Heretical Fishing

Chapter 87: Explanation

Chapter 87: Explanation

Into the early hours of the morning, Cinnamon ate.

The tall plants were a fresh experience to her, and with each bite, sweet liquid flooded her mouth. The fibers of the plant were stringy, wooden. Somehow, she knew they held no sustenance, so she spat the fibers out after drinking all the delicious juice within.

No matter how much she consumed, her body craved more, and within the safety of the crop's center, she was happy to oblige.

If she were an awakened creature, she would have recognized how odd the experience was—she never grew full, never became satisfied. Alas, she was not, so she chewed along, ingesting entire stalks, bite by tiny bite.

The first light of the day to come swelled in the sky above her; Cinnamon knew she should return to her den.

Leaving now, though, felt... wrong. Something was building. The urge to stay warred with her animal instincts, so she drank faster, rushing to consume as much as possible before the daylight grew.

Pink and purple started leaching into the sky, and Cinnamon took one last bite.

She took a single hop away, still delighting in the juice flooding her mouth when light exploded out of her, making a soft pop.

Cinnamon froze.

As the light dissipated, strands of knowledge trickled in. She'd not lived a long life, but it had been filled with terror, pain, and the unknown. These emotions flooded her, and she dropped to the ground, trying to sink into the earth.

Then, flashes of something else joined the fray, adding color to the sheer-black memories.

Two creatures, tall and terrifying, wrapping her in a blanket. She'd thought them attackers at the time—predators waiting for the perfect time to strike and end her.

With her burgeoning awareness, she knew better.

They had swathed her, protected her, fed her, then...

My leg, she thought.

Cinnamon extended the healed appendage, feeling neither pain nor hindrance in the joint.

They... fixed...

They'd repaired her broken leg, then, instead of killing and eating her, they let had her go.

Her head darted up, her ears twitched—she could feel him. The tallest one, the male... human. He was close, and his presence drew her on.

She bound off toward him, following her senses.


The sky was painted in purple and pink hues as I stepped outside, and I took a deep breath of the cool morning air, a smile coming to my face.

There were small waves cresting the river mouth, and their movement drew my attention. Each moment was as a new picture; the ocean would never again be in that exact shape, the water creating a brand new configuration with every passing millisecond.

The thought hit me as profound, and it gave me a new appreciation for the vista.

Then, something physical hit me.

Corporal Claws squealed as she slammed into my side. She scrambled up my body, hugging herself against my chest, so I made a cradle with my arms, which she happily fell into.

We grinned at each other.

"Morning, Claws. Did you sleep well?"

She chittered her joy at seeing me, and I rubbed her cute little head.

"I missed you too!"

I returned my attention to the predawn landscape, and she joined her gaze to mine, body going soft as she leaned into my arm and watched the shifting waters.

"Are you up to anything today?"

No, she chirped.

As one, we both paused, our eyebrows narrowing.

Synchronized, we turned our heads to the side.

A creature approached, her form radiating the softest trickle of power I'd ever felt.

No way...

I recognized her immediately—it was Cinnamon. The bunny hopped along the sand at a leisurely pace, ears held high and eyes locked on me. I blinked dumbly as she approached.

Claws was similarly lost for words, nary a chirp or hiss escaping her mouth as Cinnamon reached us.

"Er... Cinnamon? Is that you?"

The bunny raised her head toward me and nodded a single time, her gaze filled with intelligence.

There was no doubt in my mind—she had awakened.

And I'm pretty sure I know how...

Pushing aside my annoyance, I bent down and pet her head. Her fur was like velvet, and she leaned to the side as I scratched behind an ear.

"It's nice to meet you properly, Cinnamon. My name is Fischer, and this is Corporal Claws.

Claws jumped from my arms, timidly approached, and reached out her front paws, giving Cinnamon testing pats on the body. The otter's paws tapped away, as if feeling a hot surface. When Cinnamon didn't protest, Claws let out a curious chirp and stroked one forelimb across the length of Cinnamon's back.

Claws' eyes went wide, sparkling with the sensation, and she started cooing as she ran both paws through the bunny's fluffy fur.

"Be gentle," I said, laughing. "She's tiny."

Unlike the other awakened creatures, Cinnamon hadn't appeared to grow in stature, and was still only the size of my hand.

"Would you come with me, Cinnamon? I need to go speak with someone, and I think you might need to be there."

She looked at me curiously, perhaps not understanding what I said.

I held out my palm, and she hopped atop it. Her body was so warm for such a small creature, and I held her close to my chest.

"Would you go get Snips and Pistachio, Claws?" I asked.

Claws gave me a curious look, but nodded.

"Thank you. I'll meet you back here, okay?"

She nodded again, then dashed off toward the salt-water pond.


Sergeant Snips was having a wonderful dream.

Fischer had prepared a feast, and her entire squad of rock crabs was invited.

She knew not what was cooking, but it smelled delicious, and she salivated at the scents in the air.

Fischer walked toward them with his trusty pot and set it down between the crabs. He removed the lid, and the meal's flavor flooded out, engulfing them all. It was some sort of soup, filled with chunks of fish, clam, crab, and other unknown morsels.

Her master poured some into a bowl and set it down before her. Vapors rose from the pot, permeating her senses, and she leaned in, grabbed a portion of fish with one claw, raised it to her mouth, and—something tapped her head.

She shook her carapace, ignoring the interruption. She had to taste this meal. She needed to...

The tapping increased, and a loud chirp cut through her consciousness.

Sergeant Snips opened her eye, and as the blurred world came into focus, she glared her annoyance at Corporal Claws.

The otter was playing her head like a drum, tapping incessantly with her infuriatingly furred paws.

Snips knocked her hand away with one claw, bubbling with frustration.

I was so close to tasting it...

Claws let out another chirp, sharp and insistent. She gestured toward the pond's wall, then darted off toward Pistachio's lair.

Snips let out a bubbled sigh as she walked from the water and into the pre-dawn light. Rocky followed her, having also been woken by the boisterous otter.

A cool wind struck Snips as they waited for Claws and Pistachio. They both emerged a moment later, Claws swiftly, and Pistachio with lumbering steps.

The otter immediately launched into a panicked stream of hisses and chirps, and worry blossomed within Snips.

She bubbled a question, and Claws nodded—she was sure.

Pistachio, ever silent, simply watched and listened, taking in the conversation.

Snips let out a sigh, and she pointed at Rocky.

"Stay here," she hissed.

They turned to leave, and at hearing Rocky's legs hitting the sand, she whirled on him.

"Go back," she bubbled, pointing at the pond.

Rocky stared at her, unmoving.

"No," he hissed.

Her worry morphed into anger at the insubordinate idiot, and power flooded from her.

She launched at him, water billowing from her body as her ability-powered claw shot forward.


Checkmate, mistress, Rocky thought as he soared over the ocean.

It was an unlosable position—either he could join the meeting, or he got sent flying; both were acceptable.

As he arced high over the ocean—elevated above the ground as he was—he caught sight of the rising sun. Rocky blew a stream of joyous bubbles, the small orbs shining in the light of day.

He took in the scenes below and above, his vision flashing between both as, following the spiky-mistress' toss, he spun chaotically. The ocean was calm and flat, the sky above was a stunning pink; both were beautiful.

If not for his improved body, he'd not have been able to appreciate the sight, and gratitude flooded him.

The sea rushed up to meet him as he descended, and he extended his limbs, anticipating the slap to come.

This is the life… he thought.


With Cinnamon wrapped in a shirt, I walked across the sandy flat toward Tropica.

I wasn't looking forward to the conversation, but knew it to be necessary.

I held my hand atop Cinnamon's shirt-covered body, taking solace in the warmth she exuded.

The sun was just cresting the Horizon behind me when I knocked on the door. I heard shuffling from inside, and after a moment, Helen peered out at me.

"Oh, Fischer," she said. "Good morning. What can I do for you?"

"Morning, Helen. Is Barry in?"

"Um, yes, he's just waking Paul up. Is everything alright...? You don't seem yourself..."

I hadn't realized I was frowning, so I smoothed my features.

"Yeah, sorry, everything's fine. I just need to steal Barry for a bit. Could you ask him to meet me back at my place?"

"Sure... I can do that."

"Thanks, Helen. I'll see you later."

I turned and left, headed for the next home.


I knocked on the door, my anxiety spiking.

The portal flew open, and Roger's scowling face greeted me.

I forced a smile onto my face.

"G'day, mate. You alright?"

"I knew it would be you. I'm fine. Maria is still asleep."

"I'm actually here to see Sharon..."

His eyes widened, then narrowed again.

"Fischer?" Sharon called from inside.

She joined Roger at the door, giving me a smile.

"Good morning. What did you need me for?"

"I need to steal you for a moment." I turned to Roger. "We won't be long—we just need to have a little chat with Barry back at my place."

At Barry's name, Sharon's lips formed a line for a bare second, then went back into a smile—it was tense, and didn't entirely reach her eyes.

She pet Roger on the shoulder.

"I won't be long, dear."

Roger clenched his jaw, but said nothing, staring his suspicion at me as Sharon stepped past him and outside.


Barry stepped through the gate and found Snips, Claws, and Pistachio waiting.

"Is this about what I think it is?"

Snips nodded, but made a maybe gesture with one claw.

Barry sighed, casting his gaze toward the rising sun.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now... I guess we just have to wait and see. Did you learn anything else last night, Claws?"

The otter shook her head, letting out a negative chirp.

Unlike the night gone, Claws now held no excitement when he brought up her scouting; worry knitted her features.

He knelt down, waving for the ascendant creatures to get closer.

"Let's get our story straight."


"So, what's this about, Fischer?" Sharon asked from beside me as we walked past fields of cane.

"Just something I need to clear up—I'll wait until we're all present."

We walked in silence the rest of the way, and as we stepped through my fence's gate, Sharon inhaled a sharp intake of breath.

Snips, Claws, Pistachio, and Barry all stood there. Barry was kneeling, talking to the others softly, but he stood as he noticed us.

"Good morning, Fischer."

"Morning, mate."

Barry gave me a smile, but it seemed strained.

"What did you want to see us about?"

Without preamble, I unwrapped the shirt in my arms and held out the adorable Cinnamon.

Seeing them all, she cocked her head, her long ears flopping to one side.

“Care to explain this, Barry?”

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