Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 7: Sneaky Snake System Commence!

Chapter 7: Sneaky Snake System Commence!

As her mind wandered to the agonizing events of the evening, Tang Yue felt her tiredness finally take over and slowly dozed off.

She was so fatigued that she even dreamt that night about ridiculous things.

A weird old man with a staggeringly long beard appeared in her dreams and called her the chosen one.

Apparently, she had awoken the unique evolve ability of her clan by shedding her skin for the first time and even inherited one of the precious heritages of her clan.

The deeply guarded serpentine clan heritage was actually a soul sliver of one of the ancient immortal snake clan elders who would now accompany her and train her.

The jobless eccentric elder even proposed doing this training by using this method called system.

As the night progressed, her dream was getting weirder and weirder.

And finally, when it was daybreak, Tang Yue woke up with cold sweat on her forehead.

Nevertheless, her mind and body felt completely refreshed.

But suddenly, before she could even open her eyes, a nasally old man's voice echoed in her brain.

[The sneaky snake system is getting activated. Your first quest will be released in an hour.]

Tang Yue almost fell down from the bed in fear and shock.

What the heck???

What the heck???

What the heck???

That stupid dream was actually real???

As Tang Yue picked herself up from the ground, she took a couple of deep breaths and calmed down.

She patted her chest and sat back down on the soft feathered bed.

"This... Can I talk to you?" She called out aloud, with clearly visible nervous tremors in her delicate voice.

Immediately the voice, which definitely had to belong to an old man, sounded in her head again.

[Yes, you can communicate with the system, even mentally.]

Tang Yue smiled.

That was definitely more convenient for her since she didn't have to look like an insane person talking to herself.

Tang Yue stared at the ornate wall in front of her and tried to gather her scrambled thoughts.

So, in summary, this is supposed to be an ancient heritage from her clan.

Most probably the remnants of some powerful elder, that had been sealed away for centuries together.

"Surely, he doesn't mean any harm to me. If he had wanted, I would already be dead." Tang Yue hypothesized, trying to make sense of this strange new situation that she was in.

Adjusting her attitude, this time around, Tang Yue addressed the system more respectfully.

After all, she was interacting with one of the great great great great grand elders of her clan.

"Master, please accept this humble student under your tutelage." She respectfully bowed, showing her gratitude for this mysterious ancient master.

[Flattery doesn't work on the system. Save your energy little snake.] The system immediately retorted back impassively.

Tang Yue didn't say anything further and kept quiet.

Her master seemed a bit too eccentric. So she decided that it probably was in her best interests to not dwell too much on these things.

After a while, she hesitated and requested some more information. "Master, how do I get strong?"

[By working hard like everyone else little snake.]

"Master, I cannot cultivate like the other beasts and beings. My meridians are damaged."

[Little snake. You seem to be a little too dumb for your own good? Since you can evolve, of course, everything can be repaired in due time.]

Tang Yue bit her lips but bore the insults with a straight face. "Master, I can evolve?"

[How else do you think you managed to survive that poison attack, little snake?]

Tang Yue's eyes went wide.

Their clan had long since lost this innate ability to evolve. And now, all of a sudden, a trash like her can do it?

This meant that she can definitely grow stronger in the future, even strong enough to shake the entire heavens!

She no longer had to play the role of the useless trash!

Tang Yue quickly probed further. She was bursting with excitement and enthusiasm and eagerly asked. "Master, will you now impart some heavenly technique or some sort of precious treasure for this humble student?"

[Heh... A toad wanting to eat swan meat. It looks like you are just a dumb little snake.]

Hmmm? She was stupified.

Little snake this. Little snake that. The stupid system was so annoying. Every single question got a useless answer.

Useless. This thing was completely useless.

What priceless heritage? What ancient master? This eccentric old man was simply going to drive her crazy without anything in return!!

The respect she had for him was decreasing every minute.

Tang Yue racked her brain trying to come up with some sort of explanation. How can one even understand this condescending mysterious inheritance?

She was restlessly pacing back and forth in her chamber trying to understand the complex situation when a slight knock on her chamber doors brought her back to reality.

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