He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 311: Murder Weapons-I

Chapter 311: Murder Weapons-I

"This is..." whispered Ye Xinye. "A threaten message?"

"Or a provocation." Tang Guanyu replied. He then turned his eyes to Wang Li Lei who was sitting idle and cleared his throat. "Mr. Wang, I know better than anyone of how strong Mr. Zuan is and he died very horribly. What if the next target are us? I'm sorry in advance if this will sound rude Mr. Wang but as what we have seen we now know the killer's target are none other than you."

A clinking sound rang in the silent room as Wang Li Lei put down the cup tea to the ceramic plate. His eyes sharply stared back at Tang Guanyu to say,  "That is why we are doing this now. I want everyone to see the murder scenes. Do anyone find one thing odd from all the picture you have seen?"

The two men hummed the brows they drew tightened as they try to recall when they found nothing and shook their heads altogether. "We don't."

"Hyun." Wang Li Lei called and the secretary swiftly filled in.

"As we have said before, the victims died by slashing attacks that was created by a knife. This knife we presumed to be not too long nor too short. The forensic who had helped us stated the depth of the wound they found to be the deepest was about twenty seven centimeter. In short it is as long as a dagger of a kitchen knife."

Thinking that Jang Hyun had be going around beating around the bushes, Tang Guanyu interjected, "I understand about the knifes but why are we talking about the first murder, is there something different with the first attack and the recent murders?"

"Yes. It had been said that the ever first murder is not always perfect and with that in mind, the Master drew more attention to investigate the first murder. For us to find this."

"Find what?" narrowed Tang Guanyu.

Jang Hyun gave him a silent nod and pushed the button device on his palm for the screen to switch into a picture of a bloodied dagger that was covered in a vinyl plastic.

Ye Xinye who saw the dagger had his eyes widened, "This is, the murder weapon?" he snapped his eyes first from Jang Hyun toward Wang Li Lei who was drinking his green tea leisurely with his focus away.

"Yes, Mr. Ye. Fortunately we have find the murder weapon that was use by the killer."

"And where is this weapon now?" questioned Tang Guanyu.

"Currently as we have find the murder weapon before the police, we entrusted the murder weapon to the police for them to look more into the finger prints that we believe was left carelessly by the killer." replied Jang Hyun when his eyes moved to see the back figure of Wang Li Lei to move his eyes toward the other two people who sat in front of him.

Silence ensued to the room, Tang Guanyu and Ye Xinye looked at Wang Li Lei in disbelief, they had heard of how capable the man was but to be able to find the murder weapon even before police meant he had greater authority than the police themselves.

"However," suddenly Tang Guanyu's voice rang to end the silence. "Even if we found the killer's identity, I don't think it would be easy to find who had hired the killer." he said looking to Ye Xinye and Wang Li Lei's gaze, "Honestly, I do not think that the killer would do this on his own accord. It's almost too impossible that a single person without a help from someone of a higher standing to attack us cleanly without leaving any single clue."

"We agree with that, Mr. Tang." replied Jang Hyun. "I will take you all back to the first crime scene. As I have noted earlier, there are about forty seven people in the group but pit of the fourth people in the group four died in the office and they are the people who were responsible for managing and mobilizing the office. It would mean that the killer had waited for the opportunity where there would only be those four people in the room."

"In short, someone had planned for the attack?" Ye Xinye questioned, as the first office that was attacked was under his group, he was more than eager to find out the killer's identity.

"Or more specifically, someone had make sure that in the office there would be only those four person." replied Jang Hyun. "One thing that we find connected from the first victims and the rest of the victims are that they are people who had supported master to become the next successor."

This had Tang Guanyu to narrow his eyes. It was easy to fit puzzle to the questions. The target of the killer was to oppose Wang Li Lei for being the next successor and both the bloodied writing and Jang Hyun's words confirmed their suspicion.

"That was not all." said Jang Hyun to receive their attention once again. "We find that they had also been in contact many times with Mr. Zhao Min, the head of Wushin Group." Ye Xinye snapped his eyes to the secretary to retract his gaze to understand that the secretary was doing his work.

Although Ye Xinye and Zhao Min was known well for their cat and dog relationship in fact, Ye Xinye held a high impression to Zhao Min. They often seen to be fighting for their different beliefs however, most of the time they fought because of their clashing personality. When it was true that Zhao Min object Wang Li Lei for being Suan Lung's next successor, he knew that Zhao Min wouldn't resort to do blind killings.

"And there is that rumor about Zhao Min too amongst the group." Tang Guanyu subtly said in a hushed tone but as the distance the seat shared, Wang Li Lei and Ye Xinye was able to heard his whisper in clarity.

"What did you say?!" Ye Xinye glared to Tang Guanyu who spoke in a time where it wasn't needed.

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