His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 191

191 vi. The Cruel Prince

She always felt like the prince is someone who hates her with all his heart.

Even as children she would always feel his piercing gaze on her. Even when she avoids him on every occasion, he would always find a way to meet with her and make her feel miserable.

Her father is the third son of the duke, as such their estates are far too inconsequential to matter to the crown. Even their meetings have been so brief and fleeting.

But he has always taken a liking to punishing her for things she didn’t even do. When they were children and occasions in the castle were held, he would come up to her and whisper that she is behaving like a flirtatious little whore.

Whoever the child she was playing with would then avoid her like a plague from that day. He did take away all her opportunities to have friends, in other words.

As such, she started to fear going to tea parties, and as they became older, the royal banquets. Because the bullying didn’t stop as they aged. If not, it has become worse.

She now fears even looking at people lest the prince becomes mad again and punishes her. He has a mean streak like that, one only she seems to be the subject of.

Once when someone asked her for a dance, he took her hand before the other person can hold it. It was very embarrassing because she already agreed to dance with the person.

On the dancefloor, his silence is like a rope that’s strangling her and making her feel like she is unable to breathe. His eyes never left hers, and he would grip her chin to force her to look at him every time she tries to look away.


His hard breathing scared her the most as his cruel smile painted on his lips while he whispered, “If I didn’t come any sooner then what would you have done? Do you want to be in another man’s arms so badly? You are such a whore, arent you? It makes me crazy to think about that man’s hand touching you like this.”

“Crown prince, I didn’t...” she was interrupted by the mean glare in his eyes.

His golden eyes were filled with unspoken hatred as they continued to dance, his hold that has always been so strong is even more now.

Her body hurts from the way he held her while they waltzed, as if he wanted to crush her bones or for his fingers to dig into her skin. That is what she always felt when his highness held her like this.

She couldn’t even utter the words she wanted to say because she knows her protest will just make him even angrier. She tried several times, and he even went as far as saying she should be thankful for his affections.

She didn’t understand what he meant. What affections could that be? It felt like a sarcastic remark whenever she thinks about it.

The prince bullied her since they were children, and even now, he still does. As they continued to dance together with the other nobles at his birthday ball, he whispered some bothersome words in her ear.

“You shouldn’t let any other man touch even your finger. If I learn of this while I’m gone, I won’t only remove his hand, I will take his life away in the cruelest way possible, do you understand?” she shuddered from his words as he maintained a very light expression on his face.

She nodded when his nails bit into her arm, she was reminded to just agree even without any sort of understanding. She wondered how the whole world can be deceived so easily.

In the whole of the kingdom, his reputation remained untarnished and perfect. His golden eyes and blonde hair, matched by his tall form that reached almost seven feet, have captured the heart of the entire kingdom.

He was known to be noble and kindhearted, brave and wise amongst his citizens. A very fitting king, is what can be heard from anyone’s mouth.

As the Crown Prince, Dominus is dearly loved by all, and everyone has always seen him as nothing less than perfect. It was only she who knew of his vile nature.

“Good. I don’t want you to be the cause of someone’s death and suffering,” the dance ended and he lead her to a private terrace overlooking the gardens.

“Did you come to learn about the war raging on the borders?” his deep voice seemed to want to take all of her attention.

“Yes,” was her quick answer. She knew he will be displeased again over the lack of emotions in her voice.

He breathed a deep sigh, before looking at her again, he held her by her shoulders and forced her to face him, “I will be going to join in the ranks. I needed to prove myself as a fitting king to rule.”

She nodded silently and wondered why he was telling her this. The entire kingdom is aware of the situation.

“It can be a few months, even years,” his voice sounded so sad. There was no fear in it but a deep hole of vacuum filled with loneliness.

She didn’t understand why he felt he needed to tell her that. It has nothing to do with her. They were not even friends or proper acquaintances.

But she didn’t voice out what she had in mind, for fear of running into trouble. Instead, she just stared at him and realized how his handsome face filled with agony as he spoke.

“I command you to write for me during this time. I will be sending letters while I’m in camp. You should be able to reply to my telegrams, do you understand?” his voice was so serious that she felt it must be of national emergency.

She wondered if she will be used to communicate with the palace for matters concerning the war. Because she will be the last person the kingdom will look at as his messenger, it does make a bit of sense.

Having this in mind, she nodded in agreement as a peaceful smile formed on his lips. His fingers went to the back of her hair and he leaned forward.

She closed her eyes as if out of instinct, to which he responded with a chuckle. She opened her eyes and saw him take her bejeweled hairpin from her hair and placed it in his pocket.

“You used this often since we have come of age. That’s why I’m taking this with me,” he said, his voice suddenly endearing.

She tried not to cry at his cruelty, that hairpin was from her mother who died a few years ago. She was using it often as her way of being with her mom, and now he has taken it away too.

He wiped the corners of her eyes and smiled triumphantly, “I didn’t expect you would cry. Wait a bit, I promise to return no matter what.”

She creased her forehead at his words. Does the prince mean she should wait until then for her to get her thing back?

When his body crushed her in a tight embrace, she heard him say, “It will be only for a bit, so please wait.”

Somehow, the weird and cruel prince’s words made her feel a bit comforted. She still doesn’t understand a lot of the things he said, but she finds herself returning his hug.

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