His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 150 - Lavender Oil

Chapter 150 - Lavender Oil

Adeline quietly got into the bathtub, one leg at a time, careful to not slip on anything. She laid in the warm water, her body instantly relaxing. She didn't realize her muscles were aching until the eucalyptus and lavender oil worked their charm.

Adeline let out a small, pleasant sigh and closed her eyes. Leaning her head back upon the towel placed onto the bathtub, she tried to soak in the tranquility of the room. The water slightly sloshed, as peace took over her.

It had been a while since Adeline was able to comfortably close her eyes, without worrying about throwing up or feeling even more nauseous when she laid down. Unfortunately, she had forgotten how large the bathtub was, and how tiny she was.

Before Adeline knew it, she slowly began to fall asleep, lulled by the warm water, soothing eucalyptus scent, and calming lavender oil. She didn't even realize it when her body began to slip under until her head was submerged.

"God damn it!"

Adeline jumped at the sound of the bathroom door loudly being slammed open. Suddenly, a hand grabbed her upper arms, yanking her out of the bathtub. She cried out in protest, not expecting the rude awakening.

"Are you crazy?!" Elias roared at her, kneeling to meet her gaze. She was forced to sit at the edge of the bathtub, as he shook her wildly. "What were you thinking? Were you trying to kill yourself?!"

Adeline was startled by his thundering voice, the sheer anger and anguish tucked within it. She didn't understand how he could be so angry, yet so hurt at the same time.

"I just wanted to take a bath," Adeline whispered. "I-I wasn't trying to kill myself."

Elias wildly breathed out, his eyes large with panic, his heart racing in his c.h.e.s.t. He had heard startling reports of the Queen preparing for live television. He stormed in here, ready to force more bed-rest upon her, but found her bedroom empty. He had heard the water sloshing, and when he saw her head submerge underwater, he nearly lost it.

"No more baths," Elias panted out. He grabbed her tightly and hugged her close, pressing her head upon his c.h.e.s.t. "It's too dangerous."

Adeline couldn't find it in herself to respond. Her eyes simply rolled back, and she went limp in his arms.

- - - - -

Elias watched over Adeline with a wry expression. She had fainted again. The damn beast in her w.o.m.b was s.u.c.k.i.n.g all of her energy away. Even if he told her this truth, she wouldn't believe him. He gritted his teeth and glowered at her sleeping face. She was in obvious pain and discomfort.

Adeline tossed and turned, whimpering in her sleep. Her eyes were tightly squeezed shut, her breathing haggard and desperate.

Every night, for the past week, Elias had watched her suffer again and again. He was waiting for the moment she'd wake up and tell him she didn't want the child anymore. Soon, the lack of sleep would ruin her. So much morning sickness, so many night terrors… when will she give up?

"Elias…" she'd cry in her sleep, tears slipping down her eyes and moistening her ears.

Elias would not move. He'd simply stand over her, his shadow looming over her tiny body. She used to smile in her sleep, so peaceful and loved. He'd hold her close, wrapping her burning body in icy coolness. She'd scoot close to him, and let out small sighs of relief at his presence.

Now, she was breaking out in sweat, tugging at her nightgown, and kicking off her blankets. She couldn't even sleep properly, much less stomach her food. This persistent wife of his still wanted to harbor that monster.


Elias felt a stab in his c.h.e.s.t. He let out a tired sigh, wishing it'd take the weight off his shoulders. With heavy reluctance, he reached down and wiped her tears away. His gaze softened when more slipped out.

"You wanted the child, so you'll suffer the consequences," he bit out. Despite that, he cupped the side of her face. Using his long thumb, he gently stroked her cheeks and wiped more tears away.

Soon, Elias was kneeling by her bedside again, lowering himself onto the ground just for her. He had never done this. His knees never touched the floor before. He had never begged for something so much and never got it. Matter of fact, he never pleaded for something at all. He always got what he wanted.

So why couldn't she do the same? Why couldn't she give him what he so desperately wanted?

"You fool," Elias muttered.

Aggravated by her decisions, Elias stood back up. He pulled away from her, but she suddenly grabbed onto his hand and shifted her position. He stiffened, his pupils dilating. She was hugging his large hand with two of her own, pressing it into her tiny body.

Elias deeply frowned. When she reacted like this, how could he leave? Releasing a heavy sigh, he took a seat by the edge of the bed. With his free hand, he stroked the hair away from her face, revealing her smooth, creamy cheeks.

"When will you learn?" Elias mumbled. He c.a.r.e.s.sed her face, watching her rigid shoulders slowly release. Her frown was beginning to soften, and she was no longer struggling.

"When will you learn I always know what is best for you?" Elias asked. He shifted her hair behind her shoulders, so that her sweaty neck could be c.a.r.e.s.sed by the cool wind.

Adeline let out a small sigh of relief, scooting even closer to him. Elias felt a tug in his heart, an emotion he only felt with her. She was hugging his hand as one would with a teddy bear. It drove him crazy. All he wanted to do was kiss and hug her, but he couldn't. He was in agony at what he had done to her.

Adeline Rose Luxton must have lost her mind. Elias was certain of it. Even so, he loved his lunatic. He bent down and softly kissed her forehead, soothing her tensely wrung brows. It didn't take long for her entire body to relax, and for her to fall into a peaceful slumber.

"I hate how much I love you," Elias confessed. He brought the blanket up to her upper arm, for she was lying on her side and doing all she could to keep him by her.

"But I adore how much you love me," Elias said. He c.a.r.e.s.sed the back of her head, his heart going wild when she slowly smiled in her sleep. Her haunting nightmare was turning into a blissful dream.

Elias stood up. "And I know you love how little I hate you," he concluded.

Elias let out a small sigh. He couldn't take it any longer. It had been weeks since she last laid in his arms. Weeks since she embraced him, her face buried upon his c.h.e.s.t, his nose in her hair. He pulled the blankets away and joined her in bed.

Instantly, she scooted over, drawn by the coldness of his touch on her burning skin.

"Just this once," Elias promised to himself. Just tonight, he'd join her. After that, he'd stay away from her, to show her he was never going to tolerate this pregnancy. When the sun rose, he'd be gone. And when the moon rose, he'd be back.

Or so, Elias had believed.

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