His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


The sensation of waking up after a long period of sedation was not unfamiliar to Hu Lei. It felt like drifting the depths of the ocean and then fighting to come up for air. If she did not have enough strength or will to fight the waves of the soporific agent in her system, the drugs would keep pulling, and she would sink into oblivion once again.

Luckily, Hu Lei was not an ordinary person. When she was eight years old, she had been sedated more times than she could count. Moreover, over the years, her use of various drugs and exposure to certain things when travelling had toughened up her body. Therefore, though the potency of the drug flowing through her systems was exceptional, it was not too much for her. It had started to wear off, giving her an opportunity to awake from slumber.

She opened her heavy eyes with difficulty and discovered that she was on a padded stretcher. When her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting above her, she realised that she was in a confined space. After a moment, she could feel the movement of an automotive. It seemed like she was in a truck.

She tried to move her arms to help herself up, but she discovered that there were needles sticking into them from two different IV drips. She frowned in discomfort because she did not like needles in or on her body. Even though she had used them quite frequently for acupuncture, she just could not warm up to poking her own body unless under duress.

With difficulty, she turned her head and found that there were two men in black fatigues in the back of the vehicle with her. However, they were both sleeping comfortably. She did not make sudden movements or speak in fear of waking them. If she wanted to stand a chance at escape and finding her father, she had to take action while they were sleeping.

She could still feel the effects of the sedative, so her first action needed to be disconnecting the intravenous drips. She lifted her heavy arms and brought both her hands to her chest. With a wince, she pulled out the needles.

Instead of moving, she remained in position and forced her heartbeat to accelerate. Normally, it would be a bad idea to increase circulation while there was poison or drugs in the body. However, her body seemed to have somewhat adapted to this drug. So, accelerating her blood flow would help her organs assimilate, break down and get rid of the compound faster.

As she remained on the stretcher, she started to wonder how long she had been out. Her perception of time seemed to have become warped. And there was also the matter of the drug. Though she had a constitution that adapted quickly to foreign chemicals, it would take a long time for her body to assimilate drugs as potent as the sedative in her body. Moreover, it seemed like she had been on it since her capture because she still had her old dirty clothes on.

However, she did not have the time to dwell on this. Once she felt her body condition improve, she unfastened the belt holding her in place by her chest. She then sat up and unfastened the lower belt. At this point, she noticed that she stank. She wrinkled her nose in distaste. Really, how long had she been out?

She listened to the movements of the vehicle while she kept her eyes on her dozing guards. She could not afford to be caught off guard again. The vehicle was moving very slowly as if it was on difficult terrain. She closed her eyes for a short moment and focused on the sound of the moving automobile. It seemed that the truck was on thick snow. Her heart beat a little faster in fear because she could not make guesses about her location.

However, her panic only lasted a few seconds before she hardened her heart. It did not matter where she was. As long as she was not in another planet, she could make her way back home. With that, she discretely stretched her arms and legs, priming her body for battle.

She felt surprisingly good in spite of the lengthy forced nap that she had taken. It was almost as if her body had remained at peak once the drugs disappeared from her system. Feeling good, she stepped softly from her bed and approached the sleeping men.

After flexing her fingers, she pressed an acupoint around their necks, causing them to advance from sleeping to unconscious. She helped herself to two holstered guns and dismantled the rest of their weapons. She twirled the guns with a smile as she sat back on the bed. It seemed her escape was not going to be too complicated.

When she felt the vehicle finally slow down and stop, she was ready to take whatever was outside the door. She waited for a moment before turning the lock. Before she kicked the door open, she gripped the two handguns in her hands like lifelines. Regrettably, things were not going to be easy. As soon as she stepped out of the vehicle, she heard several firearms being cocked.

She faced the group of people in white holding powerful weapons, surrounding the military-grade vehicle. Behind them, there was a large garage door. She had not realised when they had entered an enclosed area. She weighed her options. It was unlikely that she could shoot her way out through that door because there were too many people. However, she could not believe that she had to surrender.

"Forgive the rudeness of my men, Ms Hu." A cheerful female voice came from her right.

Hu Lei felt on high alert because she sensed the respectful shift in the men holding the gun. That woman must be the head of this shady business. She clutched her stolen guns even tighter as she watched a well-preserved older woman in a thick grey pantsuit reveal herself.

"You are as impressive as I expected. You know when I was a child, I loved Asian action movies. I did not think that I would meet a ninja in real life. You are truly remarkable." She continued cordially.

Hu Lei became even tenser as soon as the woman said these words. Her best-kept secret had been laid bare by this stranger within seconds of meeting. The people who knew about this secret were countable. How had she found out? Her mind was overwhelmed with questions.

"Do not worry. These men are only here for your protection." The woman kept talking like the men did not have guns trained on her.

"Protection from what?" Hu Lei finally broke her silence with disbelief and anger leaking through her dry throat. As far as she was concerned, she needed protection from them.

The pantsuit lady indicated for her men to move away and lower their weapons. She then motioned for one of them to open the large door. Like a little minion, the man rushed to the door and pressed a keypad. The heavy garage door lifted smoothly, allowing a blast of cold air to come in.

Hu Lei felt the biting chill sink into her bones. She strained her eyes and looked through the door. Outside, the land was white as far as her eyes could see. Her heartbeat accelerated, and fear seemed to flood her senses, mind and spirit.

"We are in Antarctica." Her words were like a lightning bolt from the heavens.

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