He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 355: The Master and His Disciples-I

Chapter 355: The Master and His Disciples-I

"Chased by someone?" asked Xiao Yun, "Is it the same reason because of the dispute in the family?"

Tian Shi shook his head, "No, it was someone else. Uncle, he had nine disciples who studied martial arts under him. In our place, Tian Family is known well for their techniques and was proved to be one of the best martial arts family and uncle is the direct heir to the Family after my father. There is one of the nine disciples, his name is Tian San, he is a psychopath and a person who was crazy about fights. We thought he had died but then, I heard he had came back."

"Tian San in the person you are avoiding now." it was Wang Li Lei who spoke. "This explain most of it, however, if your family is equally strong why are you running from a single person?"

"It isn't me who he is hunting but my uncle. He has some deep grudge against him."

"But Tian Yi isn't weak either when it come to fights." Xiao Yun responded to see how Tian Shi sighed while ruffling his long black hair.

"He is not weak but when it comes to his family or disciples, he would rather give his own life than fighting back. If he knew Tian San is coming to attack him, he would have met him head-on and even offer his own life." Tian Shi spared a look at Tian Yi, commenting in his heart of how troublesome he was.

"Is he now in China to find him?" asked Wang Li Lei and Xiao Yun shifted her eyes at Tian Shi, also wanting to know his reply.

"The last thing I heard was that he had taken a different name and identity." Tian Shi responded truthfully. "He is now called Chengye and is located in Korea."

Xiao Yun eyes widened. But as each time she stepped forward new facts had always blown her mind that this was still considered a small surprise to her though it doesn't mean she wasn't surprised. She had drowned in surprise as many times that she couldn't remember.

"Let's get this straight," Wang Li Lei said, he was also surprise as he hadn't expect the change course of event. Was the destiny or fate that Liu Yan Hui spoke finally took a wheel and changed everything due to their small moves? "Tian Yi is both your uncle and master."

"Yes." Tian Shi replied readily.

"He has none disciples including you. Your family had a dispute and you sent him away to China and suddenly Tian San who you thought was death came back to live."

"This is too much of a coincidence." whispered Xiao Yun.

With the way the talked, it worried Tian Shi, "I'm not lying, really! Wait here, I'll get something from my room to show you!"

"Wait." Wang Li Lei brought an ear piece from his pocket and pushed the button calling, "Hyun keep an eye on Yue as he walk out of the room." In less than five minutes, Jang Hyun came. He didn't asked at first seeing how everyone as tense and brought Tian Shi out before coming back.

In Tian Shi's hand was a picture frame. He took the picture out, smoothened the corner for the picture to show ten people. Xiao Yun who held the picture could identify two people. The first being Tian Yi and the second was Chengye.

"It's him." Xiao Yun pointed her finger at the young boy who was hugging Tian Yi. "It wasn't like this in the past." she murmured looking at Wang Li Lei with the same thought.

"The future changed again." he voiced out the words she had in her mind.

"What happened to him, why is he holding grudge against Tian Yi?" she asked and Jang Hyun who closed the door behind him silently positioned himself far on the corner, hearing the conversation and noticed the things that goes amiss between them to see how Tian Shi wore a grim expression.

"Six years ago, uncle he picked up people to become his disciples. It was common for martial arts to pick disciples but uncle doesn't like choosing people because their family's name. He want to nurture child who he knew hold potential. Except for me everyone came from different place, different region, and was picked out from their own circumstances. Tian San or Chengye was a child he found on the street." Tian Shi drawled from his words, he glanced at Tian Yi whose face was still youthful regardless of his age that had passed thirty. He could still remember the whimsical choice Tian Yi made six years ago when he was told to find his own disciples.

"My name is Yi, right? Doesn't it homophone to one? So I want nine disciples." said Tian Yi with a grin. Tian Shi was still young at the time and was shorter than him by inches, seeing his grin that grew nothing but his playful act, he only sighed wondering how his age was a lie as he look no different than his five-year-old younger cousins.

"Nine, are you sure you could handle them all? Even my father choose only three disciples." sighed Tian Shi.

Tian Yi clicked his tongue thrice and disagreed with his nephew words. Grinning he confidently declared, "It's fine I'm Tian Yi, the master of martial arts I could beat them with rules so they would heed to my words!"

"Uncle, that is called as abuse. No good. Didn't our family says that martial arts is to protect and not to harm?" Tian Shi protested to see how Tian Yi looked at him while wrinkling his brows at his cocky nephew.

"You are really not cute."

"It's not like I want to be cute." As soon as the words leave his lips, Tian Shi felt his view tilting the world was already upside down when Tian Yi easily picked him up like a bag of turnips and placed him on his shoulder.

"Uncle! What are you doing?! Let me down!" Tian Shi yelled. This was a very embarrassing moment for him to be pick out like a child even though he was still one, he never want to be treated as one. He punched and kick around, wailing but Tian Yi was called a genius for a reason, his body was sturdier than others and a kid's punch and kick didn't mean much to him. Knowing it, Tian Shi was quick to resign and chose sway on his shoulder.

"Hear me my not-so-cute nephew. Martial arts is to protect and not to harm. To teach a disciple you need to have patience, kindness, and the power to harden your heart."

Tian Shi slumped to his back, sighing, "How does that have to do with allowing you to abuse your disciples?"

Tian Yi felt his lips twitch at his nephew's nagging, "It's called punishing with a lesson not abuse. As the master who would teach my disciples martial arts, I know it would not be easy to set one to a right path. In this world we never know or guess what's ahead and it's best if I use my own way to make sure in the future they wouldn't stray from the right path. If you think about it, I'm protecting them but in my own way. What's with that face?"

"Whatever." Tian Shi humphed, facing away with a pouting lips and heard Tian Yibegan to laugh and felt his body shake when Tian Yi's shoulders also shook. "What are you laughing at?!" he asked him confused.

"I know why you are sulking don't worry, I didn't forget my promise." His words surprised Tian Shi to look at him with wide eyes. "I told you my name is homophone to One, didn't I? What number your name is homophone to? Ten. So I need eight more disciples to make the numbers add up."

Tian Shi was half-surprised and half-happy when Tian Yi reasoned his plan but he tried to hold his expression not to show how happy he was and say, "You remembered?"

"I do of course." Tian Yi smiled wide, "You gave me a steamed bun in exchange to take you as my disciples and I didn't forget this."

"But your reason is too silly, uncle. Father said it's hard to make one life's go in a right path and you're sure you could keep nine people at once? Every people have their own personality and even if you teach them to the right way, I'm not sure about the future."

Tian Yi shook his head, "I can't tell if you are being considerate or angry. Don't worry trust me, I can do it."

"I hope you are right," sighed Tian Shi. "Remember if any of your disciples is going awry, I've advised you before."

"I know, I know." Tian Yi waved his hand. Little did Tian Shi knew, years after that his words turn to reality.

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