His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 162 - Too Late

Chapter 162 - Too Late

Shortly after Lydia departed with Asher, Adeline was escorted into her rooms, where she was given a brand new attire. She wore a white dress paired with a red and yellow satchel signaling the royal family, and then she graced the cameras, monitored by a group of people.

"Your Grace, this is the script," Stella said, holding it out to the Queen with both hands. Adeline glanced down at the script and didn't take it.

"I don't need it," Adeline said.

Before anyone could've stopped her, she took a seat by the red chair encrusted with gold. It wasn't the throne, but just a normal and fancy chair. She had to squint to look at the camera. Blinding lights were shining her way, most likely to make her appear better on screen.

"The camera goes live in 5, 4, 3, 2…"

"Hi there," Adeline said with a bright smile. "It has been a while."

Stella and Evelyn sharply glanced at each other, worried that this interview might go wrong. It already was! What kind of Queen says such an informal greeting? It usually began with, "The people of our fine nation!"

Somehow, this speech made her more genuine and down-to-earth, instead of someone so surreal and unattainable.

"I've brought concern for everyone," Adeline added, her face morphing with slight worry. "But please rest assured, I am doing alright. Like most people, I caught the seasonal flu and was bedridden for a few days, but now I've fully recovered!"

Adeline clasped her hands together and forced a grin. "I've seen the get-well-wishes bouquets placed outside of the castle. They're so beautiful that I've decided to collect them all and have them fill the vases, so that all of your kind regards will be fondly remembered."

Stella and Evelyn calmly looked at each other. This speech was actually a lot better than they expected.

"And until next time then," Adeline said with a slight wave. Soon, the camera was cut off, then the light.

Adeline didn't relax until she stood up and was far away from the camera angle. Then, she let out a small sigh, and instantly regretted her decision. Her vision was growing hazy, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

"Your Grace!" Stella gasped, quickly rushing to the Queen before anything happened. She saw the Queen sway a bit.

"I-I'm alright," Adeline lightly laughed, realizing the camera crew was still here. She needed to head to her room as soon as possible.

Adeline didn't know why she felt so light-headed. It was as if she was anemic all of the sudden. She tried to recount the food she ate this morning. It was a nutritious porridge, with a side of salad, fruits, and fresh juice. She had a large breakfast. Nothing should go wrong.

"I just tripped, that's all," Adeline lied. She left the camera room, with Evelyn and Stella hot on her trail.

"Your Grace, you did very well back there," Evelyn said, amidst Stella's panic. "You sounded extremely relatable to the people. Without a doubt, they will view you as a humble Queen."

"This is not the important matter at hand!" Stella reprimanded Evelyn. "Let's get you to your bed, Your Grace. Are you feeling alright?"

Adeline wished she wasn't being hounded with this question. Suddenly, her legs turned into jello, and her knees nearly gave out from underneath her.

Adeline barely made it out of the doors, before she fell to the ground. This time, her eyes rolled back, just as a thundering voice could be heard in the background. The last thing Adeline saw in her blurry vision was the sight of Elias's furious expression.

Why did he look so angry?

- - - - -

"Do you enjoy worrying me?" a voice sharply asked.

Adeline turned her head to see it was Elias. He was sitting on a chair, glaring down at her with irritation. She opened and closed her mouth, unable to answer him. Guilt filled her system and she glanced away.

"It's not like I wanted to faint on the spot," Adeline grumbled.

"I'm sure you didn't," he sighed.

Elias leaned back in his chair and frowned. "The baby is draining your blood every chance it can get. You're human, and it views you as food."

Adeline figured as much. It would explain why she always felt so dizzy after standing for a while. There was not enough blood in her system to sustain the hungry child.

"The only way it won't drain your blood is if you become one of its own—a vampire. That way, you won't be viewed as food," Elias said.

"So, if you had listened to me," Adeline said. "Maybe I wouldn't have been in this situation."

Elias glowered at her, his gaze vicious. "Yes, if I had turned you into a vampire, you would've been fine during this pregnancy. But who's to say you would've survived the attempt?"

Adeline didn't respond. She knew how difficult it was for Pure-Bloods to be created. The success rate is extremely low, at an alarming 1%. Even so, she wanted to take the chance.

"We wouldn't have to worry about the baby if you weren't so selfish and wanted to keep the monster," Elias leisurely commented. He ducked from the pillow she chucked at him.

Adeline sat upright, glowering daggers at him. Lately, her mood swings had worsened. "You're the selfish one refusing to turn me into a vampire in the first place. Had you turned me, we wouldn't be stuck in this situation."

"This is the same argument as what came first? The egg or the chicken?" Elias deadpanned. He held back a sigh and shook his head. "Let's not argue about what we can't change."

Elias said that as he glanced at her stomach, which could definitely be changed. Adeline instantly placed a protective hand upon her stomach, her eyes filled with accusation.

"Can't you turn me now?" Adeline murmured. "It's still not too late."

"It is."


"The success rate is 1% as it is. Now, you're pregnant. If we drain your blood to turn you into a vampire, the baby will consume your flesh instead of your blood," Elias crudely said. "Not only would your body give up on you, so will the child. Additionally, we need to find a Pure-Blood vampire who has a similar blood type to yours. So far, there is none I know of."

A Pure-Blood vampire with similar blood to her… The population of Pure-Blood was low as it is, but who'd donate that much blood to her willingly?

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