

"These are ridiculously sharp..."

With a flex, they withdrew, and she chirped in the affirmative before shooting a glance at Snips.

Snips glared back, radiating indifference.

"Now, now, ladies."

I set Claws down, petting both her and Snips' heads.

"Don't be like that. I love you both, and you're both the guardians on this patch of land."

I looked at Snips.

"You should be happy that our friend evolved and got stronger."

Snips dipped her carapace, blowing apologetic bubbles.

I looked at Claws, who had once more puffed her chest out.

"And you, ya little scamp—it's good to be proud of your accomplishment, but don't let your head get too big. Snips is your friend, and you don't need to show off."

Claws, too, dipped her head, letting out a sad chirp.

"It's fine—you don't need to apologize. I just want you two to remember that we're on the same team, that's all."

They looked at each other and both made begrudging noises of agreement.

"Good girls."

I rubbed both their heads, smiling down at them.

"Now, before I head off to Tropica to see what this Fielday has in store, should we see what those new daggers of yours can do, Claws?"

Her eyes got a dangerous gleam, and she bared her teeth in the approximation of a smile.


Marcus, bringer of goods, taker of coin, and merchant extraordinaire, looked into the far distance with an expression that projected both wisdom and opulence.

He had company this fine morning, and joined by such a grand associate, felt the need to inflate his own self worth.

Marcus wasn't conscious of said inflation, of course; he merely felt bad when around the crown auditor, and artificially boosting his worth—even if in his own head—dulled the inferiority complex buried deep within.

He squinted a little, wondering if it lent his visage an extra air of mystery and contemplation.


Theo looked at the overlarge merchant sitting beside him, trying not to laugh at the haughty expression he was putting on.

I wonder if he's aware he looks like he needs to go to the bathroom...?

With a smile, he turned away from Marcus, focusing on the rising sun instead.

It crested the mountains to the east, directly above the well-worn road their carriage traveled. With the sun came a welcome warmth, and he couldn't wait for the dew of early morning travel to evaporate under its glare.

Theo glanced to the side, seeing if Marcus still wore the same expression—he did.

"How long until we reach the next village, Marcus?"

The merchant didn't respond, still projecting his stupid face into the far distance.

"... Marcus?"

"Ah, sorry, Theo." Marcus breathed out an exaggerated sigh. "The scenery of these distant areas can be breathtaking. What did you say?"

"I asked when we'd reach the next village."

"Ah, yes. Tropica. We'll arrive within the hour. Once we climb the forthcoming hills, we will see it."

"An hour, huh?"

Theo hadn't seen the ocean in years, and the thought of seeing its hypnotic movement brought up a surge of joy.

I'll have to soak in its beauty while I have the chance.

In afterthought, he remembered his responsibility to the crown, and he let out a small sigh.

After auditing the village, of course.


I stared wide-eyed at what remained of the log I'd buried in the sand for Corporal Claws to test her new body on

It hadn't merely been cut by the improved claws—it had been obliterated. Splinters of wood flew everywhere from the attack, and they now littered the ground all around us.

She stared down at her paws, her eyes sparkling.

"Good lord, Claws..."

Snips let out a hiss of appreciation, nodding her approval at the powerful strike.

She gestured with one claw at another log, tilting her head at me in question.

"You want to try, too?"

She blew bubbles of confirmation.

I grabbed another log and twisted it down into the ground, the sandy soil no match for my strength.

Stepping back, I nodded for Snips to go for it.

Without hesitation, her right claw extended. A sharp crack split the air, and a white arc of energy shot from her.

The aura attack traveled so fast I could barely see it, and when it hit the log, the world transformed into a shower of wood and splinters.

Just as with the first log, this one wasn't cut; it was all but disintegrated.


Corporal Claws looked on with an assessing gaze, and after only a moment's pause, also nodded her head in acknowledgement.

I smiled at them, glad they could find some mutual respect.

"Alright, girls—as much as I'd love to spend the rest of the day hanging out, I really have to get going."

My smile widened as they both waved goodbye, each as adorable as the other.

"I'll be back later, okay? I don't think it should be too eventful."


George, the lord of Tropica, took a deep breath, doing his best to calm frayed nerves.

It was going to be an eventful morning.

"It'll be fine, George," his wife, Geraldine, said.

He wiped his hands on a cloth, unsure if they were sticky from sugar, sweat, or both.

Probably both.

She pressed her face against his back and wrapped her meaty arms around his impressive girth.

He leaned into the touch.

"What would I do without you?'

"You'll never know, husband—I'm not going anywhere."

George took another deep breath—as deep as he could breathe, anyway—and let it out slowly.

"Alright. Let us go address the peasants."

She patted him on the back.

"There's my husband."


I joined the milling crowd gathering in the middle of Tropica.

I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows at just how many were present. It was nearing hundreds of people, most of which I didn't recognize—I wasn't even aware there were so many farmers living in Tropica.

I guess there are plenty of people that just keep to themselves...


I turned to see Maria striding toward me through the crowd, and I beamed at her.

"Morning, Maria!"

I glanced behind her, seeing a grump-as-ever Roger in her wake.

"G'day, Roger. How are ya, mate?"

He nodded and grumbled something indiscernible.

"Have you heard, Fischer?" Maria asked.

"Heard what?"

"Apparently, George has a special announcement. We—"

"Thank you for coming, everyone!"

I turned to see George, standing on a box and looking over the crowd.

"I have some news that I believe you'll all find most welcome..."


Barry held the cup to Sharon's lips as she slowly drank the sugarcane juice.

He'd insisted that Roger and Maria go on ahead to the village meeting, and after convincing them his hand was necessary to administer the medicine, even Roger eventually capitulated.

"Your husband is a stubborn man, Sharon..."

Her eyes were still staring into space, but she continued drinking, downing the juice sip-by-sip.

"Your condition has him acting even more stubborn than usual, but I suppose any man would act the same. I'm not sure what I would do if Helen were sick."

She pulled back from the cup, having had her full.

Following Maria's instruction, he put the cup down and tried to ease her back onto the bed.

As he lowered her to the pillows, her body went rigid.

Her hands scrabbled, finding purchase on his arms.

She blinked, her mouth moving inaudibly as she gripped him.

Her head turned, and she looked up at him

As he stared down into her eyes, they held recognition.

"... Barry?"

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