He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 291: Silver Ring

Chapter 291: Silver Ring

Song recommendations for the mood: Howl's Moving Castle~ Merry go round of life.

~~ There was a question whether Yue and Chengye is the same person and they are not! Their story will come up a few chapters later, hang tight ~~


"My mother's library." He replied bringing her to the room until they reach the glass door.

"It's very large. Your mother must have liked reading books." She then recalled how she once heard Wang Li Lei's mother was a genius on her field, and the genius blood now flowed to Wang Li Lei.

"Actually, my father and mother became closer because they had the same hobby of reading book."

"Is that so? I wonder how they look." She hummed in interest when Wang Li Lei had finished unlocking the glass door with a different key. With a click, the glass door open wide for a gust of cold wind greeted her first. Her hair she let down now flew over to cover her face and stopped only until the wind stopped blowing over her face. She tied her hair with her hand to feel Wang Li Lei helping her to tie her hair. His fingers were gentle and smooth like someone who was holding a precious treasure on his hand.

"There," He said and patted her shoulder. "You said you want to see how my parents look, didn't you?" And she gave him a nod. There were many things she want to know about him one in particular was his family.

Wang Li Lei left for a moment while she waited to see the view on across the balcony. The sky was orange to have a slow change in color to dark blue. Although she was seeing the place with her eyes, she felt she was watching a painting which moved each second.

"Is it beautiful?" He asked and brought back a book along with two chairs along with him.

"It is, very." Xiao Yun couldn't help but ogle to the view and she didn't forget to take a few picture after helping Wang Li Lei to arrange the chair. "That book is?"

Wang Li Lei placed it over her hand, "My family's album, it have a few blanks for years." He mentioned of how he moved to his grandparent's house before moving to Suan Lung's house.

The first two pages of the album was of a small baby with a big black sharp eyes and an adorable smile over his face. It was the picture of Wang Li Lei when he was still a year old. "So cute." She awwed, the picture was so dear and so was his baby smile. Like any other children, there was a picture of him crying and there was also a picture of Wang Li Lei filling the last piece to a large rectangular picture of a boat which she remembered to have seen over the halls.

The pictures in the album was very magical to Xiao Yun. Seeing Wang Li Lei slowly growing up from being unable to walk until he could ran freely brought a wide smile to her lips. She continued to turn to almost thirty pages and all the slots were filled with nothing but his pictures. She wondered where was his parent's picture until she reached the middle page of the album and saw a wide picture.

In the picture was a beautiful woman even more beautiful than any woman Xiao Yun ever met. She had a short black hair that stopped to her shoulder curled on the ends. Her eyes held a graceful ambience but with her husband and son, her face grew of a motherly expression. Her smile was wide and bright to show just how happy she was on that day. Beside her was a picture of a man on his late twenties, the man was tall like the woman only to be taller by three inches than his wife. He had a loose hairstyle and features similar to Wang Yongyi. The sharp eyes he had reminded her well of Wang Li Lei's gaze. The husband and wife was hugging each other with a wide smile reflecting to their eyes and on their hands were their son who had a mature expression than the boys of his age.

"You look more similar to your mother." Xiao Yun remarked. Wang Li Lei's Mother had a very strong expression unlike what she expected his mother to be a very gentle looking woman, she could see just by a picture of her confident smile.

"My father often said the same thing." Wang Li Lei chuckled, "He always wondered why I wasn't similar to him."

"But your eyes are the same of your father." She replied back after her laughter. How weird she thought, if it wasn't due to the second chance she receive to go back to her past, she would never see this side of him. "How did your father and mother meet each other?"

"You want to hear?" He asked for Xiao Yun to give her agreement intensely. "Yes!"

"It's not that much of an unusual story, they met around the time my father was in college studying to take over the company. One day his professor asked him to bring the documents he misplaced in the office. My mother that day, was asked by her friend to help her from being harassed by a professor. When she saw my father entering the professor room, she clearly thought my fathe was the same man that had harassed her friend and," he trailed to see Xiao Yun had brought her face closer and urge him to continue, "Then?"

"And my mother kicked my father." Xiao Yun unknowingly burst to a cloud of laughter. "Then, what happened after that?" She was curious of how they could end up together when their first meeting wasn't exactly the best one.

"My father defended himself and tried to converse with my mother, he said my mom beat him for another three times until she hears properly what his words. Then they come to meet the professor who harassed my mother's friend and brought the man to the police."

"The professor deserves to be jailed." Xiao Yun commented in agreement to his parent's choice.

"Yes, fortunately my mother have enough support by the evidence her friend gave. But funnily enough, the police thought my father brought the professor due to the man beating him." And both of them chuckled. "So how did they became closer?"

Wang Li Lei glanced to the sky slowly dipping to the blueness, "They met again in the library next day and discuss of all the books they've read to find out that they have the same preference. My father had fallen for my mother by the time, so he asked her to meet him again the next day in the library."

"Did your mother agreed?"

"She did, since then the two continue to meet each other there." Xiao Yun hummed. From the story it was enough to know what personality his mother and father had. "They seem like a very good couple. Do you know how did your father propose your mother?" As a woman herself it made her heart fluttery to hear other's love story.

Wang Li Lei seemed to pause his lips from answering. A swirl of black heat evaporated to his eyes, taking her hand he spoke, "here."

Xiao Yun gulped and blinked many times to ask again, "Here?"

"He built the house and ask my mother to marry him here." He smiled and shifted her eyes toward the view outside the balcony and Xiao Yun followed his eyes. She wasn't sure from where did it appeared but suddenly enough, a glow of bluish green appear like stars around the sky which had turned black. Like small stars appearing before her eyes, the light sparkled and moved around as though fairy was dancing around.

"Beautiful," she gasped. "Fireflies?" She asked and he smiled to confirm her words. Weirdly enough, when Xiao Yun saw his smile her heart rate begin to races up. Was it because of how the world seem to consist of the two of them? She didn't know, the silence ensued didn't make her nervous out of fear or anxiousness but a gingerly feeling of expectant that something would happen now.

Pulling a red velvet box of the size of his palm from his pocket, Wang Li Lei opened the box to her. Her eyes stayed at the silver ring with a diamond on the middle of the body. She looked up to have his eyes fix on her and tears began to well over the rim of her eyes. "There is still two years," he started. "Two years after this on your next birthday, would you marry me, Xiao Yun?"

There was no need of her words regardless, she spread her hand to hug his shoulder and felt his hand warmly wrapping over her. "Of course," she said, "Yes!" Taking the ring out from the box, he wore it on her finger and have her place the ring on his ring finger. Having the two rings sparkling beside each other, Xiao Yun clutched her hand to her heart. "I love this." She looked at him and lift her chin, "I love you."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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