His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 106: It could be you tricking me

Chapter 106: It could be you tricking me

The god of land and trees seems too angry to reason with. Aren has no idea how he was able to find Ari. Who did this god hurt? 

"What do you know?" Cina snarls at Aren. "My daughter didn't kill those children. She gave them shelter and provided for them. She helped them survive. It was the vessel who killed them. Hand her over to me, Mortal."

"Run, Ari." Aren whispers to Ari, "Don't worry about me. He won't kill me. I was a chosen one once. Noras would get pissed if he kills someone like me. Run as fast as you can. I will hold him off as long as I can."

Is running enough? They are talking about God here. Not just any god. It's an angry god. Ari clenches her teeth. She pushes Aren away. "Hey, you! Do you think that your daughter was an angel? She didn't give them shelter for free. Your daughter helped the criminal kill the children. She wanted to kill the harbinger using the hands of someone else. She's also a killer."

Raye, the person who took her to the heart of Belan, said something about this once. Mogrok said the same. That's why Kresi was furious. Belan was supposed to protect the children. Original Kresi didn't care about dying. She didn't want anyone else to die. Quinn also died later. Only two children lived from that place -- Mirai and Pebby. 

"So, you remember everything." Cina smiles at her darkly. "Did you not know that Belan was my daughter? How did you kill her? Not even a drop of her essence exists in this world. I don't care what you did to that vessel. But killing a child of a god is a heinous sin. You should have done anything except killing her."

That makes Ari laugh. "First of all, let me make this clear to you, I am not Kresi Mirin. She died a long time ago. I replaced her body and took her sins."

"Took her sins?" Cina frowns at her. Adira said something about this. There is a foolish soul who would do something like this. 

"Doing anything except killing her is fine." Ari snorts. "Yeah, yeah, Gods and their special kids can do anything. This world is no different from mine in some aspects. Children of the gods have special privileges. They can do anything they want. If your daughter wanted to kill Kresi because she was the harbinger, it was FINE for her to help someone kill all the other children."

"That's right." Cina steps toward her. Seeing that, Aren stands up and grabs Ari's hand. Cina comes to a halt only a few steps away from them. He can't harm Aren since he was the chosen one who wielded the fire of the star once. Noras, the god of light, would start a war with him if Aren even gets a scratch because of him. 

However, he wants to get hold of Ari. She must be the same soul who saved the world once. Adira was crazy after the renasir died. Then, he could make the dark god pay for what his harbinger did to his daughter. Now that he thinks about it None of this would have happened if the Dark God didn't make the mistake all those years ago.

This stupid god doesn't understand sarcasm. Ari clicks her tongue and shakes her head. "If I were her, I would kill her right then. I would have asked Mogrok to make that Belan's death a hundred times painful than what Kresi did to the vessel. If anyone hurts my loved ones, I would tear their body with my own hands. You still have the face to come and act as if Kresi did wrong. Hear me, whatever god you are. Kresi did do wrong. She should not have punished a child because she was angry at his father and mother. She shouldn't have punished an innocent boy who was already losing his mother. Lastly, she shouldn't have become the reason why that child couldn't meet his father and brother. That's the debt she owes -- Ai, Aren and Gabriel. She doesn't owe anyone else. Neither do I."

Around a hundred metres away, a little kid around four is hiding behind and tree and watching everything with his red eyes. He stares at the girl whose face is red with anger. She puts her hand on her hips and continues to defend Kresi. Belan had told everything to this kid. In fact, he watched Belan kill Quinn in the night of union. But he didn't know that Kresi, the harbinger who gave him that name and forced Belan to love him, had died the same night. When the dark ehr was cleansed and he felt his binding name disappear along with his true name, he killed Belan in the same way Kresi killed Aeline, the vessel of holy fire. 

But the Renasir is still here. She is more interesting than his brother and father. She is pretty. He likes her. 

Giggling, he runs toward them. Aren looks over when he feels something strange. Cina also feels the presence of a strange force in the atmosphere. The air is vibrating around them. The sound of laughter fills the air. But they can't see anyone.

"Stop acting high and mighty." Ari hasn't noticed anything at all. She glowers at the god. "You should be ashamed of your daughter's deed. You should apologize on her behalf. Actually, you should help me clear Kresi's debts and pray that all of their souls rest in peace."

Okay, the last one might be a stretch. Ari is a little afraid. It's not like she hasn't killed people. She also made Mogrok eat her problems. But somehow, her sins have been taken care of. 

"Show yourself," Cina growls in Ari's direction who jumps back in surprise. 

Aren pulls her behind her. The sky is getting darker. In the horizon, a hoard of dark creatures is heading in their direction with a raging dark storm. Cina glances at the sky. It's good. Adira is coming. 

He will make that dark god punish this girl.

Something cold touches Ari's leg. She looks down and sees a child smiling brightly at her. She blinks her eyes. He has a round and porcelain face. His big red eyes are like rabbits. She squeals. "So cute."

"What?" Aren follows her gaze. He can't see anything. The force is somewhere close to him. He sees Ari reaching for something. He grabs her arm. "No, don't."

The dark god descends from the sky. He glances at the spot where Ari and Aren were standing a moment ago. "Where are they?"

Where did they go? They were here a moment ago. Cina looks around. He can't sense them here. "Did they run away?"

"No." Adira walks to the spot and presses his palm on the ground, trying to feel the energy. "They were taken away."

"Adira, are you trying to trick me?" Cina glowers at him. "Who could take them away in the presence of two gods?"

"Who knows?" Adira narrows his dark eyes on Cina. Though he looks calm, he's anything but calm. "It could be you tricking me."

Cina grits his teeth. This sinister god is trying to trick him for sure. What is the meaning of taking away the debtor? 

"I know that it's not you." Adira glances at the tree where Ai was hiding some time ago. It's the creature that Kresi created that night. "I am glad that you were able to hold back. If you had hurt her, I would have made you pay for it."

"I would have killed her if the chosen one wasn't here." Cina hollers at him. "She is important to you, isn't she? I will find her and bring her to you. I will make you punish her right in front of me."

"You just want someone to pay for your daughter's death." Adira turns around to face him. "I have asked Noras to find Kresi -- the one who started this all. A trial will be held. Everyone who was involved in that incident would be called to the trial. We will hear all sides of the truth. When the time comes, act like a god instead of a father."

The Dark God even wants to save Kresi. Cina purses his lips. His knuckles become white. He wasn't able to see his daughter for one last time after more than ten thousand years. Do gods always have to act selflessly? He used all of his strength to save the world along with other gods because of one god's mistake. What did he get after he woke up? He's alone in this new world. 

Always acting like a god comes with a price. Is he not even allowed to punish the one who is the reason behind his daughter's death?

Kresi didn't kill his daughter. But she was the reason. Let her come to the trial. He will give her the same death that Belan received. 

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