Heretical Fishing

Chapter 65: Departure

Chapter 65: Departure

The morning gave way to day as the sun rose ever higher in the sky. A soft breeze blew, the perfect counterpart for the day's heat. I felt neither the kiss of the sun's rays, nor the pleasant gouts of wind coming and going, though—all my attention was on the ascendant crab before me.

I blinked as I took in Snips' healing eye.

She shielded it from the sun with one claw, and I bent down, getting a closer look.

It was small, like a limb denied blood-flow, but I knew that to be anything but the case—the eyestalk wasn't shrinking; it was growing.

"Snips! Your eye!"

She blew entirely incomprehensible bubbles, her other eye turning to the side to look at the recovering appendage

"Can... can you see out of it?"

Her good eye blinked, and she made a 'so-so' gesture with her claw.

"You can see a little?"

She nodded, and small, awe-filled bubbles came from her mouth.

Corporal Claws chirped in excitement, darting around Snips' body to get a look from every angle.

"That's amazing, Snips! I didn't know you could regrow an eye!"

Even with how animated Corporal Claws and I were, Sergeant Snips remained calm, thoughtful.

Looking at me with her good eye, she pointed to her healing one with a claw, then pointed down at the pool.

The pieces clicked into place in an instant: Snips' eye, the lobster's antenna, and the common denominator—the saltwater pool.

"... really, Snips?" I cast furtive glances between her and the body of water. "The pool healed you...?"

She made the same 'maybe' gesture, but nodded.

"You're almost positive?"


"Huh..." I stared out at the opalescent crystals scattered around the pool, my eyes lingering on the boulder in the middle. "Is it something to do with the stones?"

Again, she nodded and made the same gesture.

"I wonder if it only works on sea creatures, or if it will work on other animals—even humans...?"

It was a startling discovery, but a welcome one. Combined with Barry and Helen's knowledge of herbs, the pool Snips and Claws had made may just be something the villagers could benefit from.

Realizing both my hands were each still on one of my animal pals, I rubbed one and scritched the other.

"You two are amazing—you know that? You girls made something that can heal!"

They both leaned into my touch.

"I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm gonna miss you two."

They chirped and hissed their agreement as I continued petting them.


I bent down and opened a kitchen cupboard, rummaging for my treasure hidden within.

"I know you'd do it anyway," I said to Claws, "but I need to ask. Please watch the house, and in particular, keep this chest safe."

Looking down at the sturdy box, Corporal Claws nodded, her eyes steel as they returned to meet my gaze.

I reached out and rubbed her head.

"Good girl."

I opened the chest one more last time before my departure, peering inside.

All the jewelry was held within, along with all the gold coins I'd collected so far.

Following a whim, I inspected the pearl ring I'd made with Fergus' help.

Iridescent Ring of Silver


A ring of precious metal, adorned by one of the most sought-after stones found in the Kallis Realm. More than just a symbol of wealth, this ring has a multitude of purposes for those with the requisite knowledge.

Still just 'requisite knowledge', huh?

I shook my head and placed the ring back in the chest before closing the lid. I'd hoped for a more forthcoming description following the stats listed by my new fishing rod, but I guess that was too much to ask.

I slid the chest into the back of the cupboard, once more hiding it behind my copious amounts of pots and pans.

With more than a little excitement, I strode back to the table and checked the contents of my bag one last time.

I'm glad I bought a bag from Ruby and Steven, but I wish I had the foresight to buy some sort of canvas for a tent.

I cocked my head in thought.

It's not too late—should I go look around Tropica for something...?

Nah. Building makeshift camps will be something for us to do, which is exactly what Maria needs right now—busy work.

With a prolonged scritch of Corporal Claws' cute little head, I slung the bag over my shoulder and headed outside.


Sharon peeked into Maria's room, overwhelmed with pride.

While Maria was a grown woman, she had spent so much of her life tending to their farming and helping around the house. Sharon was happy for her daughter to take a short trip away, and with Fischer, of all people.

Maria had out every piece of clothing she owned, all arrayed over the bed. In the short time Sharon was watching, she'd seen her put every item of clothing in her bag, then take it out again.

"Have you got everything you need?"

Maria jumped, her head spinning toward the door.

"Mum—you scared me!"

"Sorry, dear." Sharon stepped into the room. "Do you need help deciding?"

“Yes.” Maria sat down on the bed and sighed. “Why is it so hard to pick what I need?”

"Because you're going away, so you'll want to take everything, but you can't possibly fit it all in such a small bag."

Maria looked over the sea of clothing atop her blanket, frowning at it.

"Fischer says we're only going for a few days, so I need little, but what if I get too far away to turn back and realize I forgot something important?"

"I'll help, dear." Sharon picked up her daughter's folded underclothes. "You'll need these no matter what, so we'll put them in first."

"Right. Thank you."

Sharon neatly placed them in the corner of the bag as she considered how to approach the conversation.

Deciding it was best to just get it out, she spoke.

"Is it hard to decide because you want to impress Fischer?"

Maria froze, and her eyes looked everywhere but at her mother.

She nodded once, sharply.

"Well, that's nothing to stress about, dear. You're a beautiful young woman, and I'm sure Fischer would be enthralled, no matter what you wore."

Maria covered her reddening face with both hands.

"Mum, can you be a little more subtle?"

Laughter bubbled from Sharon's throat, and she lay a hand on her daughter's shoulder.

"You know I'm a blunt person, Maria. Wanting to impress a man is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"You're not helping, mum," Maria said, her hands still covering her face.

Sharon selected clothes one by one, slowly packing the bag.

"I'm not trying to embarrass you, dear, but I have to ask an uncomfortable question."

Maria's hands fell away, revealing a look of sheer incredulity.

"You have a question that’s even more uncomfortable?"

Sharon laughed again, and Maria joined her, her nervousness falling away.

"Come here, Maria."

Sharon wrapped her in a hug, and she returned it, squeezing her mother gently.

"Alright," Maria said. "Ask your question before I get unnerved and run away."

Sharon took a breath, relishing in the fact that she could once more embrace her daughter.

"Are you romantically interested in him?"

Maria's body shook as she chuckled softly.

"By the gods, that was an uncomfortable question."

She pulled away from the hug, averting her eyes.

"I don't know, mum. He makes me feel… safe."

"And he's attractive."

Maria shot a glare at Sharon's bouncing eyebrows before looking away again.

"He's attractive, yes, but I don't know how I feel about him."

Sharon smoothed her daughter's hair, sweeping a loose strand behind one ear.

"That's fine, dear. You don't have to know one way or the other. Call it a mother's intuition, but I take him to be a good man."

Maria sighed.

"Is this the conversation where you tell me it's time I find a man and start a family?"

Sharon winced.

She did want Maria to pursue such things, especially after learning of Fischer's... nature, but she would never force her only daughter into something she didn't want with her whole heart.

"Not at all." She lifted Maria's chin with one hand, and her daughter reluctantly met her eyes. "He's a good man, but that doesn't mean you need to settle down with him. I love you more than words could ever say, Maria, and above all else, I want you to be happy. If happiness for you is living with your father and I for the rest of your life, you'll always be welcome."

Maria gave one of the smiles that always made Sharon's heart melt, then wrapped her in a fierce hug.

"I love you too, mum. Thank you."

Sharon returned the hug, rubbing a soothing hand on Maria's back.

"For packing your bag, or for being the best mother in the world?"

Maria shook with laughter.



As I strode up to the door, hesitance hampered my steps.

Why am I so nervous...

I shook my upper body, trying to physically dispel the unease.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly and knocked on the door.

The moment my knuckles hit, the entry flung open.

I'd been excited to see Maria's beautiful face, which made the appearance of Roger's best scowl yet rather jarring.


"Uh—oh. G'day, Roger. Is, uh, Maria ready?"

"Maria!" he yelled, not breaking eye contact with me.

"Coming!" she called from within, and a moment later, she appeared.

As she came into view, I fought to stop my eyebrows from raising.

Usually, she wore basic clothing akin to my own; simple linen, perfect for working the fields.

Today, she wore a dress.

It was short, with neatly hemmed edges that wouldn't get in the way. She wore pants underneath that came to just above her knee, made of a thick, durable material.

It wasn't intended as an outfit of pure beauty; it was also utilitarian, perfect for traveling, but that didn't subtract from her charm.

"Wow..." I heard myself say, and I quickly clamped my mouth together as a flush crept over my face.

Roger's nostrils flared, and his scowl deepened even further, but Sharon clearing her throat kept his lips firmly pressed together.

Maria gave me a shy smile as she swept her hair behind an ear, and she rushed past her father.

"Are you all ready to go?" she asked, shifting her bag from one shoulder to the other.

"Ready when you are!"

"Make good choices," Roger said, his eyes glancing between Maria and the rod I held in one hand.

Maria sighed.

"Yes, Dad."

Sharon stepped up beside her husband, resting one arm on Roger's lower back.

"Keep our daughter safe, Fischer."

I nodded.

"I will."

"We'll be back in a few days, right?" Maria asked.

"We will—a few days at the latest." I turned to her parents. "I promise I'll bring Maria back in one piece."

Roger grunted, and Sharon gave me a pure smile.

"We're counting on it."

She ushering Roger back inside with practiced grace and started closing the door.

"Have fun, you two."

The front door closed with a soft click, and I turned to Maria.

"Anything else you need to pick up from Tropica before we go?"

"No, I'm all ready!"

"Alright." I gave her a broad grin. "Let the holiday begin."


Sergeant Snips, maiden of the pond and protector of Master's land, opened her uncovered eye as something disturbed her slumber.

She glared around, searching for her Rock Crab subordinate, who had no-doubt returned to the pond to meditate.

Maybe I should let him stay, she thought.

Whether it was the calm the pond lent her, or her begrudging appreciation of the masochistic crab's companionship, she knew not.

Snips glanced around the pond, unsure what she'd do when she found the uninvited guest. To her surprise, though, he wasn't there. She scratched at her eyepatch absentmindedly, questing further for whatever had woken her.

She peered into the cave's entrance, pitying any crab fool enough to get close to the sea snipper's oversized claws.

Not expecting to find anything, her claws twitched as she caught sight of what her master called a 'lobster'.

Its body was flickering, increasing then shrinking in size repeatedly. She tried to focus on it, but something about the sea snipper's shifting form made it hard to look at.

A source of light fluctuated from somewhere within its giant body, and in an instant, the light exploded out, turning the world white.

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