His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 141

141 iv. Their Wedding

The union between Mary and Dominus did not come without opposition. For these, concessions were made.

The divorce was disapproved by the council of elders but they allowed a second marriage, as if to put a balm on the alpha’s anger.

Mary who did not want more trouble, readily agreed. After all, it was not her intention to send the whole pack into chaos. All she was intending to do is to keep her child safe.

The marriage was planned with much grandeur, no holds barred from spending. If it has been the Mary from before she would have insisted on keeping it more simple.

But she knew now that the wedding will give her status, it is what she wanted. If she truly intended to protect her child then she has no choice but to embrace everything that the alpha is willing to give.

It was ten times grander than the luna’s wedding. Everything was covered in flowers, from the church aisle to the altar, covering the entire ceiling with white roses.

The roses’ aroma filled the air and the church and the reception were just so fully filled with them. Everything about the wedding has been absolutely so beautiful to watch.

The only damper to the event was the guests who seemed insistent on putting a rain on it. For one, the snobbish air of the elite whose mere presence was enough to suffocate her.

Second, the grand matriarch showed displeasure over the smallest details, complaining about how such extravagance is unnecessary. She was obviously displeased by what she referred to as the wastage of the century.


She wondered if their grandmother would have complained if it was Cinderella’s wedding which costs such overspending. The latter thought hurts her, as if she has been stabbed through her heart.

She knew she wasn’t loved by their grandmother the way she loved Dominus. But for someone who raised her to care more for another who is basically a stranger made her feel even more unworthy.

Then there was the problem with the first wife, wearing a black gown was just the start of it. All throughout the time she was there, she kept whispering things in Jiro’s ears ever since they have arrived.

There is no doubt Cinderella has been poisoning the child’s heart. Mary didn’t have to hear the words she was saying to know this.

Cinderella has a black heart. Well, if making her lose her child is not enough for her to understand that, she doesn’t know what is.

There was a time she thought she can be satisfied by staying beside Dominus in whatever capacity possible. She didn’t want to stir trouble within the pack by demanding more than this.

But because of what happened, she felt justified to take whatever action might be necessary not to repeat the same mistakes she did in the past. She needed this wedding to give her status as Cinderella’s equal in rights and powers.

She raised her head and met her eyes, not willing herself to back down when the latter approached her. She will not be timid again. Look where such attitude led her once before.

“Congratulations, you finally graduated from being a mistress to being one of his wives. You do know that your position is still, religion-wise a mistress, right? I am still officially the luna. Allowing the alpha to wed the second time around has never been done before, it was simply allowed to accommodate a cheap mistress’s silly wish,” Cinderella smiled and kissed her cheek.

On the outside, she looked like someone who has no ill feelings for the newlywed, but on the inside, Cinderella was seething with anger. This woman has taken everything away from her.

“A silly wish from this cheap mistress that almost got you a divorce, I see. If not for my acceptance of this truce, do you think the alpha would have accepted the rejection of his petition so easily? Even if you hold the powers of a luna in your hand, I have the strength of the alpha behind my back. So it is true you should congratulate me, for I hold the alpha in the palm of my hands,” she whispered back and kissed Cinderella’s cheek as well.

“You, ingrate! You think you can say those words regarding the alpha so freely! You wretched fool,” Cinderella raised her hand but it was stopped midair.

Her hand was squeezed tightly by strong, large hands. Dominus loomed behind her, his overwhelming presence making her heart throb in a panic.

“Do that again and I’ll break your bones,” his voice sounded sure and true. He meant every word he has spoken just now.

“Don’t forget your place, luna. In so far as your status as wives, you are equal. You cannot hurt your co-wife and do however you so please without any dire consequence to you and your family. I already despise you as much as maybe possible, add more to that and I’ll simply be tempted to just end you,” he continued.

Cinderella struggled to get free from his hold but he squeezed her hand tighter until she let out a cry, “Please,” she begged him.

Mary tugged on his shirt, “Please let her go. I am fine. She did not hurt me this time. There is no need to ruin our perfect day together. It is our wedding after all.”

He let go of Cinderella’s hand and turned toward his beloved as the former scattered away. “You are still too kind to your enemies, my queen,” he told her.

“It is not out of kindness as it is about pity. More importantly, your child is watching,” she motioned toward the direction where Jiro stood proudly, his eyes were on theirs.

His sullen expression pierced her soul, making her feel emotions long buried in her heart. When it comes to this child, right or unrightly so, she does care like a mother.

The familial feelings and maternal instincts she told herself she would just pour to her own and no one else still remains for this child as well.

It scares her that she does love the child as much because he is a tool of her enemy. A tool Cinderella will surely use against her once she finds the depths of her emotions for this child.

She couldn’t have any of that. Especially now that she is about to give birth to their child. She knew how badly things can result in.

“You still worry too much about his feelings, my love,” Dominus said, frowning.

Sure he loves his child, it is only natural for a father like him to care. However, mixing him together with his beloved already resulted in a tragedy. He didn’t want more of that.

He didn’t want more of any fatal consequences. It is best to separate her from Jiro. They will be having their own child now anyway, one who should be her focus instead.

“Do not concern yourself with that child any longer, you already have your own now. Our very own child,” he caressed her stomach, the bulge apparent from her gown.

“Will I really be able to deliver him safely in this world this time around? I do not want to lose our baby again. I already feel like a failure as your wife, as your mate. And yet here you are still holding my hand and standing close beside me,” she said the words in a soft voice, even saying it out loud hurt her.

“We won’t lose our child again. I promise you that, my queen. I will not fail to protect you and our family this time. I am truly sorry for everything my love. If only I can take away all your pain I would have done it without a second thought. I am sorry that you are still afraid and hurting until now. I know it is selfish of me to ask, but can you trust me again with your heart?” his voice was solemn, the deep baritone voice echoing in her heart.

“I trust you, Dominus. I know you would have done everything to prevent what happened if you only knew. I was weak and naive. I have no strength on my own, that is why that thing happened. I do not want to be solely dependent on your strength from now on,” she admitted the torture in her heart that eats at her every night since.

It sort of relieved her having said how she felt. Like a prisoner who has been set free, she only asks he understood what she meant. She trusts him and believes in him, but that simply is not enough.

She wanted to be strong too, even if she was nothing more but a weak human. She wanted to be able to protect the ones she really love.

“What do you need to achieve this?” he asked her sincerely, he does understand.

She looked up at him and blinked. Will he really support what she meant? Does he not think of her as selfish for wanting more than what she should be expected to be satisfied with?

“Will you help me? To be the independent person I want to be?” she was hesitant to ask.

He has always been too overprotective of her. Always too fearful that she will turn tail and run away if he so much as let her a bit too much of self-reliance.

“I will, so tell me freely what it was you think you needed,” he held her closer, warming her cold cheeks with the palm of his hands.

“I need some things from you, alpha. Make me relevant, let me hold positions of power and prestige both in the company and in the pack. I want a seat at the junior council’s table. I want to be in coequal ranks with Cinderella in every aspect possible. I will willingly wrestle the power from beside her, so protect me and show me your favor, alpha,” she almost just whispered the words, afraid he will misunderstand her.

“Done,” he said, making her freeze. She did not even realize she was holding her breath until she let out a sigh of relief.

She was not expecting it to be this easy. Dominus didn’t even protest about any of the things she said, both as to her goal and the means by which she wish to achieve it.

“I realize now I cannot protect you the whole time. The only way to keep you safe is to support you until you can stand on your own,” he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

“Thank you, my love. My knight and alpha, I love you so,” she smiled and tiptoed as she pressed a tender kiss on his lips.

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