His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 144

144 iv. Reviews

“What do you need?” Mary raised an eyebrow as she met with the woman waiting for her in the living room.

Cinderella’s hair has faded from its golden glory and has become duller, wrinkles adorning her face at the corners of her eyes. Of course, Mary has these significant signs of aging as well.

And yet despite all these and the years behind them, their still maintain the same level of animosity between them. The air was thick with tension as their sharp gazes met.

It indeed was a great displeasure to meet each other. That having said, Mary does not know to whatever god she needs to thank for this unsavory encounter.

“Can I not visit my sister wife according to my will?” Cinderella’s eyes twinkled, loving how she annoyed her old rival.

Mary sat on the sofa parallel to her and poured tea on the teacups, forcing herself to let out a fake smile. Ahhh, she will not give Cinderella the time of day.

“It is so early to start a rather bad joke, don’t you think?” she asked in reply as she handed Cinderella a cup.

Cinderella looked at the cup of tea handed to her and let it down the table, staring at it as if it was a snake about to bite her in an instant.

Mary smiled triumphantly and picked up her cup of tea, sipping slowly the contents, “I can only presume you immediately thought that it was poisoned. As you can very well see, it is not. It is a good tea. Do not waste it.”


Cinderella picked up her cup and sipped some tea, of course only that which good conduct allows. She does not enjoy the false hospitality of her husband’s mistress.

Of course, she has the title now of the alpha’s second wife, but that didn’t change her very nature. In so far as Cinderella is concerned, she is, and will always remain to be, a mistress.

Of course, she has learned throughout the years to rather be civil with her and keep her thoughts to herself. Despite the odd circumstance, this woman before her has the alpha’s favor.

She thought as the years passed and her beauty faded with it, surely the alpha will get tired of this woman. If it was lust as she felt sure before, he would have been over her by now.

Apparently, as the years will show, this woman she despises with all her heart, still has the alpha’s blind devotion. Whether it be witchcraft or true love is none of her business any longer.

She has decided to try to move on from her husband, it is the only way she could survive a world where he poured all his love to another. She tried, failed several times, and succeeded in the end.

While she still despises this woman, she can now tolerate a few pleasantries exchanged between them. Even the struggle for power which used to be exhausting has become a bit enjoyable for both.

If she closes her eyes to this woman’s annoying habits, she can be considered tolerable enough. Maybe even good company during her lonely days.

“What brought you here then, Cindy?” Mary smiled when her visitor let out a sigh, it was her favorite flavor after all.

“Chamomile,” Cindy pointed out, maybe a bit taken aback by how Mary remembered.

“Yes, I had some packed for you. I heard your house ran out of your favorite tea,” Mary decided with honesty.

Of course, it can be taken as a sign of weakness. She knew how Cinderella’s mind works. Though she wished it to appear cunning, in her heart she really has started to feel her heart soften a bit for her rival.

It was partly due to Cinderella finally giving up on Dominus but more than that, it can be said fighting with the same person over the same issues gets tiring over the years.

She will not openly acknowledge it of course, it would be a shame to do so. She sipped her tea and waited for Cinderella’s words of gratitude.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Cinderella felt obligated to say it, though her heart felt thankful that her co-wife has somehow taken her in consideration.

“I know. But it wasn’t such a big deal. So just say your thanks and stop making this more awkward for us,” Mary motioned for her maid to hand Cinderella her bags of tea, which she accepted, mumbling a curt thank you.

Mary smiled satisfactorily. Well, now that has been taken cared of. She glanced at her co-wife and placed her cup gently on the saucer.

“What brings you here, Cindy?” she asked her directly, for fear forced pleasantries will take the rest of their day.

While she has learned to tolerate this woman, it would be stretching things a bit too far to say that she enjoys this moment thoroughly.

“Have you seen my proposal?” Cinderella likewise brings down her cup on the table, looking at Mary as she waited for the latter to answer.

“Yes, I have,” she answered briefly. She should have known no matter how nice a conversation between them starts, it hardly ever results in a lasting peace.

“What is your thoughts about it?” Cinderella tried to read the woman before her and failed.

“I have rejected it. I do not think it will be a good idea to open our lands to outsiders all for the sake of monetary gains,” she explained.

“We are talking of billions of dollars here. Plus the woods are hectares of unused land just laying there stretching into forever without any profitability,” Cinderella insisted.

“Well, for one it leaves us open to attacks. Have you forgotten the hunts that have once targeted us? Just because the vampires have laid low does not mean the threat does not exist. The borders should be protected, guarded with our lives,” Mary continued.

“Your mind is as closed as an empty bottle,” Cinderella’s voice rose.

“Mind your words. You know you are in my territory,” Mary reminded her.

“You have enjoyed your status as a second wife so thoroughly that you seemed to have forgotten that I am still the luna,” Cindy hissed.

Mary’s heart broke. She should not have expected whatever kind of relationship they have to be better. They will never be friends.

So why does it hurt to be reminded this woman still looks down on her after all these years?

They have partnered in so many business ventures and have discussed terms in equal footing, that hearing her words about Cindy being a luna compared to her who is a mere second wife hurts.

“We both know your title as a luna bears no weight in here. Not in so far as the pack is concerned. Otherwise will the luna be coming over to see me just to convince me to vouch for her ludicrous project?” Mary pointed out, earning a sharp glare from Cindy.

“You really have no shame and delicadeza to be saying that in front of me,” Cinderella felt like a cat who wanted to claw her rival’s face off.

“Sure you can think that. You can even gloat over the fact that I am merely just a second wife. But the truth remains you are here in front of me because you need me. You know my thoughts are the only ones that mattered to the alpha as it always has been,” Mary didnt intend to raise her voice but she felt like her heart will burst for as long as she tried to keep it all in.

“Please,” Cinderella whispered in a low voice. “Just take another look at it. Try to consider my proposal.”

“I have already read it and rejected it. What is there to review?” she asked, her voice softening seeing Cinderella has lowered her pride.

It is a bit unusual to see Cinderella like this. She is never one to bow down when they have unpleasant exchange of words.

Whatever it is, she wanted to know the reason. Why is this woman suddenly lowering her pride like this?

“It is because this proposal was not mine alone. The architectural designs and the overall planning and mapping of the project have personally been overseen by my son. I may not have behaved like a loving mom would towards her son, but I do care about my child. He has just exerted so much efforts to make this project a reality,” Cinderella met her eyes as she spoke.

Mary lowered her gaze, feeling suddenly so selfish. The mention of Jiro has always made her feel so guilty.

Dominus has grown more distant towards the child ever since the incident. Even now that the child has grown into an intelligent, hardworking, and respectable young man, Dominus had not even once thanked him or acknowledge his contributions to their pack.

On the other hand, their child has enjoyed the best of everything. He has become spoiled, rotten. Knowing he will always have his father’s backing no matter what.

It was a struggle teaching him manners. Playful of others feelings and has been dubbed as the pack’s ultimate playboy, their son who was blessed with good looks and good fortune gets away with it all.

Knowing this, no, looking at this reality at every turn has made her feel so complicit. She had wanted the best for their son once before. But she isn’t sure this is the right path.

Because of all of this, she couldn’t seem to outrightly refuse the proposal. Guilt, pity, and love for the young man she has accepted as her own took prominence.

“I should take another look at your proposal. Do not rejoice, I make no promises,” she stood up and turned to leave.

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