His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 157

157 v. Intertwining Fates

Dominus couldn’t take his eyes off her. She really was too beautiful. It is a pity he doesn’t get to see her often.

It is even more pitiful that he couldn’t even get close to her. He didn’t understand the attraction he strongly feel for the girl who has just left puberty not so long ago.

Mary. The yakuza leader of the Yoshio Jiro group’s only daughter. It is a sin to even look at her.

She was only eighteen. Too innocent for this world. She was educated through online classes and has never set foot away from the yakuza house.

His father was understandably overly protective. Something anyone could understand given the work they do.

To call the yakuza house a house is a misnomer, for it is far grander than any castle he has seen. Of course, he has only visited a few and only in the course of doing business.

He joined the yakuza when he has just turned eighteen. He was one of those orphans who had the luck of never getting adopted.

So when he turned of age, without any sufficient education. He decided to join the most famous gang in Tokyo.

His body build and height and his lack of fear made him a prime recruit for the group. Ten years later, he has been named the second in command.


Ten years. In those ten years, he was unable to stop himself from staring at her whenever he would get to meet her.

There was something about her he couldn’t pinpoint. He has been with so many women in those ten years, fucking the hell out of his frustrations and all the while imagining the frail girl who is the leader’s only child to be the one sharing his bed.

He used to feel guilty because of the age. He knew he should still, but now she isn’t a minor any longer.

That doesn’t justify him in making her the unwilling subject of his fantasies. But it does make him feel better.

She was there, just across from him, playing the piano. He chose this seat at the corner where he could watch her play.

It is one of her little talents. A talented young woman. Caged by her circumstance of having been born into a family of the leader of what may be the most violent gang in all of Tokyo.

She was as pretty as a cherry blossom. No, pretty is too ordinary for her charms. She is beyond beautiful.

Her lips were naturally red, the contrast in her pale skin making him want to do nothing more but kiss her and drink from her lips.

He always wondered how her lips would taste like, how her lips would feel as he thrust his savage tongue inside that pretty mouth of hers.

She smiled a bit when their eyes met. He couldn’t stop it. The savage rumblings of his heart and the strain in his loins as he looked at her even more.

He didn’t know if she even recognize him. He didn’t know if she has any idea at all about how those smiles meant so much to him.

During dangerous missions, all that comforts him is the thought of seeing that smile again. Maybe he indeed has gone crazy but no one can blame him.

He knew what this is. Madness. A madness struck from within him the moment they met. Her blue eyes haunted him.

Her long auburn hair teases him, making him restless as he imagined how it would look spread on the mattress as he spilled his seeds inside of her.

Damn it, he shouldn’t be feeling this way. Not for the leader’s only daughter.

He shouldn’t covet her so. He has had plenty of women, even now is a woman groping his cock as she slid his penis out of his pants.

He tried hard to focus and shift his attention to her but he couldn’t even do it. His whole attention was only on the woman across from him innocently playing an instrument as she sang.

He stopped the woman’s hand, “Not here,” he said, his words were serious. He said the words almost angrily.

He couldn’t help it. If that part of him will be continually touched while he was looking at the girl he fancied for years, he won’t be able to stop himself from erupting.

Fuck. He cursed himself when the woman hissed and left him. There goes his outlet for tonight. He straightened himself and tucked his manhood back into his pants.

He felt his throat dry up as he watched the girl’s lips move. She was singing a love song.

She has a soft voice, one he was unable to forget no matter how hard he tried. He felt like he could listen forever to her songs.

Their eyes met again, and he couldn’t help but stare. She smiled softly. A smile she shared with everyone else in the room.

He wanted so badly to deceive himself that her smile was just meant for him. But he knew better.

In her small and tidy world, someone as dirty as himself is not even deserving to touch her hand.

He is a sinner, a murderer, and he has been free with all sorts of women his kind of world has to offer. And on the contrary, she was pure, untainted as the snow.

He has no business having these feelings for her. He took another swig of the glass of beer he was holding, looking at her as she descended the stairs and kissed her father on his cheek.

It was their master’s birthday. That was why she was permitted to join his men. Only on rare occasions has she been allowed to be in a room with them.

He stood up as she moved. He didn’t want to be seen or noticed. He followed the woman who walked unescorted in the gardens.

There was no threat amongst the yakuza’s men. More than just a punk gang, they have a code of honor and respect for their leader.

He was just making sure she could go back to the main house safely. He tried to justify as he concealed himself in the shadows.

When they were in the middle of the gardens, she turned and looked straight at him, “Why are you following me?”

He froze when she stepped closer. She stopped immediately across from him.

His gaze was too intense, he knew that. Because this was the very first time he has been so close to her.

He never knew how much more he could be affected by her presence until now. He couldn’t even find the words to answer or to even understand what she just said.

“I am asking you, why you were following me. If you do not say your purpose, then I will scream and alert everyone,” she said in a matter of factly tone.

“I was just trying to make sure you can get home safe,” was what he said.

Darn it. Because her blue eyes have been staring right through his golden ones, he felt like his blood was boiling.

He won’t be surprised if his temperature is beyond feverish. This woman is his walking temptress.

She looked at him and as if unable to stop herself, laughed, “It is you wasn’t it?”

“Who?” he looked at her. He didn’t understand what she meant.

Was the girl he liked somehow a lunatic? Of course, he wouldn’t mind if she is a bit sick in the head.

Fuck. He felt his slacks tighten even more on his crotch area. She shouldn’t look down or he wouldn’t be able to justify it.

How can he tell her it is her fault? Damn it. Even the scent she wore is far too addicting for him.

Roses and vanilla. Somehow in his mind, he knew she would smell that way.

Everything about this girl turned him on. She was just eighteen and she is the leader’s daughter. He kept reminding himself that.

But he has never heard her laugh before. It was probably the most beautiful sound he has ever heard in his life.

Damn it. He wasn’t some love-struck teenager. He is a twenty-eight-year-old man faced with a girl ten years his junior.

He shouldn’t be feeling this way. And especially not towards the daughter of the man who fed and clothed him.

The man who has entrusted him with his own home and a position of respect amongst his men. A person who has given him everything he has now. That is this woman’s father.

Wealth, women, power. Everything he dreamed of as a child. He has it all because of that person.

“It really is you. The man who always follows me whenever I would perform on some occasions,” she smiled fondly at him.

Hearing her say it made him feel like being found out. He cursed at himself for behaving like a fool in front of the girl.

What does he think of her now? She laughed, so does she find him funny? He frowned at the thought.

Cool and composed, he has been described that way by women before. But never as a clown, a pathetic and funny guy.

He would have killed anyone who dared laugh at him this way. Except for this girl.

Even if it irritates him so he wasn’t angry. In fact, he quite liked the sound of her merry laughter.

“I am eighteen now, did you hear?” she leaned against him and whispered.

Fuck. He was so taken aback that he was unable to step away. The moment she moved her body towards him, their bodies momentarily touched.

He couldn’t help but turn red when her soft body brushed against that part of him that has been raging all night. Fuck it all.

She blushed but continued to smile, “You weren’t in attendance on my birthday.”

“I was on a mission. France. Something about the armaments supply,” his voice was terribly low, speaking just make him breathe in more of her scent, making that part of him grow even harder.

“It is such a pity you missed it... for supplies. I quite thought you were looking forward to it. To me turning eighteen I mean,” her voice was too serious that it couldn’t be just a bad joke.

His eyes widened when she added, “Don’t worry. I don’t mind.”

Before he can realize what she was trying to do, she tiptoed and pressed a kiss on his cheek. She ran away before he can ask her what she meant.

He panted when she was far away, as if being tortured by an unseen demon. Damn it all.

As the vision of her started to fade in the distance a woman’s voice was heard, “Be careful. You know who she is. What she is to the leader.”

He looked sharply at the woman who stepped out of the shadows. She was a beautiful blonde with matching blue eyes.

She was his on-and-off partner both in the organization and in his bed. Cinderella.

“You don’t have to remind me. I know my place,” he said seriously.

His voice carried a threat filled with malice. Warning the woman to shut up and stop following him around or trying to intercept his personal affairs.

The woman became silent as he simply walked away from her. Not even greeting her even when they have done more things than a married couple would.


She has given herself only to him. She was a virgin when he took her. Sure she knew what she was doing. But he should at least pretend to care about that. He was her first.

She gritted her teeth as she looked in the direction the leader’s daughter walked on. That brat. She has always been on her way.

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