His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Though the Secret Realm game was quite competitive, most people chose to team up during the first stage. This choice could be attributed to the dangers of the random traps in the labyrinth. These traps were not easy to find.

Therefore, even those who had played the game severally would often die in the initial phase. At least, if a group teamed up to escape the maze, there would be a higher chance of avoiding being kicked out of the game embarrassingly early.

Moreover, there was the rule that prevented people who entered through the same door from killing each other within the labyrinth. Therefore, there would be no danger when teaming up, and with a few ground rules, the benefits outweighed the risks.

When Zhong Feng and Hu Lei got to the door with a red indicator at the top, they found a group of six people waiting. Apparently, no one wanted to be the test subject for their path. This was another reason that people chose to go in together. If anyone went ahead, they would most likely be a sacrificial lamb.

"Hello." Hu Lei greeted the group cheerfully. The players responded casually, but their attention was primarily on the attention-grabbing person beside her.

The only person who looked at her directly and with focus was a handsome young man with a rather impressive aura. For a moment, Hu Lei thought she could see him as a gracious prince in a fairy tale. She could not help giving him a few more looks.

Unfortunately, a cold and oppressive air seemed to emit from the man beside her. So, she could not continue staring at him. She rolled her eyes and jabbed him with her elbow lightly.

"We should begin. The other groups have already entered." One of the men spoke with dissatisfaction.

This man had the air of a cliché second-generation from a new money family. From his overly styled hair to multiple expensive accessories, he looked like he feared that people would not know he had money. Moreover, there was a girl clinging to his arm, looking at him adoringly.

There were no objections, so the group directly entered the maze as soon as Shishi arrived. The door led into a relatively narrow corridor with torches. Though they looked like flaming torches, a closer look revealed that they were powered by electricity.

The walls of the corridor looked like they were hewn from stone. But when Hu Lei touched them, she concluded that they had to be composite panels or something similar. The floor was covered in stone pavers with a rustic appearance. All in all, the entire scene had an ancient treasure-hunting vibe.

Unfortunately, most people in the group were afraid of being at the front because of the traps. Hu Lei was fearless, so she walked ahead. Zhong Feng naturally walked beside her. The most surprising thing was the princely man. He also unhesitatingly moved to the front.

Hu Lei could sense that he had some interest towards her. He had glanced towards her subtly but repeatedly. However, she could tell that he did not have an attraction toward her. He was looking at her as one would look at an inanimate object with curiosity.

She decided to ignore him and find out more about him later. As they walked cautiously, she noticed a subtly glowing light behind one of the torches.

"What is that?" She asked, pointing at the torch as they passed.

Before an answer came, Shishi hopped forward and touched the end of her crossbow to the little blue light. She looked at Hu Lei triumphantly.

"That is the token. If you find one, just touch it with your weapon, and it should be logged in your score." The curious man on her right side responded.

"Oh, I see. Thank you. I am Hu Lei." She smiled at him. Since an opportunity had presented itself, she could at least open a path for her future investigation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Wang Che." He responded.

Wang Che could sense the cold gaze from Zhong Feng. He looked ready to annihilate the nine generations of his family. There was actual killing intent in the corridor. Hu Lei naturally could feel the dissatisfaction from her childish man.

"This is my boyfriend." She introduced with a smile.

Immediately, the air became warmer and a little less oppressive.

"It is nice to see you, Mr Zhong." Wang Che spoke in a balanced tone, neither servile nor arrogant.

"Mr Wang." Zhong Feng nodded curtly at the man.

Hu Lei felt that this interaction was quite successful. Normally, Zhong Feng would not speak to people out of common courtesy. She had come to understand is personality. He was not only introverted. He was completely antisocial. Therefore, he never bothered with niceties.

She did not mind this at all. She would like him even if he did not talk at all. However, her intuition told her that he had become more closed off when she had gone missing. She hoped that he could be a little more open, free and happy. Moreover, it would be good if he could make reliable friends.

If something happened to her, she hoped that he would have a good support system. This was also the true reason she had agreed to visit his parents with him. She did not want him to be estranged from people who cared for him. After all, she did not know if she could always be with him. Her thoughts drifted back to the previous blank night. It was probably only a matter of time before her mind broke.

"Stop, I think there is a trap." Wang Che spoke suddenly, breaking Hu Lei's morbid thoughts.

Even though the traps were placed in the labyrinth randomly, there were always signs indicating the presence of a trap. Wang Che was not only smart. He had played this game a couple of times. Therefore, he was quite experienced in dealing with the labyrinth.

Hu Lei stopped immediately. She was a complete newbie, so there was no need to be overly enthusiastic and cocky. If she could learn more, it would decrease the risk of being kicked out of the game before she had had enough fun.

Unfortunately, luck was not on her side. When she stopped, she was somehow pushed forward by the person behind her. As Wang Che had predicted, there was a trap. The cobblestone pavers below her lit up in a vivid blue colour and a dramatic crumbling effect was displayed.

Hu Lei reacted fast and propelled herself forward and ran from the crumbling ground assuming that the floor was actually caving in. She only stopped after clearing the glowing floor. She looked back and saw a gloating look on Shishi's face.

It seemed that her close shave with virtual death had not been accidental. But she could do nothing for now. She waved at Zhong Feng with a helpless smile. He shooed her lightly, indicating for her to go ahead. She thought about it and nodded.

Before she could move on, she discovered three random tokens on the floor. She smiled happily and collected them with her crossbow. Immediately, a laser matrix with flashing red beams was activated, blocking her path. She was speechless. This trap was too unfair.

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