His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 146

146 iv. Status Quo

Kaede froze in his tracks as he heard the discussion between his mother and his aunt. For lack of a better term, yes, he was taught to refer to that woman as his aunt.

It is something he never understood completely. That woman is not someone they should be polite with or worry about.

He was told by his nannies that said woman was the cause of his mother’s miscarriage. It wasn’t an easy task faking civility.

In the outside, Kaede grew up to be a fine young man with bright golden hair that he got from his father, and a deep blue set of eyes from his mom.

It is said he has such a kind face, a pleasing personality, and a good-natured character. To be honest, his one great flaw is being a womanizer.

In his defense he will be heard to say, it wasn’t his fault the girls drop on his bed without lots of trying. But there is such one exception.

Kaede’s best friend. Yuki. She has mahogany hair that matched his hazel-brown eyes, tanned skin that looks like it has stayed a bit too long in the sun, and small lips that love to smile.

She has a pleasant personality, and being with her has always been a joy for him. But even her, that bastard has set his eyes into.

The way he looked at her made his blood boil. That man is no brother of his. He is nothing but the scum of the earth, a mistake in procreation.


He was never meant to be born. Of course, he didn’t mean to have any ill feelings. Who wanted to have a rival since birth?

A man who will always be compared to him. He hears it, the whispers about them. That as brothers, Jiro is far more superior. Not just because he is the firstborn, but also because he just does so much better than his younger brother in every other aspect of their lives.

Kaede tried so hard to compete with him, but that damned jerk was so good in everything he do. Martial arts, academics, hunting vampires. At some point, he needed to stop chasing him, Jiro.

It burdened him to even exchange a few words with him and to occasionally meet with him is even more so burdensome. He couldn’t help but resent his own blood.

What irks him even more is when his own mother cares for Jiro. Maybe it was the start of his resentment towards him.

He couldn’t help but feel his own mother is giving his half-brother preference. It became even more prominent when he started distancing from them both.

How could it be that his own mother liked another child more than him? He didn’t even want to care now.

“Where are you going?” Mary asked when they met each other in the hallway, seeing him with a backpack.

“Somewhere that is not here,” he simply said.

“And if your father should inquire about your whereabouts what should I tell him?” the concern in her voice fell on deaf ears.

Kaede looked at her mother, her frail beauty fast fading as she ages, and yet there she is still being controlled by nothing else but her need to please his father.

It is true he resents Jiro and even his own mother, but that is nothing compared to the deep discontent he feels when he thinks about his father. He fucked up every single one of them.

“I do not care. Do you really think that old man really has any concern towards me? He pretends to take my side in every issue that arises but the truth is, he never looked kindly upon me. Wasnt it all about maintaining your reputation? Though I don’t see the point, don’t you know the rest of the pack talks about us and our family when we have turned our backs?” he smiled.

His smile was wiped off from his face when a slap came across his cheek. He held the cheek that has been hurt and directed his gaze on his mother.

“More than caring for our reputation, we worry about you. We are your parents. It is only natural that we worry when you are not around,” Mary’s voice trembled, and her knees felt weak but the young man just snorted and continued to walk away.

She felt like she would fall down, she felt dizzy. When she was about to fall, she felt strong hands grip her waist.

Dominus. She looked up and saw the familiar golden eyes and the sunkissed hair that has now been adorned by greys. He still looked as strong as ever, the signs of aging reduced to the fine lines that adorned his face.

“My love,” he greeted her, pulling her close to him.

She panicked, she didn’t know he will be arriving home this early. He has been on a week-long business trip, and he was supposed to arrive a while later.

“I didn’t know you would be coming home so early,” she mindlessly said.

He chuckled at hearing her words, “Why? Are there troubles you needed to hide from me again?”

“No, none at all,” she insisted.

He just arrived and she didn’t want him to worry. He smiled kindly at her.

Of course, he will just pretend to believe her. He couldn’t make her worry even more.

“I was just kidding. Come here, I really missed you,” he opened his arms and smiled as she buried herself in his hug.

“I missed you too,” she whispered.

There are times she was forced to ask herself if all these ceaseless troubles are worth it. And in times like this, she knew for sure, it is.

He sniffed her hair and kissed her forehead, basking in her scent like the old times. She has become even more beautiful than before.

She has become stronger, more independent. More like the queen he initially fell in love with.

Moreover, the years they have spent together were longer this time around. Allowing him to know her until he can close his eyes and imagine so clearly even the tiniest of details.

He spun her around as she laughed, the troubles of the day forgotten in his arms. She missed him so.

“How was your trip?” she asked after he picked her up.

She didn’t bother to protest or point out they have gotten so old he could injure himself. She has tried telling him for several years now to which he never bothered to listen.

“It was well, I did what I came there to do. Which is to bully the other directors into giving me the vote I needed,” he winked.

She hit his arm, she couldn’t even tell if he was joking or not. But in reality, she has learned not to care so much.

The alpha will do whatever he wanted to do, and she has no business caring for those people who are part of those who bullied her before anyway. Thinking this way helps her sleep at night.

“And how are you, my dear? Our two sons still giving you a headache?” he teased her.

She smiled. She loved when he refers to Jiro as one of her sons. She couldn’t stop herself from caring about the child anyway.

“Did you bring me presents?” she pinched his arm, trying to sway the topic before it becomes too emotional.

“How can I forget such a thing?” he smiled confidently at her, he has tried to choose the best gifts for her as always.

“Well, show me,” she tiptoed and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

“Tell me first. Did you behave and stayed at home while I was gone?” he asked, leaning closer to her.

“I was good but no, I did not stay home the entire week. You are the alpha, naturally, when you leave there are businesses to be overlooked by after me. Your wives should take care of it when you are gone,” she hesitated to add the last sentence.

“You know how you are the only wife I ever had in my heart. If you will it I would move heaven and earth to annul my first marriage. You don’t have to suffer this way,” he assured.

“I am not as affected by this as before. If you annul your first marriage your son will be affected as well. Plus, what is the difference? I am the eldest and will die earlier than the both of you. You needed a luna to stay by your side during this period,” she whispered.

His hold on her tightened, “Don’t say that again. Don’t ever say that again,” he claimed her lips hungrily, biting her lips until she bled.

She pushed at him, “You are still so cruel. How can you still hurt me this way?”

“If I am cruel, then what do you think you are? You know exactly how I feel toward you. You know how wretched I feel when you say these things. Just thinking about leaving me, how can you do that?” his status doesn’t fit how he was reacting at all because of her words.

“You are still so childish after all these years,” she castigated him.

“It is because you still treat me like a child, you evil noona,” he whispered, using the nickname he has learned to use to show her his affections.

Somehow, even when years had passed, in his heart and mind, Mary has never once changed. The vision he had when he looked at her before still remains.

She still remains so beautiful in his eyes. One can say he is definitely love-struck and even that he won’t mind.

He loves her too much to care about what may be age- appropriate. Though he does start using his spit or lube as may be available since she has started to lubricate less.

For him, this doesn’t mean they should slow things down. He still likes her just as much. He still lusts after his woman and craves to fuck her out of her mind.

“If you are planning to do anything lewd, at least lock the door first,” she reminded him, blushing.

The gods know how humiliating it will be for the maids to see them like this. Her sense of reason won’t let her participate with him without at least making sure that doesn’t happen.

He chuckled at seeing her cheeks turn red. He walked towards the door and locked it, smiling to himself.

As he rejoined his beloved wife back on the sofa, he whispered with all sincerity, “At least you should know my stamina has doubled out of missing you. I’ll let you realize even when we age, some things will never change.”

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