High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 115: Without Weapon!

Chapter 115: Without Weapon!

Early Update, ^_^

Enjoy reading!



'Leave them behind? I can make them disappear if I want!' Anna thought but she had to control her power and panic that was coming in her mind. If she wants to keep both of them safe, she has to act normally and patiently. One suspicion and people behind them might get alerted.

Anna did not even have any weapons with them. Otherwise, she might have stopped them at a far distance. But was it of any use right now? No!

Anna increased the speed of the car. It might have been predicted and observed by the car behind them because they also increased their speed. Alex looked around and saw that they were in the countryside. Calling someone as back up here was not an option. They will arrive very late and if things did not go correctly, they will die.

Even though Alex knew Anna and he is good at protecting themselves, they do not have any weapon to attack and god knows what people behind them have in their hands! He was now regretting the thought of letting Anna do things her way.

Why he did not stop her on time? Why he came here without a gun? He was not even carrying a damn gun with him! Without the real thing with him, Alex felt a lot of irritation and was angry

Seeing Alex's facial expression is changing with time, she thought he might have panicked. This was not a new thing for her, but he was not like her. He was a normal person having a normal life or maybe this was thought by Anna.

"Alex.... everything will be okay. Trust me!" Anna tried to comfort Alex. But it was all in waste. He was not going to be relaxed at such a moment. Not seeing any change, Anna did not know what to do. Maybe making them lost was the only way that can ease his tension.

Anna now fully concentrated on driving and people trailing them. Her grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Alex, wear your seat belt. Sit tight!" Alex heard this from Anna in her cold voice. He understood what she was going to do.

Not refuting, he did as asked from him. He does not even question what she meant but just signaled her that he is ready. Anna stepped on the accelerator and rode the car at its maximum speed. But maybe it was their bad luck that being in the countryside, there weren't many options to ride the car. There was only one single road.

"Alex... We can't stay here for long. I have to move the car to the next city." Anna said.

"Then Do WHATEVER YOU WANT!" As he was not driving the car himself, his stress was up! He had measured all the possibilities to escape and where they were right now, it was impossible to do anything here. Anna took a u-turn and they were on the highway to the next city. Their luck got better as the highway was full of cars. They can easily confuse the people behind them!

"Take this opportunity! Go in zigzag!" Alex said trying to maintain his cool and calmness. Anna did not even look at him because if she did, she might now be able to concentrate on what she was doing. She took his advice and did as he said to her! Going zigzag.

As they were on the highway, it surely created some disturbance for people as they were shouting on them but she was not concerned. People trailing behind them were the real threat. Anna speeded the car and drove in a zigzag pattern and as expected, many people in other cars were cursing them, saying that the girl does not know how to drive the car.

It was their luck that no police was there to catch them

But then, Anna's eyes caught something and it made her face colorless. Her eyes widened seeing the fuel tank!

"ALEX!! YOUR CAR IS GOING TO BE OUT OF FUEL!!" Were the problems not enough that one more problem popped up? When they were close to leaving the people behind them leave, the fuel was going to be up!

Alex's eyes widened. He had thought that he will fill the tank today after school. Who has expected Anna to drag him?

"ALEX! Think of something!" Anna was someone who can't think much in hurry. All she can do was actions, which were not required right now. Her hope was that Alex thinks of something good right now and fast!

Alex looked at the backseat and smiled. Anna did not understand this smile but she knew Alex has some plan in his mind. At this moment, a plan is something they can try on at least.

"Take the coming left turn." Alex suddenly said with a lot of seriousness. Anna did as told to her. She took the left turn but there was no proper road there. It was all sandy and driving cars there was a bit difficult. Driving there, they reached the end! There was a small lake next and going forward from here was impossible. The road ends here!

Even the car trailing them came and stopped behind them. Just few metres behind!

"Alex... We can't go.. forw-" Anna said but Alex did not listen to her and got out of the car. Anna's eyes widened and her mind blew up seeing him going out of the car at this crucial moment!


"Alex... don't go outside the car... Alex!!!"




A/N- But the matter here is surely getting intense.

What is Alex thinking of doing right now? Any guesses? Well, let me know about views through the comment section.

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