His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 137: You vile thing!

Chapter 137: You vile thing!

"Are gods that free?" Cina cocks her head and smiles at them. It's true that Noras might get angry. But they are all gods. Noras did make a mistake a long time ago. If he also makes a 'mistake', who can blame him? The other gods can't care less about this sinner. Even if he buries her body in this woods, nobody will know. But he doesn't intend to leave any sign. He will eat her in the same way his daughter was eaten. Even her essence would be gone. 

"Please rethink this," Aren stresses his words. He feels her leave the spot behind him. Is she trying to escape? That's good. He's going to distract this god as much as possible. It's likely that the god won't kill him for this offence. Being a Starfire has benefits. 

Instead of escaping, Kresi lowers her body and runs to hide behind a tree. She brings out the talisman papers and draws runes on them quickly. On each talisman, she rubs the ehr. She pauses for a moment. If nothing works, she should be prepared. She writes down one more rune on the talisman and looks at it with a complicated gaze. Gods can't be killed. She can't channel ehr. All the talismans are weak with ehr powders. They hold only one percent of the power that they could have. It can't be helped. She takes out all the remaining vials of ehr powders.

These ehr powders have rather heinous origins. Though there are tools that can gather ehr from the environment, it's not efficient. The most efficient way is to gather it from the sorcerers or contractual wizards. The sorcerers and contractual wizards usually die after their cores are taken out and processed into precious ehr powders. The second method is to capture spirits and extract the cores. 

Using the same methods, enhancers are made. Enhancers allow a broken one to use magic temporarily. Even commoners can use magic for a certain period of time. Similar enhancers can be used on spirits, beasts, or halflings. The enhancers are addictive and harmful to the body. It slowly erodes away the soul. But she doesn't give a damn about that.

If she dies after Ai gains the true name and she can exterminate the trauma in this prince's heart, she can die with peace. 

She uncorks the poison type enhancer. The smell causes her to retch. The poison didn't bother her before. This body is rather different. But she's fine with it. She would rather be a commoner than have that abnormal body again. She drinks the poison type enhancer. Currently, her body has two types of magic -- poison and ice. She can't do any other type of magic or cast spells since she can't absorb ehr or convert it in another form. 

"Even as a god, I don't understand why you would try to protect that mortal." Cina sneers at Aren. "Your mother was killed and your brother lost his true name. Your vessels were broken. Did you forget it all? No justice was given to you."

The god is still busy arguing with the prince. Kresi climbs the tallest tree that's only twenty feet away from Cina. She stands on the branch that gives a perfect view of Cina's back. She hands three talismans on the branches. 

Aren exhales. If gods say provoking words like that, what are mortals going to do? "God Cina, I don't want justice. I have already let go of the past. Let all of us live in peace. Enough blood has been shed since the first war. I don't want to be a part of the cycle of hatred and revenge."

Having heard his preachy words, Cina grits his teeth. Those words gnaw on his heart. Maybe this mortal can let go of it. He can't let go of Belan's death. Clenching his teeth, he raises his arm and flickers his first finger. 

Long thick branches ram against Aren before he could react. He grunts when his body slams against a tree's trunk. The branches coil around Aren, tying him to the trunk. He groans in pain as the thorns dig into his flesh. 

Meanwhile, Cina looks at the spot where Kresi was supposed to be. The girl is nowhere to be seen. But where can she run to? He listens to the chattering of his children and senses her standing on one of the tall tree branches behind him. 

She smiles as she pulls the arrow made of ice laced with an average poison. But that's not an issue for her. Serpent's Sting is a godly weapon. The arrow shoots through the air as the bluish glow on the arrow becomes darker. 

Cina steps out of the way, chuckling as the arrow reaches him. This stupid girl thinks that she can hurt a god. How ridiculous! All of a sudden, the arrow bends its body, turning into a serpent. Cina widens his eyes when he realizes what it is. The ice serpent opens its mouth wide and bites into Cina's shoulder, injecting poison into the god's veins.

"Sion's" Cina snarls at Kresi. "You vile thing!"

How could she have that? Sion hasn't given the weapons to any mortal since the war. Then, how did she get this weapon?

Kresi touches the cut on her wrist, drawing the poisonously enhanced blood. It's no longer red. As she draws a trail of blood, a bluish ice arrow manifests between her fingers. She puts it on the bow. She takes a deep breath as she pulls the string. 

Cina grabs the tail of the ice serpent and pulls it away from his body. Just then, another arrow hits his back. He hisses in pain. The serpent in his hand curls around his arm and digs its fangs into his flesh. "Argh!"

Why is she still able to stand on that tree? Why is that tree not listening to his command? Cina summons his children and aims all of them in her direction. The live branches of trees slam against an invisible barrier around her. She grips the branch above her head to not lose her footing as the vibrations from the barrier shake the body. It can't hold for long. She puts another arrow on her bow and shoots it in Cina's direction.

Cina has seen it coming. A wall of land rises before Cina as the arrow approach him. The arrow changes into the serpent, climbing on the wall to reach Cina. However, it is blocked by a large carnivorous red flower. The serpent is eaten alive in one swallow. 

At the same time, the serpents on his arm and shoulder turn purple as the rune shines on its sleek body. The runes travel to Cina's body, sneaking into his robe. The snakes fall on the ground. Cina doesn't pay attention to them. This little poison can't do much to him. The rest? 

The snakes are devoured by the other carnivorous plants. 

Shit! Why didn't she escape when she could? Aren ingests the ehr from the surrounding, feeling it pulsating in his channels. He directs it toward his core, letting it gather into it before it runs through his veins again. Fire burns in his channel as his body grows hotter. Cina gives him a glance when the branches around Aren's start to burn. He flicks his hand and the tree's bark split. Aren gasps when he realizes that his body is being eaten by the tree. 

"Take him somewhere away," Cina commands his children with a cold voice. "Somewhere in Noras' kingdom."

Kresi takes a breath of relief. That prince won't be killed. The enhancer in her body is dying. She drinks another one and prepares for what is coming for her.

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