High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 1: Accident!

Chapter 1: Accident!

Somewhere, a girl was standing in the rain, waiting for someone special but no one was there. Busses, cars were going, honking but the person was not here. Her restless heart was beating so hard. She called one's phone but it was switched off. She dialed the number again but received the same answer. Her breathing was so fast that she might faint!

For now, nothing was more important than waiting for that person, to come and hug her but no, she was all alone!

Tears were flowing through her eyes. She was all soaked in water and threw her phone in the dustbin. What was the need for the phone now, when the reality is in front of her already?!

Not even caring about anything else, she walked absent-mindedly on the road but then a truck came and...


Her lifeless body laid on the ground with blood all over. But her mind was working. The crowd was getting surrounded near her. Some were calling an ambulance, or some just try to take a look. People were trying to lift her body up from the ground but her breathing was uneven already. 

Just then, everyone heard gunshots from some distance!



Four years later!

"Shut up."

Stopping the alarm from ringing, she once again went to sleep. But sometimes your wishes don't get fulfilled.

Anna's luck was also like that. Her wish to sleep more in the morning that too on a school day was never going to fulfill.

In cotton shorts, she woke up with messy hairs to get ready.

'Another day to go somewhere you never want to go.uff.'

With denim tight jeans and a loose white top, she combed her silky hairs and tied them into a ponytail which made her look like an angel fallen on earth.

A girl who can kill others just with her looks and figure. But then she put on her large specks and a dusty pair of shoes which makes her look like a nerd child and dimming her beauty. 

"You look perfect this way, An!" She complimented herself just to boost herself a little more.

This was Anna Walker, a high school girl. la sixteen years old girl, living with her lovely mother and actually a true nerd!

She took her backpack, locked her house, and went to school on a walk. On the way, she went into a bakery to serve her stomach. Just then she entered she heard a voice, quite familiar to her ears

"Anna, do you even know what time it is? It is already 8 am and we talked about meeting here at 7:30 am. Can you ever come on time?" That was her best friend Tia who always maintained an image of a perfect lady and also forced Anna to be disciplined like her in life. They were like two poles, who thought differently and carried differently.

Anna once considered Tia to be her best friend, but now, it friends for name only.

"It's okay Tia. She will be all right, just don't start your lecture on discipline early in the morning. Let me eat my pastry in peace. Anna, come here, I bought some for you also." That was her second-best friend Alena who always thinks Anna is someone who will understand and learn everything in the future with coming circumstances.

This can be considered her real best friend. She knows Anna and wants the best for her. But Anna always kept her thoughts to herself, not wanting to indulge in any fights.

"Sorry. I slept late yesterday after completing all homework and cleaning the kitchen. Don't worry I will try my best." Anna said lazily. She was least interested in answering Tia.

"Yeah yeah whatever.. I just don't want to be late so we can skip today's breakfast and directly go to school," answered Tia. She didn't want to be late or else she will become a joke of the school.

Anna narrowed her eyes. "Why? We are hungry. If you are interested in going early, you are most welcome. But we will go after eating something."

Anna and Alena started having the pastry.

Tia sighed in anger. But she had no choice so she also sat with them.

"Do you wanna try?" Anna asked her out of politeness.

"No! I will get fat by eating sweet things. Or maybe some pimples come out. You eat it yourself." Tia declines.

'Better. I will get to eat more.'Anna thought and chuckled

After eating, the three of them came out. But, as the trio came out of the bakery, they saw 3 boys beating someone and blood was flowing out of the boy's mouth.

Well, these things were not new in the school where rich and poor all studied in the same class and section.

Most of the children were bullied by the rich because they have power. They think they can buy anything with money but they are wrong.

Not wanting to be associated with such things, they started walking where the school was but they stopped when they saw the group of the boys of their school coming to save the boy who was beaten badly.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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