His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 120: The reason why you weren't chosen

Chapter 120: The reason why you weren't chosen

He knew that he had to answer this question. That's how this world is. Gods are present among the mortals. They are questioned all the times. There are also times when a god makes mistakes. Then, just like all the mortals, he also has to answer one way or another. 

The god of light stands up and looks at the woman whom he had wronged a long time ago. 

"I couldn't bring him back because he had already reincarnated by the time I found out that he wasn't the perpetrator."

Kresi widens her eyes in shock. "What?"

"Not all souls stay around among their loved ones after their deaths." Noras speaks with a clear voice, "Your lover, Jase, was reborn as the son of the Dragon God. His name is Damin."

This time, Aeis opens his mouth wide. His stupid son was mortal once? 

"Jase is reborn?" Kresi murmurs the words. When she saw the dark god, she didn't feel like this. But Jase She has a desperate urge to see him as soon as possible.

"He was reborn around that time as a dragon." Noras continues, "I couldn't kill another child to make your lover come back to life. The Dragon God would have had my head if I touched his kin."

"You are right about that, Noras." Aeis glares at him. Even if his son lacks common sense, Damin is still his son. "If you had done something to my son, I would have fed your head to my other sons."

Noras ignores the Dragon God. "Amara, do you remember the seer, Parisa?"

Kresi scrutinizes the memories of Amara. There was someone with that name. Parisa, the seer, was an advisor of the gods. That seer died during the war. 

"Parisa was reborn as Deia Parisa in this era." Noras tells her, "With the help of Renasir, Deia Parisa was able to find her true mate, Damin." 

She becomes pale when she hears those words. True mates they are meant for each other in each life. If Deia is Damin's true mate, then Parisa was also Jase's true mate. 

"Even if he didn't die back then, nothing could have stopped him from leaving you for Parisa after meeting her." He sighs when he sees tear drops falling from Kresi's eyes. These are not Kresi's tears. Those are Amara's tears. "Parisa already knew that Jase would have died. She also knew that he would be reborn as Damin. She knew about her fate and the fact that she would meet Damin as Deia in the future. She knew that it was unfair, but she never made a complaint. Being a great seer, she could even see the future to this time. I am sure that she even saw this trial. Before she died, she told me that that I should give you a chance to repent. That's one of the reasons why I chose you to carry the heart of the Dark God for more than ten thousand years."

For mortals, it's all about one life. They get easily affected by love, hatred, or greed. They think that it's over once someone is dead. However, it's not the same for the gods. In Noras' eyes, Kresi and Amara are just two sides of the same coin. It's the same with Ari, Jase and Damin, or Deia and Parisa. The gods recognize the soul, not the person. To them, the soul is just changing bodies as the mortals change clothes. Lovers from one life can become enemies in their next life. The siblings from one life can be reborn as a parent and a child. Relationships change. Feelings also change with time. Perhaps, that is the reason why they are indifferent to deaths of mortals. 

There are certain hearts that don't change at all. Those are true mates. 

"When you decided to destroy the world because your lover was dead, she chose to wait for more than ten thousand years to meet Damin again." Noras doesn't feel any pity for her. She was reincarnated as Kresi Mirin and did the same thing to an innocent child. "Because of your hatred, a young child lost his true name. He isn't visible to anyone from this world. He could receive a father's or brother's love. He can't be reborn either. Even if you paid for your sins as the harbinger of the dark god, you still chose the same path that Amara chose. You killed a god's daughter and someone's mother. Both Aeline and Belan can't be reborn because their souls have been completely destroyed by you. You talk about giving justice to those children who died at Aeline's hands. Those children are reincarnated again. Aeline owed them. If you had only killed Aeline and punished Belan in a different way, those children would have had the chance to get back what they were owed."

"What is the guarantee that Aeline would have changed?" Kresi asks him loudly. "She was evil."

"How are you any different?" Noras stares at her. "You said it yourself. You did wrong to the Dark God. You caused the destruction of the world. The world turned out to be a horrible place for the children who wielded dark ehr because of you. We could have destroyed your soul back then, just like you did it to Aeline and Belan. Instead of that, we gave you the chance to repent. Because of that chance, you were able to meet the people you treasure so much. You were able to love again. You also learned to hate again. Did Aeline and Belan not deserve that chance?"

Kresi is speechless. She has never seen it that way. In her eyes, the evil needed to be destroyed. Even she should have been destroyed. But she's still here. 

"Kresi, you are complaining that you weren't chosen as the renasir because of your past life." Noras glances at the Renasir who has been quiet since he started talking. "What if I tell you that it wasn't the reason why you weren't chosen as a renasir?"

"If that is not the reason, then what was it?" Kresi stares at him. "My mother told me that I was the great sinner of Iravan. She was afraid of me. That's why she wanted to kill me. Are you saying that my mother was wrong?"

"You are wrong about your mother." Noras understands that part of the reasons why Kresi became like this is because of this world. However, being a victim didn't mean that she had to take the path of hatred. Even if she was wronged, it didn't mean that she had to hurt someone else and kill innocent people. "Your mother could have killed you. A renasir is powerful enough to kill any creation except the gods. Mayaeira Mirin was trying to destroy the heart of the dark god and turn you into a normal person. You might have been her creation, but she started caring for you as her daughter. It is the reason why she had never told anyone who was the harbinger of the dark god. She was ashamed of her deed for the rest of her life. That's why she couldn't come to face you. She couldn't bring you to the higher realm because someone would have noticed that you were the harbinger. Though she abandoned you in the cruel city, there was no other place where a harbinger who was also a Mirin could live unnoticed."

Kresi becomes completely still. Those words are hard to believe. Her mother was a cruel person. Her mother hated her. Yes, she wanted her dead. 

"A renasir is not a person who has never done any wrong in her life." The god of light tells her with a low voice, "Your mother might have felt hatred for you in one moment of her life, but she also loved you. Her love was the reason why she hurt you like that. It is also the reason why she didn't kill you when she could have done it easily. A renasir is a person who can overcome hatred. Ari was also killed in her last life, but she has never thought of going back to her world and seek revenge. When she met the dark god, she knew that she would lose her life to him. She didn't abandon him. After hearing about what he did, she didn't hate him as the world did. The corruption in the dark ehr was never able to take over her soul because she was never tempted by power. She loved Adira and sympathized with the cursed children, but she didn't want to hurt whose who wronged them. She didn't want another war. Even now, she is fighting the gods and the man she loves because she can't see an innocent child die."

He takes a breath. "Kresi, in your both lives, you were blinded by love. But you had never understood what it meant. That is the reason why you weren't chosen as the renasir."

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