His Majesty's Devious Sin

Chapter 43 - Fail Him

Weston gawked at Adeline in disbelief. His jaw was slack, and he nearly scoffed. Was this woman serious? And here he was, thinking Lydia was the crazy one.

There was a fire in Adeline's eye. It was a tiny flame that could swallow a forest. The demure little girl from that night was gone.

Weston was speechless. He did not know what to say to harshly put her down. She needed to understand her place. In the eyes of the King, women were plenty. Many willingly tossed themselves at His Majesty, hoping that just one of them would stick around. Everyone tried, but no one succeeded.

Adeline was just one of many. Soon, the King would grow tired of her. Like a child towards a new toy, he was infatuated with her for a brief moment.

"How pitiful," Weston murmured.

Lydia was taken aback. Instantly, she opened her mouth to argue. But seeing his expecting stare, she clamped her lips shut. She refused to continue arguing with him.

Lydia Claymore turned upon her heels and pulled Adeline with her. "Let's go, Addy, we'll find our way to the banquet by ourselves."

Adeline did not protest. She followed Lydia down the hallways, forgetting about the pain in her shoes. With the support of Lydia, suddenly the ache was not there. She felt strange. Her body hummed with a drive she wasn't aware of. Confidence was bursting at her chest, but it was out of nowhere. Why was that?

Feeling a burning stare behind her, Adeline snuck a final look behind her. Weston was glaring. But not at her.

- - - - -

Elias's grip tightened upon the railing. He had given his speech, thanking the people for coming here, and celebrating the last night of the ball. Now, he was upon the platform, watching everyone laugh and dance. Everyone was having fun. The air was lively and cheerful. He intended for it to be that way. But, there was a hint of hostility, from the Vampires' predatory gaze towards the meek Humans.

"Your Majesty," Easton warily commented.

The King bore a dark, cunning glower. His eyes were a glimmer of black mahogany. A shadow crossed over his defined features. He was not in a good mood.

"You might break the railing if you continuously hold it like—"


"—that," Easton finished.

Easton glanced at the railing. It was made out of marble. He visibly gulped. What was irritating the King to this extent?

His Majesty rarely showed a displeased face. In order for the people to be at ease, the leader had to be calm and composed. For them to be happy, the King should smile.

"Place this castle on lockdown," Elias gritted out.

Easton blinked. "What?"

"Are you daft?" Elias deadpanned.

Easton smiled. "No, just a little bit deaf, that's all."

Elias scoffed. He cast Easton a warning stare.

"I'm on it, Your Majesty," Easton said. He reached into his suit and felt his phone inside of his button-up pocket. Just as he pulled out the flat device, he heard an unfamiliar set of heels clicking upon the ground.

His Majesty heard it as well.

Elias glanced towards his left, and there she stood. Adeline was upon the bottom of the stairs that led to the platform. Her eyes had grown wide with curiosity, her soft, rosy lips parted. She seemed a bit surprised.

He supposed she had every right to. He was rarely at the balls, especially the first and second day. Or perhaps, she wasn't used to his fancy attire. He wore a black suit, with golden satchels hooked onto his chest pocket. He was as decorated as King could be, in crimson red and gold.

"Elias?" she murmured under her breath, almost bewildered.

Elias supposed she didn't think he'd hear her. But he did. In a crowd of voices, he'd always hear her first. It was a phenomenon he couldn't understand. When did it begin? When did he start searching for her in a sea of people?

He glanced at her again, his eyes widening a bit. She was stunning. The dress made her look like a spring fairy dancing through the gardens. No one in this ball could compare to her.

"You!" Lydia rudely interrupted the moment. She pointed an accusing finger towards Easton, her eyes widening in anger.

"Me?" Easton asked, placing a hand upon his chest.

Before Lydia could say something she'd regret, Adeline clung to her arm. "I'm sure he didn't mean to, Liddy," she whispered.

Lydia had planned to reprimand the man until his ears bled. But she was beginning to feel the curious stares of the people. They were wondering who were the women near the foot of the staircase that led to the king's balcony platform. From the platform was another set of stairs that led to the throne.

"Just wait till I get my hands on him, Addy, I'm going to make him regret abandoning us," Lydia hissed under her breath, like a scorned lover.

Adeline softly smiled. She knew it was the truth. That's why she was holding Lydia's arm tightly.

Suddenly, Elias reached a palm towards her.

Adeline's smile stiffened before it slowly disappeared. She blinked, her eyes lingering upon his hand. If they didn't have everyone's attention before, they certainly had it now.

Murmurs and whispers waltzed through the room, faster than people could dance. Every pair of eyes were latched onto her. Just as her hand slid down, and she stopped touching Lydia, her heart began to race with uncertainty.

Too many people were watching her.

The music was still playing in the background. For some reason, it became more upbeat, and filled with tempo. There was a sense of urgency as if the waltz was reaching it's prime and high.

"Come here, my dear." Elias's voice was a gentle murmur. Everyone heard it loud and clear.

It was enough for the small hum of talk to become a buzz of gossip.

"Did you hear that?"

"Oh my, His Majesty affectionately called her…"

"Wasn't this the human girl that danced with him on the first night?"

"Now that you mention it… His Majesty rarely makes his entrance on the first day."

Adeline's heart thundered in her ears. She was growing anxious. Her palms were beginning to feel clammy, and her pupils dilated a bit. She met his pressing stare that urged her forward.

'I'll change. I'll get better. A year is all I need.'

Her words resonated through her body and soul. His pointed look was saying the same thing.

Adeline breathed in through her nose, held it for a few seconds, then breathed out her mouth. 'I can do this…'

Adeline lifted her gaze until it met his. It was rubies against emeralds, fire against a forest, and so much more.

His Majesty was expecting her.

And she would not fail him.

Adeline took a timid step forward. Then another, and a few more. Soon, her heels were clicking upon the marble steps rimmed with gold. And eventually, she was upon the top of the platform, with every pair of eyes scrutinizing her.

"Your Majesty," she addressed.

Adeline glanced from his hand to her face. His palm was large. It was dependable. She noticed a small birthmark near the bottom right of his hand.

"My darling," he mused.

Adeline's heart raced. This time, it wasn't because of the crowd. His full lips pulled into a slight smirk, eluding the confidence she wished to have.

Elias was arrogant. He was sure of himself. He behaved as if everything in the world belonged to him. Everyone was at his mercy. Everything was his subject. He commanded the entire room, with only two words. He was a dictator. And she gladly took his hand.

Adeline's fingers graced his palm first. Instantly, he clasped his hand around it. He guided her closer to him, as whispers hummed through the crowd. Their mouths moved fast. By tomorrow, everyone would know the event that took place.

By tomorrow, everyone would start to remember the name Adeline Mae Rose again.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Elias addressed in a cold, yet reckoning voice. Instantly, all eyes snapped towards him.

"Concluding the night of the Halloween Eve Ball's search for a Queen, I present to you Princess Adeline Mae Rose, my soon-to-be wife."

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