Hero of Darkness

Chapter 122: Hidden Story

Chapter 122: Hidden Story

Kahn was surprised to see both of the old men knowing his other identity as Azrael. But when he looked at the severed head of the Snakekin, he understood how they found out.

Because so far, only Albestros and the Snakekin knew about his other identity as the angel of death. One of them kept this as a secret because Kahn was going to avenge his children while the other kept his mouth shut because Kahn was a wealthy customer who paid two to three times more for simple jobs such as intel gathering or spreading rumors.

"So you know that I'm Azrael.. But why does it affect you? I don't remember killing anyone who was remotely related to you." asked Kahn.

What enmity did the two men in front of him have to suddenly ambush him like this?

The old peak grandmaster rank magic swordsman walked forwards and a dense burst of dark blue aura was released from his body as his vengeful eyes landed on Kahn.

He was currently clad in blue armor and had a claymore sword in his hand. Arkham's countenance was of someone who had been greatly wronged. He unsheathed the sword and pointed the end at the young man standing in front of him. The sword's appearance matched a lot to Jon Snow's Longclaw sword.

Arkham's red eyes that were fumed with anger stared at Kahn.

"Because you... Killed my son!" declared Arkham.

"Wh.. What?!" asked Kahn with a baffled expression on his face.

"Who's your son? I haven't killed anyone who wasn't an enemy or part of their forces." he replied.

"Erwin Malfoy is.. was.. my only son!" revealed Arkham.


Kahn gasped and his eyes were full of surprise.

Because Erwin Malfoy was the first noble clan heir he killed.

"What?! How's that possible? Isn't he the clan heir and the son of the Malfoy clan head?" asked Kahn.

He too put a hand on his sword, Lucifer.

"30 years ago, when I worked for the Malfoy clan as the clan head's bodyguard.. I had an affair with his wife. We eloped one night when I was on a duty to escort her to a place." said Arkham.

The blade of his sword shone with a blue hue.

"A year later when Erwin was about to be born, we were even ready to run away and start a new life somewhere else. But thankfully, he had his mother's hair color. And I don't know how she did it, but the clan leader never found out that the child wasn't his own." spoke Arkham again as he explained.

"I gave up on being his father in name. Because the life he would have was far better than anything I could ever give him. I left the post and started working as an adventurer. All I ever wanted for him was to let him have a life without worries. And you... You killed that very son of mine and hung his body in the middle of the city for everyone to watch!"


A dense and murderous aura was burst out of the old man and a blue water elemental aura started coalescing on his sword.

Kahn on the other end brandished Lucifer and activated the bloodline effect. And the sword had all the red-veined patterns glowing as a blistering heat was released from it. He activated all of his attack buff and defensive skills as he took a defensive stance.

"How the fuck was I supposed to know that?! And you want to avenge that rap*st bastard son of yours?" he asked, getting ready to face the old man.

"Good or evil, it doesn't matter. Blood is blood." declared Arkham.

Currently, Kahn only had one-third of his stats, skills and magical abilities, their effectiveness was greatly subdued under this restriction barrier. His strength, speed and senses were also greatly reduced. If not for him breaking through the peak grandmaster rank, he wouldn't even be able to stand properly under this magical formation.

He regretted being careless and not expecting the old men ambushing him out of the blue. Because he never had any reason to suspect these old men as their relationship was somewhat friendly.


Arkham swung his sword towards Kahn and three water blades were launched at him.

Side Hopper!

Kahn used the quick sidestep skill and barely managed to evade the water blades.


The small boulder and the medium-sized tree behind him were crushed and cut through these water blades.

Kahn who knew enough about science quickly understood the destructive force behind these water blades.

Because these were high-pressure compressed water blades. Just like the water jets that could even cut through the metals like aluminum. And given Arkham's strength and rank.. These were more than enough to cut a man in half just with a single attack.

[Fuck! Why can't I get a break for once!] thought Kahn.


Arkham launched another set of attacks and Kahn tried to dodge them to the best of his abilities.

[System, how much strength can I use with all my attacks increase and buff skills?] asked Kahn to the systems. First, he had to know his own fighting prowess before he even engaged in a frontal clash against Arkham.

There was no hope for reconciliation either. Because the old man was now adamant about killing him.

And on top of that, there was also Solomon who was only just watching from a long distance as if he was enjoying the show.

[The host can only use 62% of his original strength and efficiency of physical and magical abilities & skills.] replied the system.

[Dammit! I'll barely be able to hold him off. And he hasn't even gotten serious yet or used his other skills.] spoke Kahn and ran in another direction.

The only thing that was helping him evade the attacks from the old man's sword at this point was his Survival Instinct blessing. Or else, he'd be a fish on a chopping board.


Another one of Arkham's water blades came in his direction, this time he decided to reply with his own attack.


Kahn swung Lucifer and launched the sword blade attack made up of dark magic and darkness element.


The clash between these two elemental aura blades shook the surroundings and a huge crevice was formed on the ground just with the aftermath of their collision.

Solomon on the other end of this fight widened his eyes in surprise. He hurriedly asked in a loud tone.

"Impossible! How do you know the forbidden Dark magic?!"

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