High-Class Mob

Chapter 31: It’s in the blood

Chapter 31: It’s in the blood

The Veras and the Edgeworths, they are the forces that each controls a sway in the decision of the Kingdom. Even though they do not exercise their powers, everyone knows what they can do.

A family can fight or go against them but it is useless, even Merchants do not want to go against them. Fighting the Edgeworths and the Veras is like fighting the King and the citizens of the kingdom.

The reason is as simple as to why this was the case. It is said that nobles have skeletons buried on the path that they walk on. However, not Liron and Shickly.

The only skeletons on their path are the ones who they killed to protect the kingdom and its citizens. Also, being the scale who keeps the power of the kingdom in balance, the two families are heavily favored by the king.

Their numerous war achievements and their innate kindness towards their soldiers and the citizens gave them prestige that no one can touch.

There was once a Ducal Family who tried to fight against the rising Liron Vera by sending out a woman to entice Liron into committing adultery.

When the woman approached Liron, she tried everything she does to make him fall for her but Liron ignored her and turned his back on her. When she became too pushy and tried to cause a ruckus in the streets to tarnish the name of the illustrious Liron Vera, she was slapped in the face and Liron said a single line that resonates with every man in the Kingdom.

“I, a man and as a man, I only look at the woman that I love, whoever sent you to me tell this to them; a blade can sever my neck, but none can sever my love for the one I love!”

This would have ended differently if not for the fact that the late Marchioness unearthing the plot of that Ducal family and then dragging the lady they sent to her husband by the hair. She looked at them with condemning eyes and smiled at them.

“Try this again…I dare you.”

After that, the people rallied and the King answered the people by stripping off that Ducal family title off them after a long trial forcing them to flee to another Kingdom.

In the case of the Edgeworths, a large merchant family in the line of winemaking tried to destroy the growing business/hobby Shickly Edgeworth. They tried sabotaging the Edgeworths and when this came to light, that wine selling merchant lost 85% of his patrons and was forced by the king to pay reparations.

And the abuse of power can’t even be placed on Count Shickly by doing what he did, because after the merchant went to pay the reparation, Count Shickly turned him back saying…

“I do not want your gold, you already suffered enough. Keep them and start a new life with your family…”

It was said that the Count then slept the whole day after letting so much money go as if it was nothing to him proving he cares not for money but virtue.

And from that story alone, the history of the two families alone, many are already scared to make anymore bad move against them lest they become another one such example.

Though they can hate them without fearing about the consequences, making a move is different.

But at this moment, what stuck to many the most is the story of the Vera family and how the late Marchioness marched to the Ducal family without fear.

And as Mina appeared before them today with a smile on her face while flocking around the one who is obviously her lover made every woman in the vicinity feel the pressure of the Vera lineage.

Their loyalty to the one they love is something everyone knows and seeing Mina smile just in the same manner told in the story, it could be understood why the atmosphere turned sour.

However, it was Colt who was in the most pressure here. Though he held a smile on his countenance, he fears that something will happen to the ones present. Their lives are in the hands of Mina and as her prowess was at Sixth Circle Mage so who can blame him?

She is a Healing Mage, but he is very much aware that she also has a minor in some elements. So, the only thing he can do is smooth things over and try to save them to the extent of what he can do.

If he fails? Their lives will be forfeited and he’ll feel bad…he thought.

Colt took a step closer to Mina and held by her willowy waist, he leaned in to give her a quick peck on the forehead. Momentarily stunning the enraged Mina.

The silence made the sound of his parting lips echo in their heads and as he parted with her, he too showed a smile.

“How I missed you so, Mina.”

Against the sudden attack of Colt, Mina’s face flushed and the hidden daggers on her eyes crumbled. She lowered her head as she placed her hands on her chest as she felt the wild beating that sounded like the trampling of wild horses in a plain.

“I too have missed you, my dear.”

Colt released genuine soft laughter as he saw her acting so meek. He always sees her acting so domineeringly and with her like this made Colt think such a sight ain’t so bad at all.

He smiled widely and held her hands.

“I’ve been waiting for your arrival and you caught me having the ladies get attracted to my partner over here. I should have just let them have them earlier, are you jealous, my love?”

And as Mina held some more doubt, the round white cat on Colt’s shoulders released a timely assist.


Mina saw the shining eyes of the cat and secretly turned to Colt once again. At this moment, she felt like she had assumed something wrong, and seeing how cute the cat; by the standards of the women around, they indeed should have flocked around Colt.

With a weak voice as if to admit that she wrong, Mina finally uttered some words again.

“I…no, I have always believed in you.”

Colt then held Mina’s hands and escorted her inside the academy.

As Mina and Colt were leaving, the women heaved a sigh of relief. They thought they would inflict their family some trouble by having meddled with the man of a Vera.

“Tsk! That pink bitch!”

However, not everyone is sensible and women like Millia looked at Colt who she actually truly fancied and then at Mina and snorted silently.

She didn’t think that Colt was taken and seeing Mina dominate the circle of women made her pretty pissed thus cursed Mina under her breath. She cursed Mina silently to make sure no one heard her, as it might taint her name.

However, mages of the Healing attribute have keen ears as their body is always in tip-top shape.

And as she secretly turned, Mina and Millia exchanged glances for a moment, and in that instant where no one took notice, Millia saw Mina’s true eyes.

And was frozen in fear.

Other than Millia, no one saw Mina’s eyes because the majority was focused on Colt’s back. Some of the women saw how sweet he was with Mina and couldn’t help but feel their heart skipping a beat.

‘That was too cute.’

They spoke not of the cat and as the aura of admiration rose to the air, so did the malice of the men around Colt.

Those glaring at his back were those who had been in unrequited love with the only daughter of the Vera family.

And as Mina and Colt entered the academy, many targeted Colt for different reasons.


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