His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 129

129 iv. Conduct Unbecoming

Dominus smiled seeing her come out of her dresser with a red hoodie on. She looked so cute. No, she looked beautiful as she always does. Too beautiful for him to deserve.

He wondered how lucky he could be to find her again after waiting for several lifetimes. The curse doesn’t always bind them together, something he started getting worried about.

After their last reincarnation, he had to wait for her in a span of several lifetimes before they were born in the same world again. It drove him mad, more desirous of her than he ever was.

It scares him to lose her even more now. Not just because of the pain that will rip him to shreds if he loses her again, but also the fear that they might never meet again. That is simply something he could never accept.

He would rather be dissolved and erased from existence than for that to happen. Even simply thinking about the possibility of it makes him fear he will go insane.

He forced himself to smile as she tiptoed and pressed a kiss on his cheek. Such a sweet little queen she is, or rather his adorable baby bunny.

“Where are we going, Dom?” she asked, her pale skin starting to get some color from the way her cheeks heated up.

She is so beautiful. She takes his breath away so easily. He smiled wider now, his fears dissolving a bit as he held her close.

“You are so beautiful, my queen,” he whispered.


“You always know how to sweet talk,” she pouted.

He caressed her cheek like the love-struck lover that he is and whispered, “My tongue is sweet, would you like to taste it?”

She blushed and pushed him away, “You are hopeless and quite a bit insane.”

He laughed and added, “I always have been hopelessly in love with you. It frustrates me how you keep forgetting that.”

She bit her lips, love. She still doesn’t believe him when he says the word. How could she trust it, someone like him to fall in love based on his distorted thinking about reincarnation?

She felt like he doesn’t love her truly, what he is in love with is the picture of a reincarnated lover he thought she was. And if this whole story about reincarnation is true... what if she isn’t her, what is to happen then?

Will the word love still hold true for him? She ignored the pang of pain she felt in her heart and focused on taking the hand he offered.

“Where are we going?” she asked again.

“Just you wait and see, baby bunny,” was all he told her.

She didn’t say more and let him lead her outside the castle with a waiting range rover. He carried her and sat her on the passenger’s seat.

“I have legs, you know. I can walk by myself,” she complained.

“They are short legs, remember that, baby,” he kissed her lips, nibbling on them a little before releasing his hold on her.

“Are you complaining?” she teased him. “You can just get another woman with a longer set of legs, you know.”

He laughed and closed the door then went to the driver’s seat and started the engine. “Your legs look longer than they are. The proportion of your body is perfect for me, queenie.”

She blushed and kept silent as she looked out the window, watching the scenery. It really is a beautiful scene. The ground was covered by snow by now and is painted white by it.

The hills in the far distance were likewise covered in pure white. It is as if the heavens have decided to come down on earth.

The castle disappeared from her sight, replaced by a road covered with soft snow. She wondered how he maintained the road like this.

How many employees has he employed to shovel the snow so early in the morning? She won’t be shocked by any number by now.

He after all, just bought a castle. For no apparent reason except to gift it to her. A gift she declined of course, as she is meant to be.

She wanted to ask about his future plans. Are they really going to be staying here now?

Or is this just like a temporary shelter for a holiday? Like the way she felt she is in his life. Nothing but a temporary toy for him to play with.

Her skin turned clammy as she think of the possibility that he was just playing with her. Someone like him can’t possibly be in love with a stranger, can he?

The scenery was replaced by restaurants and shops and finally normal people in rather normal clothes. The auction week drove her mad as she was forced into one gown after another.

It surely was no fun dealing with the aristocrats. But here on this other side of the universe is where she belongs.

She smiled widely as her eyes lit up. He parked the car and admired her before clearing his throat.

“We have arrived,” he told her, smiling just as brightly.

Her smile and her happiness are all that mattered to him. For as long as she can be happy. Then he will do anything she asked for him to do.

He held her hands and kissed them, he frowned frustratedly, “You forgot to wear your gloves.”

She blushed, yes she did forget it. She is so clumsy this way, “I did. I guess I was too excited about this trip. I have not been out of the castle for weeks since the auction.”

He removed his gloves and held her hand again, she tried to pull away, “No, you will get cold.”

He chuckled, “You will get colder more easily than me. You will have to wear this or we are going back to the castle.”

She pouted and let him slide her fingers into the gloves. The very action warmed her heart. He really cares about her.

It looks funny of course, his hands were twice as large as hers. But she didn’t mind. She looked at his gloves on her fingers and somehow all she could think of is how he removed them for her sake.

“Thank you, daddy,” she whispered, blushing.

He ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead, “It is too big for you, we better find you something beautiful while we are here. Something befitting your majesty.”

She wanted to say she doesn’t mind how horrendous it looked on her fingers and how often she needed to readjust so it didn’t fall off. But she bit her lip and kept silent.

She did not want him to know how she feels. He would feel more justified when she says it. Justified that he has abducted her and forcefully brought her here. Justified in making people believe they are engaged.

He caressed her cheek, “Don’t make such a sullen face. You know I worry when you do that. Since you won’t tell me anyway what were the thoughts running through your mind.”

She forced a smile on her lips as she tried to ignore the complicated feelings she felt for this guy. She has become far too delusional, it seems.

She tugged on his collar to kiss him, a kiss that distracted them both as he plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth. “Let us go down before I change my mind,” he whispered.

She nodded and blushed and waited for him to open the door. She has learned not to open it by herself.

Lest she wound herself or tripped and hit her head on the pavement, that of course were ideas of him. She hated it at first, but now it just felt sweet.

He carried her until they were on dry pavement, lowering her and steadying her before letting her go. She felt like a baby or an imbecile. She frowned at the latter word.

“You worry too much,” she complained. It is one thing to get used to his actions but it is entirely different to stop complaining about his ceaseless worrying.

“Of course, I have to. My queen should not get hurt for anything else,” he whispered.

She blushed, the words he said just stirred something in her heart. She didn’t want to acknowledge what it was.

He held her by her hand and walked beside her, pressing a kiss on her cheek whenever she would stop to catch her breath. She blushed even more as they catch others’ attention.

“Dominus, stop that!” she scolded him, this really was so embarrassing on her part.

“Stop what?” he asked rather innocently.

“Stop kissing me at every stop,” she whispered. Even saying it is embarrassing enough.

“Why should I?” he frowned.

“It is unbecoming for adults to do that. We aren’t love-struck teenagers,” she reminded him.

“I was not informed being love-struck has a time limit,” he raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, there definitely ought to be a time limit for being childish. Simply put, adults don’t do kisses like that,” her eyes widened in shock when he leaned forward and grabbed her by her waist.

“What are you doing?” she asked, blushing.

“It seems you were complaining about how I kiss like a teenager. Should I kiss you as a man would then?” he teased her.

“No! I am complaining because we are in public. You can’t keep kissing me in public without regard to laws of human decency,” she tried to correct him.

He grinned and pressed her closer to himself, “That only? The objection is only due to that?”

She blushed and nodded desperately. She couldn’t stop herself from blushing even more when he whispered, “Be sure to remember that you ought not to complain when that ground of yours disappear, my queen.”

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