His Majesty's Devious Sins

Chapter 80 - I Disagree

Chapter 80 - I Disagree

Shortly after their nightly encounter, the next morning came. Adeline woke up unrested, but ready. She couldn't get the confused expression of Elias out of her mind. When he had touched her face, he was lost.

The King, proud and arrogant, with intelligence that none could compare, was puzzled. She saw it reflect on his sharp and handsome features, spinning with anger and arrogance. Yet, all of his composure was gone.

Why was that?

"Not the pants," Adeline said to her new maids of the day.

Easton had followed her suggestion, but he was changing maids too quickly. She was beginning to forget their names. It would be a better idea to have new maids weekly, so that they had more time to learn of Adeline's nature.

"I'd like to wear this one," Adeline informed the maids whilst pulling out the outfit she had in mind.

The maids were astonished by her fashion choice, but thoroughly impressed, their eyes lighting up. They were initially conflicted on what to dress her for today. They were informed to maintain the Princess's grace, but make her professional as well.

"It's a lovely outfit, Princess!" The maids chirped as they excitedly helped her into it.

Adeline slid on the clothes. She took a glance at herself in the mirror. She wore a white cape coat that functioned as a dress. There was a large cashmere belt wrapped around her waist, emphasizing it's size, and tied into a knot. The overall dress was clean-cut and crisp, whilst giving her the perfect touch of elegance.

Adeline didn't want to forsake her fondness for dresses and hide her true nature. The Council would expect her to wear dress pants and a blazer to this important meeting. She would not bend to their expectations and would dress as she pleased.

They'd just have to get used to her.

Adeline wore the dress with silver and gold jewelry that added the finishing touch of prestige. If she couldn't match the strength they wanted, she'd fake it until she make it.

"I believe we're ready." The maids had just finished her hair. Her curtain bangs were elegantly pulled back to reveal her delicate features, whilst hiding parts of her forehead.

"You look very sharp and sophisticated, Princess!" One of the maids happily complimented whilst clasping her hands together in joy. They were completely unaware of the occasion today, and would've fainted if they had known why her outfit was more important than usual.

- - - - -

"A dress?" Easton lightly teased when he saw her down the hallways. The twins, who stood beside him, instantly looked at the Princess.

The sunlight was drawn to Adeline. Her gold-spun hair glistened under the sun's grace, creating a halo around her silhouette. The half-cape fluttered with each step, her heels dauntingly cl.i.c.k.i.n.g on the ground. Her head was steadied, her chin forward, her shoulders back. The posture of a confident Queen. A woman that meant business.

Her jewelry glittered when she shifted her hands that glided beside her, emphasizing the drawl of the white material.

'Hah, so she has this side of her as well,' Weston thought to himself. He never thought this day would come. When the King needed it most, she performed it the best.

If Weston hadn't known better, he'd truly think she was the Queen of Wraith. No one could pull off that powerful walk so effortlessly, not unless she was trained since birth. For ten years, perhaps she was.

"Elias," Adeline said with a slight rise in her voice.

Adeline was nervous. She had tried her hardest to not show it in her walk. She had to fake it till she made it. With these comforting words in mind, she mimicked the footsteps of her mother. Many times, she had seen her mother powerfully strut down the hallways, as if the world was her domain.

"Right on time, my sweet," Elias said as he took her hand in his.

Adeline's gaze swept to him and the twins. Where was the rest of the people? She received her response when Elias the twins pushed open the doors. Her voice was caught in her throat.

The meeting room was large and spacious. There were no windows in the highly-decorated place. The walls were painted white, with golden trimmings and designs decorating the space. The ceilings were tall and the chandeliers were aplenty. Even without windows, this place was well-lit up.

Lydia and Mr. Claymore were already sitting inside. The mysterious woman from the dark hallway was also present, except this time, she was well-dressed, with a white patch over her blind eye.

There was a familiar stranger in the room, but she couldn't remember where she had met him. There were three more people present, two men and one woman, most likely, from outstanding families.

"Shall we?" Elias said as the twins took their seats.

Adeline slipped her hands from him and gave a slight nodded. Elias guided her inside, his footsteps syncing with hers.

"Daughter of Addison," the mysterious woman greeted just as the doors closed behind them.

"My Grandmother, Dorothy Luxton," Elias wryly muttered to her as he took his place at the head of the table.

Adeline sat towards his right, and besides Mr. Claymore who was seats with Lydia. Directly across Adeline was the twins, besides them was the familiar stranger and three other representatives. Directly facing Elias on the other end of the table was his Grandmother.

"Elias's grandmother," Adeline returned the greeting with a slight smile. Since this woman knew her name and wasn't fond of using it, Adeline did the same.

"The meeting starts now," Elias said in a cold, solemn voice.

Dorothy's humored gaze slid towards her Grandson. He sat nonchalantly in the black, leather chair. Elias Luxton could turn any seat into a throne. His presence alone indicated that sort of power and wealth.

"I'll start it," Dorothy said. "As you're aware, we've been on the search for the Golden Rose to benefit the great ruler of Wraith."

Adeline's hands tightened underneath the table. She kept her face neutral and wondered how long the Claymores had served the Council for.

Members of the Council were kept a hushed secret from society; since these were the Master Minds of the nation. It would be dangerous if their identity was revealed and their bias was tipped.

"The Heavens have spoken to me," Dorothy stated in a slow voice, ripe with age. "It has deemed Lydia Claymore who's born a minute into Halloween, with hair the color of the sun, and eyes like the rarest emerald is the destined one. She is the Golden Rose meant to usher an era of greatness in Wraith."

Adeline supposed the last part was a great wordplay on Dorothy's part. The Golden Rose was a sacrificial lamb. Despite all of its glorified addresses and phrases, the Golden Rose wasn't meant to live on.

"This is splendid news!" The mysterious woman instantly spoke up with a large smile. Her lips were painted red as if she had drunk fresh blood, her eyes as vibrant as her mouth. A Vampire.

Adeline had seen her in the newspapers that Viscount Marden read. She was an influential woman amongst the circle of Vampires. Without a doubt, this woman was the representative of the Vampire faction who supported Elias.

"I agree, Minerva," one of the two men spoke up. He wore a friendly smile on his wrinkled face and thick-framed glasses.

Adeline blinked. She instantly recalled the woman's name— Minerva Stone. Everyone recognized the Stone surname whose family was heavily involved with international trades and manufacturing. Minerva wasn't just a representative of the Vampire faction, but also part of the overseas aspect.

"Ever so wise, Charles," Minerva said with a slight laugh to her beautiful voice.

Adeline blinked again. Charles… Charles... Her eyes flickered a bit wider. Wasn't this man the Prime Minister?!

"As such," Dorothy spoke again. "The Golden Rose is destined to marry His Majesty. It is a prophecy that has been spoken about for decades now."

Her eyes landed on Lydia Claymore. "We're happy that after all of the searching throughout the years, His Majesty has finally found his destined match. Thus, the argument I'd like to make today is the reconsideration of the candidacy of his Queen."

Adeline realized Dorothy, despite being Elias's grandmother, was working against him. Elias's face was as nonchalant as ever, but she saw past his calm facade. He was brewing with a horrible storm.

"Well, the argument is clear," Minerva said. Her voice was like a loud melody of a symphony. It was the one that was heard the clearest and loudest, yet sounded the most pleasing to the ears.

"Lydia Claymore must become the Queen, for she is the Golden Rose," she added on.

Adeline noted how easily Minerva ignored her. Not once did Minerva Stone glance her way. The entire time, she was focused on Lydia Claymore, who seemed more beneficial to the Kingdom.

"I agree," Easton spoke up, at the same time Weston stated, "I disagree."

The twins looked at each other in bewilderment, clearly not expecting each other's response.

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