His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Hu Lei thought that the press conference would be a daunting experience. However, nothing unusual happened. The reporters directed most of their questions to the celebrities. She only got to speak a little about The Queen of the Apocalypse.

One of the reporters asked about her long absence from the industry, and she cited personal circumstances which took her out of the country. All in all, the event was successful. Still, she was glad when everything was concluded.

For a person like her, the limelight felt a little too bright. It would probably take some time to get used to being in front of people. It was not like she had qualms about fame exactly. It was just an occupational peculiarity from her old life.

"Ms Little Ninja Cat, I am a big fan." The woman who had been seated on her left spoke as soon as the conference was concluded.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"I am Qi Mu, the scriptwriter. I had a really wonderful time with your book." Her eyes twinkled.

Hu Lei's lips twitched at the woman's enthusiasm.

"Thank you. I look forward to seeing your work." She responded.

Before the woman could continue talking, the producer and director also came to have a few words. Hu Lei did not know anything about movies. She only knew how to watch, enjoy and mostly, criticise. However, she did not doubt that Zhong Feng had ensured that only the best would go into the movie.

Therefore, she spoke some words of praise to the people.

When she was about to leave, the actors also came to talk to her. It seemed that her quick escape would not occur. She wanted to leave as soon as possible because she had another event to attend. More importantly, she was feeling a little claustrophobic.

It was not that the backstage of the conference hall was small. It was the people. When she was surrounded by people who came close to her personal space, she felt trapped and suffocated. It was like they were stretching their hands towards her like hungry zombies.

She was afraid that if she continued to be surrounded, she would be unable to breath.

"It is a pleasure to meet the author of such a wonderful story." Bei Gong Hai spoke with a charming smile.

It seemed that he was the squad leader. The other two smiled politely at her in a sign of agreement.

"Thank you. I look forward to seeing the movie. You all seem to be doing a great job" She responded with a composed smile.

Her corporate etiquette had not deteriorated in the least. Even though she had been employed for a couple of weeks years ago, she had not reverted into a cave woman. Her interpersonal skills were still top-notch.

"Why wait for so long? We are in the final stages of filming. You can come to the set for a day." The man said with a tone of sudden epiphany.

However, Hu Lei did not think that the idea was so sudden.

"That would be wonderful. You can give your input on the finale." The director nodded in approval of the suggestion.

"You can also take a look at the script." Qi Mu added.

Hu Lei thought about it for a moment. It would be interesting to see how the magic happens for once. Plus, now that she had seen the movie trailer, she felt that she just might like the outcome.

Like many 'professional readers', Hu Lei did believe that books were superior to their movie adaptations. If she read a book, she would normally not look for its adaptation. However, after seeing that trailer, she felt that there was something special about seeing imaginary characters become real people.

"Alright, I will make some time. You can inform Mr Bo about the details, and I will show up." She agreed.

She did not want to awkwardly turn down an offer to exchange numbers, so she directly solved the problem by placing Bo Qian in between. With that, the gathering of the people dispersed. Hu Lei sighed and started walking towards the elevator.

Immediately, Assistant Chen made an appearance.

"Would you like to head to the writer's meet directly?" He asked.

"Yeah, if we don't hurry, I might not meet my idol." She smiled.

Hu Lei had heard about the writer's gathering from Bo Qian. It was not a large event. Rather, Sonata had organised it to help the top fans meet their favourite authors. Naturally, not all authors were invited, only the most popular and famous. Luckily, her favourite author would be there.

The event was super exclusive, but the diehard fans were willing to pay a lot of money for a ticket. Fortunately, Hu Lei had connections, so she directly got a ticket.

At first, she had been worried about the press conference being set on the same day as that gathering. However, Bo Qian had explained that there was no conflict. After all, the conference was only meant to reintroduce her to the world.

The news about the movie and her comeback would not be known until later. So, she could attend the writer's meet in peace.

"Ms Hu, please wait a moment." Bo Qian called out just as they reached the elevator.

Hu Lei stopped and looked at the rushing man. Had she forgotten something?

"Are you heading to the Maven Resort directly?" He asked.

"Yes, would you like to come along with me?" She tilted her head in question.

Assistant Chen's eyes became sharper. If another man casually took a ride with the lady boss, he might need to say goodbye to his small life. No, he could not allow this to happen. It would not be a problem to send one or two or three cars. But this man would definitely not sit beside her.

"No, I still have some things to do." Bo Qian said quickly.

Even if he had nothing to do, he did not have the guts to ride with her. When he came too close to Hu Lei, he always felt a cold layer of ice covering his body. It was residue trauma from when Zhong Feng had looked at him and spoken a few words a few weeks ago. He had not even done anything. He had only been so excited about Hu Lei's work and had not even been sitting that close to her.

"Anyway, I wanted to inform you that we will be uploading the books tonight. You should check into your account I set up and say a few words." He continued.

Hu Lei nodded in acquiescence and waved before stepping into the elevator with Assistant Chen.

Some distant away, Bei Gong Hai looked at the two people. Though his attention was mostly focused on the little author, he could not help thinking that the man looked a little familiar.

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