His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Hu Lei smiled a little as she thought about her smooth escape. She had known that the Zhong family would come looking for her once Ah Feng left the country. However, she had taken appropriate precautions to avoid a confrontation.

She had been certain that they would not look for her in the Westend apartments because their actions might attract too much attention. And it seemed they were above following her around when she was shopping.

However, the hospital was their territory, and there was no risk of information getting out. She had considered the possibility that someone would find her there. Therefore, she had made an appointment with Doctor Shui over text to avoid waiting and attracting attention.

But Lu Liang had interfered with her schedule, providing that strange man with an opportunity. How unlucky! Fortunately, that uncle was not the sharpest knife in the kitchen. She was able to distract him. For a moment, she wondered how he was doing.

Judging by his body size and lifestyle, he was probably not in a good state. If he really had peripheral vascular disease, that short run after them would not be kind to him. But he was in a hospital. Everything should be fine.

Hu Lei felt that her mood had been ruined by the unfortunate meetings with unpleasant people. Her lips stretched into an eerie smile. She could only think of one thing to cheer herself up.

"Beatrice, do you know the location of the Clarion Motor City?" She asked after making a decision.

She had been meaning to check this entertainment centre for some time, but she hadn't had the opportunity. Plus, Zhong Feng had forbidden her from doing anything strenuous before her recovery. The most she could do outside was have dinner at a nice restaurant.

Now that she was in good health and in a bad mood and Zhong Feng was miles away, it was the perfect opportunity to have a taste of extreme motor sports in Supreme City. Her smile stretched once again as she thought about the prospects.

"I know of its general location. But we can rely on the GPS." Beatrice responded.

"No, you can't." Hu Lei shouted before coughing awkwardly.

She did not want Beatrice to use the vehicle navigation because she was a little paranoid that Zhong Feng would find out immediately the address was entered into the vehicle. Of course, he would know about it, but she would rather him learn about her little trip later rather than sooner.

She felt like giggling about doing something forbidden like this behind his back. Hu Lei had never been restricted in her activities before by anyone even when she was a child. If anything, she was pushed to do dangerous things. Therefore, she had never had a chance to push boundaries and rebel.

The thought of doing something that Ah Feng would not like made her feel excited in some strange way. She wondered whether it was normal or weird to have this type of feeling. After a moment of thought, she decided to put it at the back of her mind. There was no need to overthink.

"Then, I will drive to the general area. If we can't find it, we will just check on the phone." Beatrice felt that Hu Lei was being weird, but she did not ask anything.

Hu Lei felt that Beatrice was indeed a reliable assistant. She accompanied her to various places without questions and even defended her valiantly from strange uncles. If this was not a high level of professionalism, she did not know what was.

After a long drive, the pair found the Clarion Motor City. This entertainment centre was not per se in the metropolis even if it was considered part of Supreme. Its location was understandable because it would be inefficient to waste valuable space in the city for race tracks.

Unfortunately, since they were not members of the Clarion Club, they could not get access to the entire centre. However, it seemed that the personnel discriminated in favour of the affluent. So, their luxurious vehicle afforded them special visitor passes. Hu Lei did not mind. After all, her goal was not to race but to get herself a new baby. It had been too long since she had ridden.

Hu Lei grinned strangely once again as she envisioned being on a motorcycle once again. Beatrice, who was looking at her, felt a cold shiver like a ghost had passed through her. The assistant could not help thinking that her cute boss looked a little scary. Is it an illusion? It must be an illusion.

In the Zhong hospital, Chu Fu felt indignant as he rested on the hospital bed. He knew that Hu Lei did not cause him to be sick. However, if she had obediently remained in place and allowed him to say his piece, he would not have been embarrassed before everyone.

He could still remember the shaming scene when the nurses struggled to get him on the stretcher. He had really lost face in front of the whole hospital. As he sank deeper into his misery, a doctor opened the door to his room.

"Can you release me now, Doctor Shui? I am feeling fine now." Chu Fu huffed from his hospital bed.

Doctor Shui looked at the round man with a sigh. From what he had heard, he had been chasing after Hu Lei when he collapsed. Even in an elite institution, gossip would always get around. He could guess that the Zhong family was taking advantage of Feng's absence to stir up trouble.

"Of course, you are feeling better now that you are resting. However, if you do not want to lose your legs or your life, you will stay put." Doctor Shui responded calmly.

"You… are you cursing me like that girl?" Immediately, Chu Fu sat up and looked like he wanted to swallow the younger man.

"What girl? What did she say?" He asked with clean eyes.

"That hateful girl told me that I have clogged arteries and high blood pressure. She was obviously cursing me to an early death." He looked indignant.

Doctor Shui felt surprised once again. 'She really is the divine doctor's daughter.' He thought to himself. He could not help lamenting that her medical knowledge was wasted. If she could diagnose with a single look, it was unimaginable what she could do with the right tools.

"Well, numerous arteries, particularly in your lower body, have plaque build-ups, and your blood pressure is relatively elevated." He responded, looking at the clipboard in his hands.

"What do you mean?" Chu Fu looked suspiciously at the doctor.

"You have clogged arteries and high blood pressure." Doctor Shui gave him a flat look.

Chu Fu felt cold sweat flow down his back.

"That is impossible. I might be a little husky, but I live healthily. I work hard and eat well." He refused to believe this diagnosis.

Doctor Shui stared at him speechless. With his body mass index of over thirty, he was definitely not eating well. Moreover, if he had been involved in any kind of physical activity such as walking in the recent past, he would have realised that there was something wrong with his body.

"What are you standing there dazed for? Can't an old man be a little chubby?" Chu Fu's ears looked a little red.

Actually, he did not live as healthily as he claimed. He often accompanied clients and friends to evening parties which always meant a lot of meat and alcohol. He also smoked quite frequently. As for exercise, he was too busy. And why would he need to walk when he was paying a driver?

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