His Mischievous Time-Traveler: How To Capture A Celebrity Husband?

Chapter 128: After the wedding

Chapter 128: After the wedding

"Oppa..." She takes cautious steps toward Young Hwa when she sees him lying on the bed with his back to her. "I am sorry about what I did five years ago. I know that you can't forgive me. I wanted to come back and see you sooner, but I was afraid that you wouldn't see me."

Young Hwa's body stirs once. His mind can't register what she's saying. He lets out a painful groan when he feels liquid fire running through his veins. He sits up and clutches his hair, trying to cling to his sanity desperately. He can't understand what's going on with him.

Hearing his painful groan, she rushes to his side. "Oppa, are you okay?"

Panting for air, he opens his burning eyes. Kyuri?

Yeon Seo grabs his hand. His skin is burning. "You have a fever."

It's already bad enough. Her touch breaks all the control that he was barely keeping on himself. He pushes her down on the floor and kisses her.

Yeon Seo is startled by the sudden onslaught. Something isn't right with him. Then, she recalls Jae Kyung's words. Young Hwa must have forgiven her already. Feeling happy, she kisses him back passionately.

When Young Hwa wakes up, he is extremely thirsty. He sits for a moment while holding his throbbing head. Something moves beside him. He squints at the smooth back of the woman. He gets faint glimpses of what happened last night. He doesn't dislike this, but he wanted his first time with her when he wasn't drunk.

He smiles and reaches to give her a kiss on her back. His heart becomes still when he notices those familiar small brown freckles on her back. Kyuri doesn't have those.

Yeon Seo. How did this happen? He's sure that it was Kyuri who came to him last night.

Yeon Seo turns around in her sleep, revealing her face. He is horrified to see her. How did he lose control and sleep with Yeon Seo? He remembers drinking with Jae Kyung. He has a high tolerance. He can never be drunk enough to mistake someone else as his woman. Did Jae Kyung do something?

Did this woman plan something with Jae Kyung?

Clenching his teeth, he wears his clothes in rage. He can't believe that he did this. How would he tell Kyuri? She will hate him. Things haven't even properly begun between them and he has already ruined it.

"Oppa?" Yeon Seo wakes up when she hears the sound of the door closing. Young Hwa isn't beside her.


In the car, Young Hwa sees Kyuri's missed calls. He calls her back, but she doesn't pick up. He has a bad feeling about this. He doesn't know how to explain. The wedding is tomorrow.

He made a mistake. He is sure that Jae Kyung mixed something in his drinks. The way he felt last night was just abnormal. He dials Jae Kyung's number. After the third ring, a woman picks up the call.

[Hello, are you Actor's park brother?]

His number is saved as brother on Jae Kyung's phone.

"I am his cousin. Can you give the phone to him?"

[Actor Park was found unconscious in the hotel room by someone. He's at the C Hospital.]

He frowns. Did that scoundrel do drugs again? He turns the car toward C hospital. He will kill Jae Kyung first.

At the hospital, doctors are clueless about Jae Kyung's condition. There's no trauma anywhere on his head. They can't find any wound either. There's no poison in his body either.

"This condition..." The doctor reads his chart. "Didn't Actor Kang Si An have the same condition same way?"

He was also in charge of Kang Si An once.

The other doctor disagrees. "I am not sure if it's the same. There is zero brain activity. His heart rate is declining too."

After Young Hwa arrives, he receives the same report. Jae Kyung seemed healthy last night. How could he get to this state without any wound or disease? He can't help but think of Kyuri. Kang Si An had the same problem. He checks her call timings. If it happened to Jae Kyung last night...

Nothing feels right. He has to see Kyuri first. Did Jae Kyung do something? Kyuri isn't someone who would hurt anyone without a reason.

He calls her again. He calls her home number. After a few rings, he hears her mother's voice.

"Mother, is Kyuri alright?"

[Young Hwa, she's better now.]

"Better?" He runs toward his car. "What happened to her?"

[She had a small accident yesterday. Someone pushed her on the road when she was walking home. She hit her head. Kang Si An took her to the hospital. We didn't know anything until she came back. She is playing with Little Hae now. Do you want me to call her down?]

"No, Mother. I am coming."

Why Kang Si An was with her? Young Hwa scowls deeply. She did call him. He couldn't pick it up once. Jae Kyung. He should never wake up if he doesn't want to die by his hands.

On his way, he realizes his appearance. He is still wearing yesterday's clothes. His hair is disheveled. Kyuri has sharp senses. He can't let her see him like this. The wedding is the next day. He can't let his one mistake ruin everything. After the wedding, he will reveal everything to her. Jae Kyung and Yeon Seo plotted against him. She would understand him. She's sensible.

He goes to his house first. He cleans himself well, feeling guilty. Kyuri is his wife. Yeon Seo is his past. Why did this happen? He dresses up in clean clothes. He checks his face before releasing his breath. He should tell her. He will tell her after the wedding. Once she comes to his house with Little Hae, he will reveal everything.

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