His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 25: How to let him kiss? (2)

Chapter 25: How to let him kiss? (2)

"Sister, Father will disown you."

Her elder dopey sister who has done something that is not acceptable for the women in Deled. Deled is a peace-loving country. However, some old customs are rigidly followed. One of them is that women cannot keep short hair.

To make the matter worse, only celibate women who abandon the worldly desires cuts their hair short and leaves the household to find the enlightenment.

In Amelia's eyes, her sister has lost her mind. Her sister must be rebelling because she doesn't want to get married to the prince and that she can't find her spirit.

"Ami, you are overthinking." Deia laughs tensely. She has already planned to not return to her house. She will follow Kresi wherever she goes. She will stick to that girl like glue until she finds her spirit.

"Are you really becoming a monk?" Amelia cuts the meat into small pieces. "If you decide to become one, I won't be surprised."

"Ami, I want to find my spirit." Deia shrugs her shoulders and looks at the door. She should buy some meat for Kresi and visit her.

"If I win the next round, I will go to the higher realm." Amelia puts some in her sister's plate. "Our family's status will rise. Our family won't be pressurized to marry you in the royal family. You can choose to deny the marriage and travel the world like you want to."

"Ami, I am not a good big sister." Deia chews the meat slowly. The prince is from a branch family. He wants to marry her because he wants children with magical abilities. The royal family have been pressurizing her father. If she has found her spirit, she won't be in this condition. "I am not a good daughter."

"You realize that now?" Amelia raises her brow. "Sister, you don't have to be a good sister. I will win the next round. They can't pressurize anymore if someone from our family is going to the higher realm."

"Ami, don't be burdened. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I am not a fool." Amelia looks at the door. "That girl is here."

Teacher Shyl, Teacher Hohan and Aizel stop eating when they see Kresi and Kyo. They are relieved to see that she looks better. Lideon Sepher is right. Mogrok is stiffly following behind.

Kresi doesn't beat around the bush. "I am quitting. Teacher Shyl, give this letter to Lady Dunebard. I won't return to Milegia."

Teacher Shyl has expected this, but he didn't think that she wouldn't return to Milegia. "Kresi, where are you going?"

"Kresi, think about it." Aizel resists Kyo's glare. "It's the higher realm."

"I won't go without Kyo."

"Brat, why are you stubborn at a time like this?" Teacher Hohan glowers at her. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity. You are throwing it away because of someone else."

Kresi doesn't reply. Nobody speaks another word for a long moment.

"If that's your decision, then we have to accept," Teacher Shyl tells Kresi in a defeated voice.

"You will regret this later." Teacher Hohan clicks his tongue and leaves.

Deia and Amelia's table isn't far. They have been listening to the conversation quietly.

"I am relieved." Amelia plays with her food. "

"Why are you like that?" Deia smacks her arm.

"Have you seen her when she fought with the spirit from Belan?" Amelia furrows her brows. "Her control is marvellous. What if I have to fight against her in the next round? I will be defeated by her first move."

"Still, you shouldn't be happy because she is quitting." Deia rests her elbows on the table. "I have seen her going to the higher realm. But, I have also seen her leaving the competition ground. I don't understand. Where will I find my spirit? I am sure that I will find my spirit if I follow her."

"If she fights in the final round and wins, she will be going to the higher realm." Amelia feeds her idiot sister. "If she goes, you can't follow her to the higher realm even if you beg. It is better if she quits. You can follow her around and find the spirit."

"You are right." The fused light bulb inside her head is lighted by Amelia's words.

Amelia knows that her sister is obstinate. "Send a letter to father before you leave. You can tell him that you have found out the whereabouts of your spirit and you will return after finding it. He won't get worried or try to stop you. He will even celebrate."

Kyo isn't happy. Earlier, his sister didn't answer his question. Mogrok isn't happy either. Earlier, his master punched him on his head. His master loves the Dark God more than him. The difference between their treatment is too much. Master is impartial. Both of them are pouting and ignoring Kresi as little rebels. Kresi rolls her eyes and continues to chat with Teacher Shyl and Aizel.

"You can't stay in Prath," Teacher Shyl informs her gravely. "The relationship between Prath and Milegia is bad. They let us come temporarily because of the competition. We have to leave as soon as the competition is over."

"You can't go to Pire either," Aizel tells her. "Milegia and Pire are in a bad relationship too. In any case, you have to return to Milegia."

"How will they know that I am from Milegia?" Kresi stabs the piece of spicy meat with the fork and takes it near Kyo's mouth. He opens his mouth out of habit and eats it before he realizes that he is mad at his sister for not answering him.

Mogrok is fuming with grievances when Kresi stabs another piece of meat with a sigh and feed it to Mogrok. Just like that, Mogrok is happy again.

Teacher Shyl can understand the meaning of her words. "If you are caught, things will be bad."

"I won't get caught." She grins at Teacher Shyl. "Don't worry, Teacher Shyl. It is better if you pretend that you don't know anything. I will leave tonight. You can tell them that I ran back to Milegia because I wanted to quit."

Teacher Shyl nods and puts the coin key on the table. "I will say that you stole the key."

Amelia wonders if Teacher Shyl is really a teacher. They are talking about breaking laws too casually over dinner. Deia, on the other hand, is excited after hearing the news.

"I don't think that you should follow her," Amelia warns her. "She is going to break laws. It will be troublesome if you are caught with her."

Deia understands the situation. "I don't think that she will get caught. In each future that I have seen, she will leave this place and go to the higher realm."

"Did you see yourself going too?" Amelia asks after a pause.

"I have seen myself meeting my spirit." Deia taps her chin. "I can't see it clearly yet. For some reason, that spirit is connected to them. So, I guess that I will be coming to the higher realm too."

"You are not sure?"

"You know how it is? Nothing is for sure until the decision is made by the person. Before that happens, the future is always vague." Deia sighs. "After I meet my spirit, I will know."

"Did you see any other probability?" Amelia is worried about her sister. She has a bad feeling.

Deia looks away. In her sight, the future depends on people's decision. In one of the futures, she is being eaten by a large monster with many eyes. In other future, she is being killed by a dark being. In another one, she goes back to Deled and marries the prince. But, there is one future where meets her spirit. So, if Kresi decides to help her, she knows that she will be able to meet her spirit.

"You will win the final round." Deia winks at her and changes the topic. She looks at Aizel and whispers, "That boy will also win the last round. The fourth candidate from Prath will also win the last round."

"Do you see that future clearly?" Amelia asks.

"Yes. It's confirmed after Kresi made her decision. Back at home, I didn't see that you are going. Now, the future in which you go to the higher realm is 90% clear."

"You didn't tell me that back then?" Amelia pulls her hair. "There is a 10% chance that I won't go?"

"Nothing is confirmed until it actually happens." Deia looks at Kresi who is giving tips to Aizel for the final round. If Lideon Sepher didn't decide to test Kresi, she wouldn't be poisoned and the final result would be completely different. If Kyo didn't get disqualified, he would have fought against Aizel. If Kresi didn't quit, her sister would be fighting against her in the last round.

For her, the future is always changing with people's decision. That's why she is sure that she needs to follow Kresi despite the futures that she has seen.

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