His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


When Hu Lei finally got her turn at the Carefree Dreams table, she felt like her faith in life had been restored. So far, almost every author she had met had a name that lacked compatibility with their physical selves. She finally understood why Bo Qian had thought that she was a huge man.

Carefree Dreams was a beautiful woman. Hu Lei could not see much else, but she could not help nodding mentally at the gorgeous woman. The author had shoulder-length hair which framed her face perfectly. Her phoenix eyes and aligned nose worked together with her perfectly shaped lips to create an image worth of a thousand paintings.

Though the crowds had dwindled, there were still a number of people at her table and more waiting. This showed the popularity of the woman. Hu Lei finally felt like she had really come to an important event. She liked other authors, but Carefree Dreams held a special place in her heart.

Unfortunately, she did not have anything to say in relation to the books. As an author and a well-read person, Hu Lei was a disappointment when it came to literature discussion. She did not know how to complement with flair, talk about stylistic devices or look into the deeper meanings of books.

Actually, it could be said that she had only two modes when reading. She liked a book, or she hated it. This rule applied to every type of book, including modern web novels, classical works and surprisingly, educational materials.

Therefore, when she sat at her idol's table she just looked at her with twinkling eyes like a crazy stalker. The woman's eyes rested on her for a moment with a smile before continuing to talk about her upcoming book.

Luckily, Carefree Dreams was not like Light Butterfly. She did not insist that everyone seeing her speak to her. So, Hu Lei continued staring at her with sparkling eyes unrelentingly.

When her turn at the table was over, Hu Lei could only stand up in disappointment. She felt that she could have continued to look at her idol for a little longer. She would need to look for more opportunities to stalk, no, socialise with Carefree Dreams.

After walking a short distance from the table, she felt someone stretch their hand to touch her shoulder. She avoided the touch and turned to look at the culprit. It was her idol! If she had known, she would not have moved away. The little person in her heart cried rivulets of tears.

"You are Hu Lei, right?" The woman asked.

Hu Lei wanted to squeal a little because Carefree Dreams knew her name. However, she was still a trained tough woman, and she had her dignity to consider. She nodded with a smile. The other woman smiled back at the adorable little lady.

"Bo Qian told me to look out for you. You are apparently a super fan." The woman teased.

"Maybe but just a little bit." Hu Lei blushed.

"The event is almost over. Are you in a hurry? Perhaps we can talk a little more?"

Hu Lei felt that the stars were aligned in her favour. She had merely thought that she would like to socialise a little more, and everything had fallen into place. Should she start making a wish list while her luck was good?

"I am not in a hurry." She answered quickly.

"Alright, I will meet you afterwards."

"I will wait for you in the restaurant."

Hu Lei felt like skipping away in joy, but she left in a dignified manner. The other woman wanted to tell her that it would be difficult to get a place in the restaurant on a busy evening. However, the turquoise figure had already disappeared.

She could only shake her head before returning to her table.

Hu Lei immediately went to the restaurant to book their finest table. Though she did not exactly know dining out, she needed to make preparations. She had gone out for lunch and dinner on numerous occasions, but Zhong Feng always made the arrangements.

'Had she become an ignorant woman who depended on her man to do everything?' She wondered to herself. Then, she shrugged. It did not matter as long as they were happy.

Unfortunately, when she approached the reception, she received bad news.

"I am sorry. All the tables are booked for the day." The man at the reception responded.

Hu Lei did not know how to proceed. Well, she had a lot of means, but none of them were appropriate for use. In the past, she had not hesitated to use trickery, bribery and coercion to get her way. However, that was because she had been a passing phantom.

Since she intended to remain in Supreme City, she could not afford to do anything that would compromise her image. Being good was so tiring.

No wonder her other self felt so bored. Even she wanted to flip some tables. Her yellow eyes darkened a little and her body posture changed as her mind shifted toward her darker persona unintentionally. This happened when she thought about doing bad things. Unlike in the past, there was currently no hard divide between the two.

Over the past months, her personality had become a little more integrated. Her darkness was always just beneath the surface. However, this change was not bad. Since she did not suppress the darkness completely like before, the pressure in her mind was not too high. She did not feel like she would be consumed if she let a little of it out.

No one noticed the subtle shift, but Assistant Chen immediately appeared before any more words were exchanged. Zhong Feng had tasked him with the responsibility to protect Hu Lei from any form of stress triggers.

When she saw him, she felt like slapping her forehead. How could she forget about the super reliable plug-in? 'As the emperor's right hand man, he should be able to get this empress a table quite easily.' She thought to herself.

"Assistant Chen, get ben gong *cough* me a table. I have a date with my idol."

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