His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 164

164 v. The Only Acceptable Reason

Dominus’s grandmother was far from what she expected. The old lady had a smile on her face and a calm and peaceful disposition about her.

“Call me grandma from now on,” the old lady living in a grand villa in the country part of Italy smiled softly at her.

She blinked, as if to calm her fast-beating heart. She is far from collected.

The jet lag doesn’t help in calming her nerves. Plus the endless dreams where this woman and her face existed as an antagonistic person towards her adds to her anxiety of course.

“Grandma?” she looked at the old lady with eyes of gold.

“Yes, of course. My grandson has said so many good things about you. There is simply no way by which I would have a doubt that he intends to make you a part of this family,” the old lady said warmly, making her feel somehow at ease.

She glanced at Dominus who took a few steps and hugged her from behind, “I have already proposed to her grandma. Though she had heartlessly rejected my proposal for a wedding.”

The old lady chuckled, “Ahhh! I like this girl already. A lady who can withstand my grandson’s endless charms, that is a feat not for the weak-hearted.”

She finally smiled, “Has he brought home different girls before grand- grandma?”


The old lady smiled fondly at her, “No, on the contrary, this is the first time for me to meet any lady of his relations.”

“It seems like the two of you will be bullying me from now on,” he said the words but it didn’t sound as if he was complaining.

“You never liked a well-mannered person anyway,” the old lady said, leading them to the living room.

Mary couldn’t help but laugh at the banter, “It seems he chose me too because I was ill-behaved.”

He pulled her closer to him and walked side by side with her, all the while holding her hand, “I chose you because you are the only one for me. There was no other choice for me from the start. You were the only woman I ever liked, romantically.”

She blushed profusely at his words. It is still beyond her why this perfectly handsome and alpha male would fall for someone as ordinary as her.

Even just listening to his words already made her feel so hopeless. It is too dangerous to feel so many emotions for someone who remains to be, as she would like to remind herself, her captor.

“Hush, don’t scare the young lady like that. Girls don’t like to feel so pressured. It is already good the young lady agreed to come with you, leaving the life she had known all her life before coming here,” the madame pointed out.

She felt a sense of panic. So the old lady didn’t know what her grandson did. If she knew, would she have tolerated it just the same?

She looked at his unfazed face, as if it didn’t bother him that she knew now that the old lady has been kept in the dark about their set-up. As if that part didn’t even matter.

She cleared her throat, “Your grandson has been absolutely a dream in his dealings with me. I am simply captivated by his charms.”

Dominus’s hold tightened as she mentioned the word captivated. So he was also worried about her saying something to the old lady.

She could persist now but that wouldn’t be intelligent. Or maybe she just lacked courage.

She kept quiet as he pulled her closer to himself, “I am well aware of this thing you are trying to pull in here my love. Surely you are not that cruel to make this room fill with blood from my own family,” he whispered.

Her skin crawled from the words that she just heard. It is obviously a threat directed at her.

Seeing that she was trying to test the waters, he wanted to make sure that she wouldn’t say something to his grandmother.

The message was clear, that if she told his living relative about the circumstances of their relationship, she will be putting the very life of the kind elderly into the palm of her hands.

She glared at him, if only her intense gaze can turn into daggers, he will be deeply wounded by now. But there was nothing she could do except force herself to smile.

“Do you understand?” his voice was sweet as he pressed a kiss on her forehead.

“I understand,” she hissed.

They entered the luxurious living room and sat on a fancy sofa. She felt like she would disappear as the sofa’s mattress seemed to suck her in. It was quite too soft for her taste.

“Are the two of you quarreling about something?” the old lady asked, her kind voice giving her a sense of serenity.

“No, we are not quarreling,” she said in a fast fashion, making it more obvious that they are.

She smiled sweetly at Dominus and tugged his collar, pressing a kiss on his cheek, “We are on good terms, grandma. Please do not worry.”

“Ahhhh, absolutely perfect!” the old last clapped her hands and offered them some tea.

The maids immediately came forward and served them with tea and cakes. She smiled at how divine they all looked.

One thing about her is that, she couldn’t resist good food. To her, she absolutely loves to eat. It gives her happiness and joy to do so.

Dominus smiled lovingly at her as he kept quiet and took a fork. He started feeding her, pressing the edge of the spoon filled with cake to her lips.

Because she couldn’t resist him. Er, it. The food, she means. She let him feed her.

She was aware it almost is like a manipulation. Manipulation through food seems so embarrassing though that all she could do is keep quiet.

She silently enjoyed the food she was being fed. Everything here in this selections is all up to her taste.

“Do you like the cakes?” the old lady asked, smiling kindly at her.

“Yes grandma, she does like it. I’d like these cakes to be delivered here daily while she is here,” he interjected, unable to stop himself where she is concerned.

The old lady laughed fondly at them, “You two sound so very much in love with each other. Of course, I’ll have these cakes delivered here regularly while your fiance is here.”

“No please, I am not in any way his fiance,” seeing his face darkened she added, “yet. I mean not as of this moment. Not yet.”

She bit her lip as her whole body became tense. Was he angry over what she said? She couldn’t even bear to look him in the eyes.

“Well, why not?” the old lady looked from Dominus’s to her direction.

“I- I am still thinking about it, grandma. Please don’t worry so much. We are just taking things slow for now,” she added.

Dominus’s serious expression did not ease. She fears that he would really be difficult the entire night unless she does something about it.

For lack of better ideas, she leaned toward him and tugging on his collar, kisses him fiercely. His eyes widened in shock and panted when their lips separated.

“What was that for?” he asked with utmost expectancy.

Like a pet who has not even been praised before, to be rewarded like this is already beyond what he could have ever wished for.

“To calm you down since you seemed angry having you hear that from me,” well like the motto she had lived for all her life, honesty is always the greatest policy.

“You think I could easily be manipulated by your kisses? Such a spoiled brat you are,” his voice was gentle enough for her to know she has succeeded.

“Yes, of course. It is your fault for always letting me get my way,” she blinked and tried to look innocent.

His grandmother laughed and joined in their conversation, “I never knew I’ll see the day when my grandson will be the kind of man he is when he is with you.”

Dominus sighed, “Grandma, please. She didn’t have to hear that.”

“But of course, I have to hear about how grumpy you are with others. I like it. It makes me feel special,” she smiled.

“You are special. And if knowing that is making you happy, then you must know I am absolutely terrible with everyone else except with you,” he assured her, making both her and his grandmother smile.

“There better be grandchildren soon. I love how you two are with each other and I couldn’t possibly be expected to wait more for my great-grandchildren,” the old lady interjected.

“I- I don’t think I’d like to be pregnant soon,” she looked at her belly and wondered what might happen if she ever become pregnant with his child.

Surely they will be giants like how their father is a giant. She doubts she can give birth naturally, or she felt like she might rapture every part of her stomach.

Her smile was wiped out but she felt comforted when he squeezed her hand, “I don’t mind not getting children. Sure, I would love to have kids with Mary. But I can live even if she failed to conceive. She is everything to me, grandma. Children are just bonuses. If we get them, we get them. If we don’t, I won’t mind at all. I will still be the luckiest man alive to have her by my side.”

She felt relieved hearing him, and a sense of her heart being squeezed as he lowered his head for a kiss.

It could be just her being emotional because she was tired, right? Jet lag is the only acceptable reason.

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