His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 113

113 iv. Selene

“Daddy what is this place?” she tried to stop her knees from shaking as she glanced around the room.

She can’t help but feel nervous as he led her inside what felt like a medieval armory, but instead of swords and shields, it was filled with handcuffs, ropes, shackles, harnesses, and other kinds of stuff she did not even recognize.

She looked worriedly over the items that scared her and then back up to his face. He looked unaffected as he led her even more inside.

“This is where daddy keeps his toys,” he whispered in her ear, the roughness in his voice made the hair on the back of her nape stand.

“Toys?” she asked in a panic, but he gently kissed her forehead, as he ruffled her hair.

“Why are you so afraid of these baby, these are all just toys. Daddy won’t forcefully use these on you as long as you be a good girl for daddy,” he caressed her back as she moaned softly.

“Daddy, me doesn’t want these scary stuffs. These are not toys for baby,” she mumbled as he kissed her hair.

“Alright honey, daddy hears you. How about you choose several items we can try on our trip,” he urged her, leading her close to a small cabinet.

She felt her nervousness dissipate a bit as she was given the choice at least. They are going to be on a vacation. He did promise to date her after all.


She pouted, but yes she did agree their sexual relations will continue nonetheless. It drives her crazy but she knew insisting they cease sexual contact will drive them both mad, plus he for sure will never agree to it.

She has gotten too comfortable at calling him daddy, it just felt natural for her to do so. Most of the time she doesn’t even say it on purpose, the title just comes out of her mouth automatically.

She has also gotten used to following his instructions. She took out the smallest items of course.

She gulped when she handed him the items- two small clamps, a ball on a strap, a small flower-shaped thing she find really cute, and a small finger-like and smooth thing made of fine rubber.

He chuckled at seeing the items, “Good choice, sweetheart. Alright honey, go pack them in your luggage,” he walked out of the room with her with his arm slung on her shoulder.

“What are they?” she asked when he locked the dungeon.

He ruffled her hair and told her not to worry, then silently continued to walk. She pouted all the way to their room.

She felt like a fool, she hated not knowing things. He should be upfront about it.

“Why is my queen pouting,” he hugged her from behind as she hid these things in her carry-on bag. Her luggage has already been packed so it will be a hassle to put these little instruments in.

“Let’s go then,” she handed him her luggage and her carry on which he easily managed.

They will be boarding his private plane, that didn’t even shock her now. When the car arrived at the airport and it was just them, she felt even more how big the difference in their status is.

She wondered why someone like him have decided to actually take all these efforts to kidnap her and now to attempt to date her. It doesn’t make any sense to her.

He sat beside her, giving her the seat with access to the plane’s window, “I figured you’d love to look at the clouds.”

She smiled back, “Yes, I do love looking at the clouds.” She stared outside as he pulled her close.

“I really missed you, sweetheart,” he nuzzled into her.

She shook her head at how hopeless he is, “We have been together the whole day and yesterday too, and the days before that.”

“No, I mean the years in between. I have been searching for you for years. It is only now I have found you,” he kissed her hair.

Goosebumps always follow her when he reference into their unknown lives, she pouted. This really is a great flaw, he is insane!

Not insane all the time and not at everything. He is generally of sharp mind and wit, except when he is cruel or when he has thoughts about them living several lives before.

“You still don’t believe me, my queen,” of course it did not escape his observation.

“You know what you say is hardly believable,” she pointed out.

“Aye,” he still cuddled her, pressing her head on his chest.

It’s hard to breathe this way, his aftershave and masculine scent mixing into her system, making her feel horny. She blushed, thanks gods he can’t see her dirty mind.

He behaved the whole flight, something that’s really worth mentioning. An award ought to be in order.

He woke her up when they have arrived. Apparently, he even has carried her to the car. Now, they are in front of a rather large castle.

“Have we arrived?” she asked him, her eyes focused on the grand estate. She can’t seem to take her eyes off it.

“What is this place?” it looks oddly familiar, and just looking at it makes her heart go into a marathon.

“Selene,” he whispered in her ear but that was enough to make her feel dizzy.

“Are you okay my queen?” she clung to his neck, thankful that he was carrying her.

She slowly nodded her head, “Yes, I just had a dizzy spell.”

He smiled at her, “Do you want to go in?”

“Do we have to?” she felt a certain pang in her heart, it is like she wanted to but also didn’t have the courage to do so.

“Yes, I’m afraid we have to. Sooner or later. The bidding for the artifacts will be held in here,” he kissed her hair.

“Is this really Ireland?” the lush greenery and the mountains that painted the scenery a bit farther into the estate made her want to believe she got transported into a fairytale.

“Yes, Ireland,” he said, but his eyes were filled with unspoken emotions as he cupped her cheeks.

“Do you recall?” he asked her, his golden eyes never leaving hers.

“I don’t,” she shook her head desperately. Almost as if to also convince herself, she added, “I have never been here before.”

Hurt registered in his eyes, but he smiled patiently at her and ruffled her hair, “Let’s go in.”

She nodded, her arms tightening around his neck at the feeling of familiarity she felt when she entered the space. If she didn’t know any better, she would have believed she has been transported to another world.

Where wizards and witches exist, faeries and gods, knights and their queens. She looked at him and for a second had an image of him in an armor, looking like a gallant knight.

Her hold around him tightened, “Please, kiss me,” she mumbled when they were in the middle of a grand lobby.

He looked at her and without any hesitation claimed her lips. She kissed him just as passionately. Like he was the only one that connects him to the present world.

She clings to him and kissed him desperately as if doing so can stop her whole world from spinning. And it did stop.

Her whole world froze when their lips intertwined, and when he slid his tongue inside her mouth, warmth begin to seep into her skin, making the cold she felt even more bearable.

“One more,” he whispered when their lips separated. In the middle of her trying to catch her breath, he kissed her yet again.

He claimed her lips hungrily, like he was a knight who has been starving in a desert, and she was his meal. His hand supported her back as he deepened the kiss.

She couldn’t help but moan as he wrapped her legs into his waist, walking that way with her until he seated her on top of a round table carved from stone.

She blushed when she felt the cold stone on her butt cheeks, but she still held tightly into his arms, afraid that if she lose contact with his skin, her dizzying spell might return.

He held her close and lifted her chin to him, “Do you not recognize this place at all, my queen?”

She glanced around the secret room they entered, it has a round table made of stone with some tall wooden chairs surrounding it, some flags and drapings on the wall, glass windows that overlooks a lavish garden, and a luxurious carpet to walk on. She shook her head, “I have never been here before.”

Hearing her deny her feelings regarding this room and the obvious recognition she felt when they entered the gate, drove him mad. Angry that she still couldn’t trust him and herself.

He claimed her lips, stuffing his tongue inside her mouth until she almost couldn’t breathe. He grazed her skin with his teeth, making her wince as began to bite her jaw and her neck.

“Hurts,” she mumbled desperately as she tried to push him away.

He smiled cruelly at her, “I am trying to make it hurt. Maybe then you will stop lying to me and lying to yourself.”

She gasped when he unbuttoned her shirt, she wasn’t wearing a bra since he deemed it an unnecessary hindrance for when they fuck. And he has been fucking her everywhere lately.

He took the purse that was beside her on the round table and clicks his tongue as he retrieved the two clamps she chose to put inside.

She looked worriedly at him, unable to comprehend what he was about to do. “Do you like pain so much that you’d lie to me over and over, my love?”

She would have screamed but he stuffed his tongue again inside her mouth as he clamped one of her nipples with it, the metal twitching on her sensitive bud as she struggled.

“Like that, just like that. You can’t take that away unless you’d like me to torture you even more,” he clamped her other nipple as he stuffed her mouth again with his tongue.

Her back arched as her limbs flailed with her struggles, “Break, it will break,” she protested when he gave her a chance to breathe again.

“It won’t. Believe me, honey, it won’t,” he started buttoning her shirt again as she felt her body heat rise. All she can think of is how sensitive her nipples have become.

“Dominus, remove them please,” she begged him.

“No honey, you know how this works,” he kissed her cheek. “Lie to me again and your punishment will just get even worse.”

He carried her in his arms after he has buttoned up her blouse. He kissed her lips tenderly and caressed her cheek before carrying her farther into the castle.

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