His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 132: Forbidden magic

Chapter 132: Forbidden magic

Raye gives a glance to his sister. "Is she right?"

Pebby blushes, avoiding his gaze. They haven't announced this news yet. She's not even showing. How did Kresi find out?

"It hasn't been long." Mirai laughs nervously. 

"Idiot." Raye smacks the back of Mirai's head. "You should not have travelled this far when she's carrying. When I gave you permission to marry her, I told you that her safety should come before anything else."

"It's only been a month." Mirai rubs his head. "She wanted to see Kresi a lot, and your sister listens to no one."

"I shouldn't have let her marry a weakling like you." Raye reaches for Mirai's head who dodges his paw and runs toward Pebby.

"Help me, Pebby," Mirai cries. "He's going to kill me."

Raye yells, "Why are you hiding? Get your beatings like a man."

"Brother, don't hurt my husband." Pebby shields her husband from her angry brother. "I wanted to see Kresi. It's not his fault. He didn't want me to come. He was going to come alone."

"That's even worse!" Raye bellows. "How could he think of leaving his pregnant wife alone?"

"Waa Brother-in-law, don't hurt me. You must scold your sister."

"I gave you my precious sister. You should be getting the beatings."

Just what kind of logic is that? Mirai can only hold back his tears. 

Kresi ignores the chaos and gives a list to Gabriel. "I need some items. I will give you the list. You should bring it to the Dark Castle within two days. Take Raye with you. Some items are difficult to find."

"I understand," Gabriel replies. "Will you be okay on your own?"

She looks at Aren and says quietly, "This cripple will rely on the holy prince."

Even Ai could tell that she is taunting Aren. He sighs. Why are adults so complicated? His pretty sister is the only one who seems normal to him.

"The Dark God's first wife is not updated with the latest news," Aren snaps at her. "I am no longer a prince. I gave up the holy fire and my position as a prince."

That ticks her off. "What did you call me?"

"Dark God's first wife." He has finally found an upper hand on her. "Why? Am I lying, Amara?"

She wrinkles her nose, burying her rage deep into her heart. It's not worth getting angry over. "Don't call me that."

He gives her a dark look. "Don't call me a prince."

The girl rolls her eyes. Even if he gave up the position officially, everyone knows that he was the prince and they will remember him as one. It's the same with her. As long as people can remember, they won't forget that she's the sinner of Iravan. She glances at the spot where Ai is standing. "Boy, I am going to pack. If you need anything, grab it and stuff in your bag."

After saying her piece, she goes back to her room. They hear loud noises coming from the room. Gabriel glances at the list and frowns. Some items are rare treasures. 

"Was she always like that?" Aren asks Gabriel, pointing toward the room. "She shows no respect for anyone. Wasn't she only thirteen when she died? She is still thirteen. All of us are older than her."

"Who are you to judge?" Raye scowls at him. "That was her being extremely nice to you."

Extremely nice? The corner of his lips twitches. If that was nice, he's curious to see her worse side. 

Then, he remembers. He has seen her worst side on that night. 

"Her mental age is not the same as her physical age." Gabriel gives a smile to Aren. "She's Amara's reincarnation. She also remembers her previous life. Amara was older than you when she died. Besides, all of us know that Kresi has experienced things that most of us haven't."

After hearing that, Aren releases his breath. Both Ari and Kresi are alike in some way. Both of them have died and reborn again. The difference is also huge. Why is he bothered about it anyway? The one he likes is already married to the Dark God. The one he wants to avoid is helping his little brother. He heads to his room and quickly packs his things in a hurry. Who knows? The girl might leave without him. 

To his surprise, Kresi hasn't come out of the room. Mirai and Pebby are already there with their packed bags. Gabriel is also ready to leave with Raye. It seems that everyone is waiting for Kresi to come out.

He gives a glance toward Kresi's room. Where's Ai, by the way? Did she escape with Ai? He can't help but doubt that sharp-tongued girl. 

"You, prince or whatever." Raye beckons him with his index finger. "We need to talk."

Aren frowns, but he quietly follows Raye out of the house. Raye turns around and crosses his arms. "Prince Arenyr Starfire."

"Just Aren would do," Aren tells him calmly. He already has some idea what this talk would be about. Admiration and devotion in this man's eyes for Kresi is clear to him.

"Don't even think about harming her in any way." Raye narrows his eyes on the former prince. "I don't care what the gods say. If I was in her place, I would have done the same to your mother and Belan."

His mother indeed did wrong. He isn't a saint either. But why does he have to prove his intentions all over again? "I am here for my brother."

"I want to believe that." Raye wrinkles his brows. He studies Aren with a quiet gaze. After a pause, he continues, "Don't get killed by her."

Is she that bad? Nevermind! Aren shrugs. "I might have given up my holy fire, but I am sure that I can deal with a girl like her."

"Your confidence is rather funny." Raye shakes his head and chuckles. "You couldn't even catch Gabriel and me. Do you think that you can deal with her? Geez! You are too pure for this world. "

"She's not a god. " Aren scowls at him. What's so extraordinary about her? She might have been different in the past. But she's a human with broken channels. Even if she has the appearance of a Mirin, she is not a Mirin. 

"There must be a reason why the cursed children trusted Kresi more than they trusted the Dark God." Raye leans closer and whispers, "I trust that she can defend herself; however, I will chase you to the end of this world if you make any move against her."

Aren lets out an exasperated sigh. That's the lamest threat that he has heard. "I will repeat myself for the last time. I am only here for my brother."

He doesn't wait for Raye to respond. He takes long strides into the house, walks past Gabriel and others in the room, climbs the stairs before anyone could stop him, and storms into Kresi's room. He blinks his eyes, astonished to see her sitting on her knees in front of a toddler. She is dressed in full black. A thick furry cloak hides her skinny body. Her long dark hair is tied into a ponytail. It seems that she's in the midst of something. Ignoring his existence, she places the mask on the child's face. "Can you see, kid?"

The little figure gives her a nod. Aren realizes why she's been taking too long. Ai is clothed in dark clothes with a dark cloak hiding his head. The mask is covering his face. At a glance, he looks like an overly dressed kid, but that's not as bad as an invisible kid. Now, they can see him, though they can't see his face. 

Kresi isn't done. Aren watches her draw a symbol on the paper. He creases his forehead. That's a forbidden rune. Mortals aren't allowed to venture in that field. Having that knowledge is bad enough for the gods to exterminate the person. What the hell is she doing? How did she even learn all that? Did the previous Renasir teach her? 

But he's curious. She can't channel ehr into that symbol. Then, it's nothing but paper. He won't help her in any What?

The girl takes off the cork of the vial and sprinkles the white powder over the symbol. It glimmers as the powder seeps into the symbol. She slams the paper on Ai's back. The kid twists his body as the paper burns into the cloak. He screams when a visible chains ties around his body, holding him back. 

The pain is gone. Ai pants for air. What did this sister do to him? Something is wrong with him. He tries to escape, but he can't sense the space anymore. He looks at Kresi, puzzled. Why did she do this? He didn't use his abilities. Then, why are they blocked?

"What did you do?" Aren runs to his little brother. "That's forbidden magic."

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