His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 108 - TELL ME MORE

When Hu Lei woke up once again, she found herself in a completely silent room. Her body felt stiff and tired due to sleeping too much. And she felt parched. With some difficulty, she sat up on the bed and looked around.

She was indeed in a hospital. Judging from her body's condition, she must have been out for at least a day. Her mind tried to think back about what had happened, but she still drew a blank.

The door opened, revealing a tired-looking Zhong Feng. However, the traces of fatigue did not detract from his appeal. Still, Hu Lei felt a little guilty because it was her own weakness that had led to this situation and exhaustion.

He walked to her and settled beside her without a word. Before Hu Lei could say anything, he pulled her fully into his chest and held her there.

Hu Lei felt his heart beating strongly against her ear. She soaked in his warmth and absorbed his masculine scent. Then, she lifted the arm without the IV drip and placed it beside her face on his chest. A lot of thoughts ran through her mind in that moment, but she remained silent, basking in the now.

"I see the patient is awake." A male voice spoke loudly, breaking into their pink bubble.

Hu Lei separated from the reluctant Zhong Feng and faced Doctor Shui. His face had a sly expression, as if he had caught them doing something illicit. She could not help rolling her eyes.

"Please give me a moment with the patient, young master." He said, turning his strange and annoying expression to Zhong Feng.

His face seemed to be asking for a rough punch. But Zhong Feng decided to let it pass. After all, geniuses like Shui had earned the right to be a little peculiar. He would deal with him later when his Hu Lei was in better condition. He looked at her in question.

"Ah Feng, get me some juice. I feel really thirsty." Hu Lei said suddenly.

Zhong Feng could tell that her meaning was for him to leave the room. She obviously did not want him to learn what the doctor had to say about her condition. However, he did not expose her. Instead, he rubbed her head softly and glanced at Doctor Shui before leaving.

Hu Lei felt her heart become clogged because of her actions. In reality, she did not want to really hide anything from him. However, she did not want to keep burdening him with her problems, especially those that could not be solved easily. If he learnt anything, he would only be worried.

"Miss Hu, could you tell me more about your life in the last few years?" Doctor Shui asked, showing a rare serious expression.

He had spent his time studying the results from her tests, but he could not figure out the secrets of her body. It was almost as if she had some characteristics that were not human. He could also tell that most of the strange things in her body were artificially added. At first, he assumed that she was into cosmetic improvements. However, the evidence did not support his thoughts.

"Is this relevant to my wellbeing?" She asked with an emotionless face, a strange darkness colouring her yellow eyes.

Doctor Shui did not become startled at her change. In fact, he looked at her with more interest. This look was not unfamiliar to Hu Lei. It was that look of curiosity which had been in those scientists' eyes when she had been in the lab.

"Doctor Shui, you only need to know that I had a few difficult years. Therefore, my body is not at peak. However, I am quite certain that these changes have not compromised my physiological functions in any way." She said coldly.

Doctor Shui smiled.

"Indeed, that is the case. Even though your body is quite strange, you are not in danger. You are as expected of the divine doctor's daughter." He exclaimed.

"But this does not mean that you are well. You are severely malnourished, and your body is strained. If you continue drawing more without building your strength up, you will collapse sooner or later." He added.

He was also quite curious about this issue. Clearly, this woman was a close confidant of the mighty Zhong Feng and the child of a renowned doctor. How could she have the symptoms of malnutrition and starvation? In another situation, he would have assumed that she had an eating disorder. However, there were no symptoms indicating this problem.

"I have never had a huge appetite." She had always struggled with eating.

"I will prepare a prescription and make some recommendations before you leave the hospital." He responded, making a note in his tablet.

There was a moment of silence before he moved on to the main issue. He had felt apprehensive about it for quite some time. However, after talking to Hu Lei and finding out about her identity through various means, he felt that it would not be too difficult.

"Miss Hu, I discovered a concerning issue from your EEG readings." He spoke directly.

Hu Lei did not seem surprised. Her face remained neutral. It was almost as if she was not listening. However, Doctor Shui could see sharpness in her eyes.

"There is a distinct overabundance of gamma brain waves according to the results. These waves indicate that your brain experiences hyperactivity." He paused. "How have you been sleeping?"

Hu Lei thought about her answer for a while. In truth, she had not been sleeping too well. She was afraid that if she allowed herself to go into deep sleep, the nightmares would cause her to begin screaming in the middle of the night once again.

How could she allow that to happen? In Azure Woods, she could let go because she was alone with Zhong Feng. In his villa, she had to think about the other people. She did not want to put Zhong Feng in an awkward position for bringing a crazy woman into his house.

Luckily, she had learnt a handy trick for lucid dreaming from India a long time ago. As long as she used that technique, she could fall asleep. However, the sleep would be relatively light, and she would always be aware that she was dreaming. The downside was that she could never rest completely, and she always remembered her nightmares vividly.

"I haven't been sleeping too well." She answered simply.

Doctor Shui sighed deeply. Judging from the long pause, it had to be worse than 'not too well'.

"The hyperactive brain waves tend to cause poor sleep, and this leads to built-up fatigue. It is the reason you fainted like you did." He continued. "But this is not the main cause for concern right now. With your abnormally high brain activity, more serious issues could develop."

He hesitated. No one liked to be the bearer of disconcerting news.

"You mean I could start having delusions and hallucinations, and the gamma waves could trigger schizophrenia symptoms." Hu Lei said without a change in expression.

Doctor Shui looked surprised because she had summarised his words. It seemed that she was not a simple person. People with casual medical knowledge would not have known anything about this. Moreover, she remained calm in the face of this diagnosis.

"Unfortunately, this is not my area of expertise. However, I can refer you to a specialist for further assessment and treatment." He added.

Before she could respond, the door opened, and Zhong Feng came in. Her formerly expressionless face turned into a welcoming smile. Doctor Shui turned away, unable to bear this beautiful but heart-breaking scene.

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