His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 189

189 v. Safe

She has barely finished putting on her wedding gown when she heard gunshots around the yakuza house.

She went to a corner of her room and started crying, using both hands to cover her ears. The ringing of the gunshots hurt her ears most painfully.

She cursed. She knew he will do something so outrageous. He will find her and not think about anything else. He wouldn’t even consider the consequences or the price that is to be paid.

She wondered what would happen to him once he was captured. The yakuza house has been properly guarded, there is no way he can infiltrate it so easily.

Surely, it will be just a matter of time before he will be considered dead. It hurts her heart to even think of it.

She didn’t know how long the noise lasted but she recalled the silence afterwards, and that feeling of dread that comes with it.

Just thinking about what had happened to the people outside her room made her feel panicked. She dared not come out.

The night has fallen and the darkness that comes with it was awfully comforting. It made her feel less alone and more protected as she huddled on the side of the bed, her body pressed tightly against the wall on her side.

She didn’t know how long she lay still like that, dressed in the pure white gown that is by now covered by dried sweat and tears. She didn’t dare to make a sound.


The door creaked as a shadow entered the room. She looked up and stared at the burly figure that entered.

It was him. Dominus. The smell of gunpowder and blood permeated the room, making it hard for her to breathe.

“Queenie,” he called into her, and that was the single thing that pushed her into action as she rushed into his arms.

“Did you miss me, love? Did you think of me while we were apart?” he asked her, his arms enveloping her in an embrace that made her shoulders hurt.

But she didn’t mind. At that moment, she didn’t even care about anything else in the world. It was him. He came to save her. She will be safe in his arms.

It took her a minute or more before she realized he was not entirely uninjured. She felt his weight start to sag against her.

She screamed as his body staggered sideways, holding into the bed as he fell. Her hands started to feel the coldness in his arms that she didn’t realize was there earlier.

“Queenie,” he called to her as she looked at him with fearful eyes.

“I’ll call for help. Please let me do that, love,” she begged him as he held her hand tighter.

“Don’t leave me. Don’t go anywhere else. It is so cold here, love. I really don’t want you to go,” he mumbled as he squeezed her hand.

“But you are wounded. You have to let me go. I’ll call for help. I will return by your side, I promise. I’ll return and never leave again,” she whispered.

He chuckled and caressed her cheek, “I missed you so much. It pained me to be apart from you for so long. It feels like I was drowning in a sea of sorrow from the way I feel when you are not around. Your scent lingered in the air for me as I drove around searching where you might have gone.”

“I am extremely sorry. I was wrong about leaving you like that. I was wrong about a lot of things Dominus. Mostly, I was wrong about us too. I know now, that I love you. I need you in my life as much as you do. There is nothing else more treasured than the memories we shared together, that is why I want us to keep making them,” she assured him as he started letting her hand go.

“Let me ask for help. I will be back. If there are any gods, I swear it. I will be back no matter what and at that time the whole of me will be yours too. Every inch of me, even my body and thoughts... all is yours to keep and do however else you please. All of me belongs to you. I swear it, Dom, I will love only you,” hearing her words, he pulled her head down and claimed her lips.

“Alas, the words I have always longed to hear. I finally heard them again from you, my queen. Hurry, I will wait,” he smiled weakly at her and she worried more about his current state.

She wanted to lose her mind when she stood up and saw her gown soaked with blood. The crimson coloring of her clothes made her even more aware of the need for her to chase time.

For the one she loves and their future. She wanted to be able to save him. Or she knows she would never be able to forgive herself.

Dominus. She whispered his name in the air as she ran and tried to look for anyone she could trust.

She shrieked when she saw her father and her intended groom lying on the cold marbled floor, covered in blood. Next to them lies the body of the woman who abducted her.

She ran again, trying to be more brazen as she looked for any survivor who could help her and her loved one.

She noticed a man standing in front of a body he had just slain. She gathered her courage and spoke the words, “Please, help me.”

He looked at her and smiled, his golden hair and blue eyes reminded her of a memory long buried. Her head started to hurt as scenes from their past started to come back to her.

“Where is father?” the young man looked at her and she felt a familiar pang of guilt and love start to resurface.

“Kaede,” she whispered his name in the air as he nodded his head in agreement.

“Aye, it is I, mother,” his warm voice filled her heart as she hugged him, falling a bit forward from the exhaustion and the relief she felt.

Holding into his hand, they rushed back into the room. Hoping the one they both hold dear is safe.

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