His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 183 - Competition

Chapter 183 - Competition

When Adeline was leaving the camera room, Stella informed her someone wanted to see her in the Queen's drawing-room.

Adeline didn't know what room that was until she was led there, and realized it was the room that she and Lydia first sat in. Blinking in surprise, the realization settled into her. Wouldn't that mean Elias had already allowed her to use this room before she became Queen?

"Addy!" Lydia gushed, instantly standing up when the doors opened. She tossed the magazine aside and rushed forward, arms open as she quickly pulled the Queen into a tight embrace.

"I've missed you sooo much," Lydia added on, hugging Adeline for a few more seconds, refusing to let go.

"We saw each other two days ago," Adeline laughed, patting her friend on the back.

Then, Adeline's gaze landed on Asher, who seemed to be the leader of the bodyguards. He stood in the corner of the room, his attention focused solely on Lydia. He didn't even look in her direction.

"Hmph, such a nice greeting for someone who came with a great plan," Lydia huffed. She pulled Adeline to the couch, and waved her bodyguards out of the room. She was happy to see Evelyn and Stella finally had the morals to leave as well.

Adeline's gaze followed Asher. He was leading the men out. It was bittersweet. She knew, in that moment, that Asher had truly forgotten about her. It was for the best.

"Plan?" Adeline asked whilst sitting down.

Adeline was surprised that Lydia had the time of day to visit her, especially now that she's a CEO. Adeline wondered how many hoops Lydia had to jump through to get here.

Lydia paused. It was a bad plan, but the only one she had. Before she could say anything, Adeline spoke up.

"Wait, before that," Adeline said. "I have great news for you."

Lydia blinked. "Well, tell me right now!"

"I'm having twins!" Adeline gushed, her voice light and elated as she daydreamed about the children looking exactly like Elias.

Lydia's face fell. What? Her mind went blank, and suddenly she didn't know what to say. She had come all this way, dodged her assistant, just to tell Adeline the news in person. It was only one life being sacrificed… If Adeline was turned into a Pure-Blood, she'd get to give birth to as many children as she'd like in the future.

Lydia shakily swallowed. What about… an "accidental" miscarraige then? As the thought came to mind, Adeline continued speaking.

"I found out just yesterday," Adeline said, grabbing Lydia's hands and shaking them in excitement. "I just know you're going to make such an amazing Godmother to them! What gender do you think they'd be? I was hoping for both a niece and nephew for you."

Lydia's heart sank to her stomach. Her mouth was dry. Seeing Adeline so excited, she didn't know what to do.

Adeline continued on, "I think Elias has accepted the news. We finally began communicating a bit more. Well, a little is better than nothing in my opinion. It'd be unrealistic if we had such a large and drastic change in our relationship, but hopefully when the babies are here, our communication will be strengthened."

Lydia couldn't find it in herself to speak anymore. Adeline was a ball of energy today, her eyes bright, her smile wide, a faraway dreamy look on her beautiful face. Who was going to pop Adeline's happy bubble? Who was going to tell her to get rid of the twins so that she can have more in the future?

"Oh, I'm rambling, I'm sorry," Adeline said. "What was your plan?"

Lydia swallowed. Adeline rarely rambled about anything. She was never that happy enough to have so much to say. Lydia didn't know what to do.

"Are you alright, Liddy?" Adeline said, touching Lydia's face. "You're so pale right now. Would you like some warm tea? We can add herbs and make it healthy."

"N-no, I'm fine, Addy," Lydia stammered out, forcing a smile. She threw her arms around Adeline and held back her tears. She felt horrible about herself for even fathoming that plan.

"I am so happy for you!" Lydia said, her voice coming out like a choke.

"Oh, Liddy, don't cry," Adeline murmured, patting her friend's upper back, not knowing the true cause for Lydia's tears.

"I-I'm just so happy, that's all," Lydia stuttered, pulling away to wipe her tears.

Lydia was trying her hardest to not tremble. Now, what was she going to do? She had run into Weston earlier and told him of the plan just because she wanted an excuse to speak to him.

Ever since their wild make-out session in the gardens, he didn't speak to her. At all. She had texted and called him, but he said nothing. At this point, she didn't know where their relationship was going, or if they were even in a relationship. She wanted him, but he wanted only her body.

"And the plan I was talking about earlier…" Lydia trailed off, trying to think of an excuse. "Was a plan for your baby shower!" she lied.

"My baby shower?" Adeline echoed.

"Yes, it's a celebration thrown for pregnant women like you, to shower you with amazing baby gifts!" Lydia said. "As your closest friend, I am supposed to plan one for you, and I need your help with colors."

Adeline naively blinked. She stared at Lydia, noticing her eyes were still moist, but there was a slight grimace on her friend's face.

"Do you know the gender of the twins? We can color coordinate," Lydia rambled. "Oh, but I wouldn't know who to invite… Well, we can always view it as a networking event for you. I'm sure by now you're receiving invitations day and night to parties and events."

Adeline nodded. She was, but Elias had advised her a while ago to not pay any mind to those invitations. If she wasn't Queen, they wouldn't have even glanced her way.? The only time she should consider an invitation was if she wanted to be friends with that person, or if she saw a benefit in connecting with them.

"How about we look through the invitations together?" Lydia asked. "Or, I'll spread word within the socialite circle that your baby shower is coming up soon. This will definitely prompt gifts sent to you, and then we can debate if we want to invite them or not."

Adeline liked that. It made her feel less like she was going to depart from the world, if she was making new connections. She imagined a future where she had a few more friends and they'd have children too. She saw a lovely vision of her children playing in the royal gardens, as she conversed with the mothers.

"That sounds like a great plan, but are you sure you want to plan it?" Adeline asked. "You have the company to worry about, I don't want to place any more burdens onto you."

"Nonsense, I have all the time in the world!" Lydia said just as there was a sharp knock on the door. She stiffened, her eyes going wide with worry. Uh-oh.

"Come in," Adeline called out.

"No, wait!" Lydia cried, but too late.

The doors opened and in walked a man. Adeline was immediately on high-alert, for he was an unfamiliar face, and she had memorized how Lydia's bodyguards looked.

"Madam," the man said with a stern frown. "The car is waiting. The meeting will start very soon. We don't have any more time."


"Ugh, William, do you have to nag me like my mom?" Lydia complained, glaring daggers at him.

"William?" Adeline said, glancing at him in surprise.

"Yes, my new secretary. Mother recommended him to me," Lydia g.r.o.a.n.e.d. "As you can tell, he's very competent, almost like my mother."

A new secretary, and a man. Adeline could just imagine the love triangle going on. She took a good look at William. He was extremely handsome and if this secretary job didn't work for him, modeling agencies would gladly welcome him. Especially his piercing silver eyes, angular jawbone, and powerful nose. The air around him was crisp and cool, much like Weston.

"It's alright, Liddy," Adeline coyly said. "The planning of the baby shower can resume later."

Lydia loudly sighed. "Unfortunately you're right."

Adeline smiled. "I shall see you later then," she said, hoping her best friend would run into Weston right at that moment. She wanted to see the look on his face when Weston realized he had competition.

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