His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 32: If you are seeking power, I can help you find it

Chapter 32: If you are seeking power, I can help you find it

How do I know it? It's a good question. Honestly, it's just a big guess.

When I entered his underground lair earlier, I saw the spells and the books. I saw something else. Traces of mana here and there. I saw enhancers. I have heard of those potions that can let a commoner summon the mana through his broken channels within a time limit. It's highly harmful to the common people. But, some people still like to play with it to experience the magic. Enhancers are like drugs. It can easily make people addicted.

I only have theoretical knowledge of Enhancers. When I saw them at his place, I was worried about our safety. Enhancers lose their sanity with time. They become extremely unpredictable.

But, this man didn't show any of the addicted guy's symptoms. All the enhancers' vials were full.

Then, the machinery. I am not a smart person, but I have rarely seen a commoner tinkering with magical items. It is probably because many common people died using magical items like that. The books on the shelves weren't a random collection either. Some of the titles attracted my attention. Titles of the healer's books like 'How to heal broken channels?'

Again, a commoner might be interested in fixing its disability. A commoner is born with a broken channel. There has been experiments and studies to fix the channels in the commoners, but it failed miserably. There is no chance to fix those broken channels. Then, this guy might be interested in such a thing. He might be doing his own studies or experimenting with his own bodies.

When Deia told me about her vision, I understood something. If he was someone who was just a commoner, would he have such a deep knowledge of magic in the lower realm? He knows that the commoners can go through the cursed Sea because their channels are broken. This guy is the head of the couriers. He might have people who are looking for him, but how did he know about Mirins? Why did he hate Seers?

It means that he is not from the lower realm.

"You are really a Mirin." The guy chuckles and shakes his head. "Of course, you can see it."

See what? He makes his own guesses. Hell, I couldn't care less. Why should I burst his bubble?

"I am what I am," I tell him cooly. I wonder how did I find him attractive before. Something must have been wrong with my eyes. The guy is shaking with fear and laughing at the same time. I realize that I have a new criterion for a guy whom I want to like. He should be someone who is not afraid of Mogrok or me.

"I hate your high and mighty arses." He puts his arm on his knee. I guess that this insult is directed at my Mirin background. "I will help you. Let Pablo and Belle go."

"Hmm..." I eye him warily. "Why should I take you when one of them can easily help us get through the damned Sea?"

"Because you are Wahr." He looks at me like I am a fool. "The Cursed Sea will engulf you the moment you step inside. However, it's not entirely impossible to cross the cursed Sea, but you need certain protections."

"I am not worried about corruption." I don't know how I should explain it to this guy. I am the freaking Harbinger. The cursed Sea don't affect the Cursed Children. It will certainly not affect the Dark God. "I am worried about the creatures lurking inside the Cursed Sea."

"Are you not overconfident?" He glares at me. "You are a Mirin, but you are not outside the laws of this world."

Deia sighs heavily. I notice that Kyo is watching us sullenly. I forgot about his meal.

"It's time for food." I grin at Kyo. "Let's eat."

"Hey, after destroying my home, you want to eat?" The man reaches for my wrist. Something flashes in the corner of my eye. I hear a loud slapping sound. The man is holding his right hand close to his chest.

"He broke it!" He cries in pain. "Your brother broke it."

"Kyo..." Kyo's eyes are becoming emotionless again. If his Dark God's personality comes out now, it will become a huge problem. I am not sure if any of us will see the sun the next day. I grab his arm and pull him toward me. "Look at me."

Kyo blinks his eyes. It's a close call. "Sister, when are we having lunch?"

"Now." I pull him along with him, ignoring that man's cries. "I will feed you. Happy?"

"Happy." He nods like a doll.


Deia has been living a dream. She keeps having doubts whether she made the right decision to follow this girl with the golden eyes. Then, Kresi has already warned her. It was her who wanted to come. But, she is really having second thoughts. She has seen a future where they have made out the Cursed Sea, but there have been times when the seen future didn't turn present.

This is for her spirit. She chants in her mind. For her spirit, she must literally cross death and make it to the other side. When she finds her spirit, she will leave with her spirit.

Kresi, on the other hand, has no idea about Deia's thoughts. She takes Kyo to a shady location and brings out the food that she had packed for the journey. She opens the lunch box and starts feeding him with the help of the spoon.

The scent of food makes Deia's stomach grumble. She decides to ignore it. She looks at Iver who is looking for something in the piles of his stuff. Deia has never heard of anyone whose channels have been broken by someone else. She realizes that the other realms might have things that she might not want to know about.

It's hot. She stares at the bright sky. Then, it occurs to her. Something is missing.

"Um...Kresi..." Deia runs to Kresi's side. "Where is your spirit beast?"

Though she likes that Mogrok is not there, she is also uncomfortable that he is not there.

"Oh...him..." Kresi looks around. "They are gone too."

"Who?" Deia follows her eyes. The spots, where Pablo and Belle were lying unconscious, are empty.

"Did they run away?"

"Mogrok is just having fun chasing them." Kresi sighs. "He likes to pretend that he is a cat."

"What did you say?" Deia furrows her brows. She deeply pities Pablo and Belle. She has no idea why Mogrok likes to play with them so much. Still, she is happy that she didn't attract his attention. From now on, she will treat him with respect...and stay away from him.

"Here," Kresi puts a bun in her hand. "Eat. You look sick."

"..." Deia notices Kyo's eyes. His lips curl downward. She sighs and eats the bun anyway. His sister is feeding him the meal, but he wants to eat what she has too. Anyway, she will be shameless and just eat the bun because she is hungry.

"You are having a meal in this situation." Iver's voice startles Deia. Kresi and Kyo look at him with disinterest and mouths full of food.

"What situation?" Kresi asks with a full mouth. Iver scrunches his nose in disgust. "There is no situation."

He closes his eyes and takes a breath. "Let me tell you. Pablo and Belle can't help you. They don't know much about the creatures inside the Cursed Sea. They were able to cross the Cursed Sea because of my guidance. I guided them through my communication devices."

He shows them two brown beads. "These are only one of their kinds in this world. I created them. Other than the creatures and the corruption of Ehr, there is one major problem that you will face. You can easily get lost in the Cursed Sea if you go through it without a guide. No one has explored the Cursed Sea as much as I did."

Kresi fills the cup with water and gives it to Kyo. "What do you want in return?"

"Heal my broken channels." Iver straightens his back. He likes this girl. She knows that nothing is free in this world.

"It's impossible." Deia lifts her chin.

"It's not impossible." Iver purses his lips. "The Renasir did it to the prince of Aredes."

"Really?" Deia gapes at him. Renasir is really amazing.

"Why do you think that I can also do it?" Kresi asks him quietly.

"You are a Mirin." Iver wonders what is wrong with this girl. "The Renasir is always from the Mirin's bloodline. I am sure that you can also find a way to heal my broken channels. I have books that I found in the ruins of the ancient cities inside the Cursed Sea. I want you to find a way."

Deia notices that Kresi's face has become almost white. Kresi rubs her sweaty palms on her shirt and looks away. She shows them a tight-lipped smile. Deia wonders what it is about.

"I can't go to Renasir." Iver hasn't noticed her changing expressions. "Only the privileged people like the prince can go to her. You can help me. I have the source of ancient knowledge. I know the ways through the Cursed Sea. If you are seeking power, I can help you find it. But, you have to heal my broken channels in exchange."

"Power," Kresi mutters to herself. "Is there a power that can help me protect him?"

There is a flash before Deia's eyes. Vague darkness spreading the realms. The broken barriers. Waves of the corrupted Ehr engulfing everything in its ways. Chaos everywhere.

Deia shudders in fear. That's only a possibility. A probability. She has dreamt about it before, but why did it become clearer? Are they heading toward that future?

Who is Kresi?

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