His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 193 - 193 vi. A Romantic Interest

193 vi. A Romantic Interest

“Let us go,” he offered his hand.

“Go where, my prince?” she asked, perplexed.

“To the gardens. You said you wanted a breath of fresh air,” he said, his voice calm and serious.

She blinked. Once, twice. If she could do it again without looking like a fool then she would.

“Do you mean to join me on my evening walk, your highness?” surely this must be a work of the devil.

She has heard about devils from the war inhabiting the bodies of the survivor. It wasnt an uncommon tale for a war hero to have been possessed by an evil spirit.

“Is there a problem with that? Or is there someone whom you wish to join you instead?” his voice was suddenly edgy and his eyes were sharp and alert.

Does the crown prince wish to kill that someone if she is to answer in the affirmative? Clearly, whatever evil spirit inhabited his body is one violent soul.

“No, there is none,” she said the words in a hurry, alarmed by the sudden change in the crown prince’s expression.


He has always scared her so. No, being afraid of him will be an understatement. That she is terrified of him, will be more precise.

The handsome face of this gargantuan man would never deceive her. He is a wretched being inside who has always hated her so.

“Then allow me to be your escort,” his voice was firm, giving her absolutely no choice in the matter.

She interlocked their fingers and walked with him to the gardens. The flowers glowed in the dark as magic surrounded them.

It was right as they say. Magic comes as easy to him as breathing air. Or could it be said that magic itself was chasing him? Either or both could be true.

In a kingdom ruled by magic, the royal family has been blessed with a genius every a hundred years.

This centurian blessing of the gods seemed to have been overachieved by the birth of his royal highness, the golden child with eyes the color of molten gold, and hair of spun gold.

The birth of the promised child who will rule the kingdom to its utmost glory is a prophecy most known to the commoners.

Such a tale that has been passed down by generations has recently been fueled by his birth. He has been a genius in war planning, swordsmanship, social etiquette, diplomatic relations, music, and arts.

Most importantly, he has a command of magic like never before seen. In a world where magic is one’s most valuable asset a command of the four elements is seen as an impossible feat.

Historians have called genius the mastery of at least two elements. But to command all elemental magic at the very same time... it has to be the work of a devil.

But devil or not, the citizens of the greedy empire will never mind it. As long as victory flows from him and through him.

As long as fortune and riches, and fame all flows from his accomplishments... then the whole kingdom wouldn’t blink an eye even if it comes from a devil.

He has been called the name of the devil and mocked as an evil monster behind his back, and yet they would send him to war even at a young age.

To lead vast armies, unmindful of his own safety. This is the nature of the kingdom he serves.

She felt an indignation in her heart which she often does when her mind trails into such thoughts. She unmindfully squeezed his hand, only becoming aware of it as he stopped and stared at her.

“Is something the matter?” he asked as his eyes looked at hers in inquiry.

She felt like her nose has suddenly been stuffed by pollens and as if her throat was suddenly so itchy. No, of course, that will be the excuse she will tell herself for the lack of words that came out of her lips.

His voice sounded even deeper than she recalled as he held her shoulders, “Is something wrong, my lady?”

As if the crown prince’s conduct will bring her back to her senses, she finally found her voice, “Nothing, my prince. My mind was just taken aback by the beauty of the flowers.”

He smiled at her, his golden eyes melting her cold heart as he picked up a glowing flower and hands it to her, “I am pleased that they seem to leave you in awe.”

She blushed at his unexpected words. Why would the crown prince be happy at her reaction? They aren’t even friends.

Could it be of his pride known to surpass anyone else’s as well? She tried to smile back, her forced reaction making the prince laugh.

He chanted a few words and the flowers she held in her hands changed colors. Every few seconds they would change colors and glow brighter than the other flowers surrounding them.

“Your highness,” she was speechless as she marveled at the beauty before her, all the while unable to decipher that he is just as consumed by passion just watching her smile.

He had a soft smile on his lips when she looked at him. “Thank you,” she whispered bashfully, her cheeks flaming red from the gift.

“Keep it. I have enchanted it to last for a few months,” he said, a bit apologetic that as of now he couldn’t preserve the flowers forever.

“Then, I will keep them. They will remind me of the crown prince’s kindness,” she returned his smile, as she smelled the glowing flower.

“Does it use to be a rose?” she inquired as she studied it closely. The scent does smells like red roses and the shape at least retained its form.

“Yes, I have them planted here where I can see them from my room. Where I can visit them for when I feel exhausted from everything else,” he answered.

“I never knew the crown prince liked roses,” she couldn’t help but add.

“On the contrary, I love them. They remind me so much of someone I like,” he said in a serious voice.

She tried to ignore the sudden pang she felt in her heart at the thought of the crown prince having someone he liked. Does the prince really have that kind of romantic interest in someone?

She frowned at the thought, surely she must be out of her mind to react this way. The crown prince can do whatever he wanted to do and it will all be none of her business.

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