His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 147 - Im Sorry

Chapter 147 - I'm Sorry

The twins stared at the awakened Queen with utter disbelief. Their eyes grew wider when they realized she must've borrowed the power of her child.

But how was that possible? The Queen was, at most, three weeks pregnant.? How could she already borrow the powers of her child? It was very rare for humans to briefly carry the strength of their vampire child, but it often occurred when the child was a bit more developed.

"Adeline," Elias breathed out. Instantly, he rushed to her, enveloping her in a tight hug. He buried his face within the crook of her neck and even lowered himself onto his knees to be at eye-length of her. He breathed in her scent, sweet and floral, comprised of everything good in the world.

Adeline's hands laid limp by her side. She stared into the distance, a blank expression on her face. Her bloodied lips trembled, for she knew what he tried to do.

"You coughed up so much blood," Elias softly said. He pulled back and took out a white handkerchief from his pocket. He gently dabbed it upon her lips, the blood smudging slightly.

"I was so worried for you, darling. Never do that to me again," Elias murmured. He grasped one of her hands, completely pretending her distant look did not exist. She wasn't even looking at him, despite his tender gaze upon her.

"You've lost so much weight." Elias softly kissed her fingertips, before pressing another upon her cheek. He discarded the bloodied handkerchief to the ground, her pale chin stained pink.

"Come, let's get you fed and then bathed." Elias cupped her face and rose to his full height, smiling down at her. His heart raced when she continued to look far ahead of them, her expression unchanging.

Elias had never gone through so many stages of grief and pain. But everything washed over him when he thought he was going to lose her. The strange prick of his c.h.e.s.t, the ache of his heart, and the lack of appetite. The feeling of loss was bizarre, and he never wanted to experience that again.

"A nutritious porridge will do you well—"

"You tried to kill our child."

Elias froze. Then, he broke into a soft chuckle, his fingers gently c.a.r.e.s.sing the side of her head. "Oh darling, I'd kill anything that gets in my way of you."

The blood drained from Adeline's face. She shoved his hands away and scrambled backwards, away from him. She watched him slowly drop his hands, an eerily calm expression on his face. Even the twins standing in the corner of the room did not expect a psychopathic confession like that.

"Get out," Adeline said to Elias. She hugged her trembling body. She ignored the disappointed expression on Elias's face. He didn't move.

Elias approached the bed, placing one knee upon the edge and leaned toward her. Adeline let out a yelp and quickly began backing away from him. The closer he got, the more she ran. Suddenly he thrusted a hand out and grabbed her wrist before she completely fell out of the bed.

"We don't need a child, Adeline." Elias's smile remained patient and understanding. He grabbed both of her arms, and tenderly kissed the top of his head.

"I only need you, darling." Elias embraced her dearly, one hand pressing the back of her head into his c.h.e.s.t, and the other enveloping her waist. He felt her tremble in his arms, but he did not mind.

This nightmare would be over soon. He could just wipe her memories of the incident, warp her perspective of this world. It was fine. They could start all over again. He'd pretend nothing out of the ordinary happened. He'll carry the secrets of this moment to the grave.

Elias's devious sins would never resurface to the light if he could help it. Thus, his hand behind her head began to glow, the magic already taking place.

"A heartbeat…"

Elias frozen. He didn't realize her ears were pressed directly upon his c.h.e.s.t. He pressed his lips together and pretended to not hear her words. He pressed his fingers upon her scalp. Swiftly, she grabbed his wrist and coldly looked up at him.

"This child is also yours," Adeline said in a heartbroken voice. "You made this child with me. How can you do this?"

Adeline couldn't believe the man she had fallen so deeply in love with. It was not him that she feared, but his descent into insanity. How could he be so heartless? If he loved her, he would've loved the child as well.

"I only need you, Adeline," Elias repeated. He pulled away from her grasp, but she held onto his wrist tighter.

"Our baby is still alive," Adeline weakly said. "In just three weeks, there will be a heartbeat, like the one in your c.h.e.s.t and mine."

"We do not need a child right now. I've only had you for a few months," Elias calmly said. He tried to detangle her hand from his wrist, but she randomly grabbed onto his shirt.

"And you will only have me for a few months if you kill what is ours," Adeline responded.

Elias let out a soft laugh. He lowered his lips upon the top of her head, hugging her again. Such a foolish little wife he had… Did she not think he could kill the child in their sleep? He'd wipe her memories and pretend nothing ever happened. The twins wouldn't dare utter a word. He'd just murder the Royal Doctor too.

No one would ever know.

"I know what's on your sadistic mind," Adeline whispered. "You'll f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y abort our child, erase my memories, and act as if there was no pregnancy in the first place. But no amount of magic can erase the emptiness of my w.o.m.b."

"You don't know that," Elias said. "Soon, all of this will be over. You'll be fine, I promise you. It wouldn't even hurt."

Elias silently pleaded with her. He grabbed both of her hands and brought one to his lips. He kissed the top of her hand, her palms, and then her thin wrist. He could feel her weak pulse upon her wrist, his grip tightening out of anger. That damn child of his was trying to kill the mother before it even properly developed. He would not allow it. He'd never tolerate it.

"I want to keep our baby," Adeline said.


"You said it yourself," Adeline deadpanned. "You can say a thousand 'nos' to me, but I'll always be able to squeeze a 'yes' from you. So, prove it to me that you will give me what I want."

Adeline's heart ached at the sight of his pained expression. She had never seen a grimace on his face, nor the tremble of his gaze. He too, was going through hardship, but not because of a child. She knew that much.

"I'm terrified of losing you, Adeline!" Elias shouted at her, suddenly yanking her close. "How do you not understand that?!"

"You'll lose me one way or another if this baby is gone," Adeline said.


"I will take my life if you take what is mine," Adeline whispered. Tears dribbled down her cheeks, hot and angry that he dared to make this decision without her. How could he try to kill the child when she was in a coma? How could he promise to not hurt her, but shatter her heart to a thousand pieces?

"Please," Elias exasperated, pressing his forehead upon hers. He closed his eyes and hugged her desperately. "Please do not do this."

"Don't do this to me, don't leave me like this. I do not want just another nine months with you, I want an eternity with you, darling. Please do not ruin yourself for something so foolish," he begged for the first time in his life.

Elias felt like his c.h.e.s.t was being ripped open. The thought of parting from her was enough to bring moisture to his eyes. He had only spent a few months with her. He couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life without her. He couldn't imagine losing her to something he could've prevented.

"I'm sorry," Adeline said. She reached a hand up and cupped the side of his face, her thumb brushing upon his smooth skin. "But this is a plea that I can never listen to."

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