His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How To Capture A Celebrity Husband?

Chapter 117: Once we get married

Chapter 117: Once we get married

"Mommy, where's my daddy?" Little Hae has seen the daddy with green eyes leave with her mother, but she's alone.

"He will come to see you soon." Kyuri takes her in her arms. "For you, I am going to make a little compromise. I will try to forgive him. So, you can have both daddies."

For this little demon, she will adjust. This little demon's father is also a demon. She's afraid sometimes what kind of tactics he might come up with. It's better to let him and this little demon have what he wants in return for some peace.

Little Hae hugs her mother happily. "I love you, mommy."

"What are you two talking about?" Young Hwa has arrived just now. "Did you forget about me?"

Little Hae runs to her daddy and kisses his cheek. She watches the scene with a sigh. She needs to talk about this to him too. This life is more difficult than the time when she was immortal. They eat lunch with Kyuri's mother and father. Young Hwa invites them for dinner with his parents. It seems that it's time to talk about the wedding and other things.

Things are moving so fast. Kyuri can't complain. It's not so fast for Young Hwa or Little Hae.

After lunch, they go on a drive with Little Hae. Young Hwa takes them to the amusement park. They watch Little Hae ride the merry go round. Seeing her happy makes them both content and delighted.

"She has to go to school soon. It's better if we get married before that." Young Hwa puts his arm around her shoulder and leans on her. "Once we get married, I will take care of everything."

Kyuri sighs. "There's something that you need to know."

Something again? He's afraid of hearing some new secret. "Did something happen...?"

"Yes, Kang Si An... I have fixed him after making a deal with his ghost," Kyuri tells him everything while feeling like digging a hole and burying herself. Young Hwa hears everything with a half-open mouth.

Kang Si An has been haunting them? What the hell!

"So, he can't haunt us now?" No one will be happy if they hear that their fiancee's ex is haunting them.

"Yeah, Little Hae can't see him as a ghost. Everything is well." Kyuri rubs her forehead and wonders why this man hasn't run for the hill.

Young Hwa wonders if he can have normal relationship problems. These are too much to accept sometimes. Looking at her face, he decides that everything is worth it. She's the woman he fell for after a long time. He steals a kiss from her lips and laughs when he sees her startled expression.

"If the end is well, all is well." Young Hwa decides to come to the term with it. As long as this woman is with him, he doesn't have any complaint. "Our parents will meet tomorrow. We will announce the wedding soon at my parents' wedding anniversary. I hope that you don't mind."

"No, it's alright." She has been hoping for a small wedding. Let it be. "When is the party?"

"Sunday." Young Hwa pecks the side of her forehead. He wonders when he can do more. "I wish that I could marry you in the next minute."

"Don't be so hasty." She blinks at him. She is letting down her guards little by little. Maybe it is possible to have feelings for him. She shifts closer to him, feeling his warmth. "Young Hwa, are you sure about marrying me?"

"100%" Young Hwa grins at her. "Aren't you?"

"Yes, I am sure." She is sure that she's sure. She's trying to be sure. She's sure that it's possible to be sure. She decides to stop thinking and kisses him on his lips softly. It's the first time that she kissed him on her accord. She pulls away instantly and looks in the other direction. "Ahem! Little Hae is almost done. Let's have some ice cream."

Little Hae comes running to them. "Mommy, Daddy, can Little Hae ride that again?"

"After ice cream." She grabs Little Hae's hand and walks toward the ice cream parlor. Young Hwa shakes his head and laughs. The woman is shy even after having a child.

There's a certain someone who would say that Kyuri was be anything but shy. She would boldly kiss and then, she would kiss again until the certain someone gave in. That was something that happened in the past. The current Kyuri isn't the same person.

Regardless, there is some progress in Kyuri's and Young Hwa's relationship today.

The meeting between the families goes well. The wedding date is decided. Since the children don't want to delay, they decide to hold the wedding ten days after the anniversary party. It will give some time to prepare. They allow them to register the marriage first if the children want.

Kang Si An gets discharged after a few days. He has been missing Little Hae and Kyuri badly. Not seeing them is akin to not drinking water for days. He goes straight to her home first but he finds them gone. There's no one there. He calls her number. She picks up at the last ring.

[Kang Si An.]

"Where are you?" Did you run away? You better not run away. You promised that you would let me see Little Hae.

[If you want to see Little Hae, come to my parents' house tomorrow.]

The call is disconnected.

He stares at the phone for a long time. So cold. He also wants to see her.

At Young Hwa's place, she turns off the phone. Little Hae is sleeping in her lap. Young Hwa comes to them. "Hungry?"

"No, I ate a lot during dinner earlier." Kyuri lies. She didn't eat much because she was nervous. He leaves for a moment and comes back with a plate of donuts.

"I am hungry though." He has seen how little she ate. "If you want some, you can have too."

After thinking for a moment, she picks up donut quietly and eats it without resignation.

"Say, do you want to register our marriage tomorrow?" He asks her.

"That..." She hesitates and looks at him. Why is she hesitating? "Okay."

He beams at her. After the marriage registration, there is no doubt left. Kang Si An won't be a problem. He can't wait to start his life with her and Little Hae.

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